Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/120

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58 C. 14. Anno quarto Georgii II. A.D. 1731. Officers may enter Work- houfes, &c. to examine Hair Powder. Penalty for hav. ing in Cuftody any Alabafter, &c. Penalty for not permitting Offi- cers to enter Warehoufes, &c. Penalties to be fued for, as by the Laws of Ex. cife. 10 Geo. J. f. 10. Penalty for fo- phiihcatingTea Penalty for im- porting Cocoa Nutfhels or Hudts without the Nuts. Concerning Tea, We. fee farther, 5 Geo. 2. c. 24. 18 Geo. 2. c. 26. 21 Geo. 2. c. j 4. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful for any Officer or Officers for the Duties upon Starch, at all Times by Day, at his or their Requeft, to enter the Houfe or Houfes, Workhoufe or Workhoufes, and all and every other Place or Places whatfoever, be- longing to or that (hall be made ufe of by any Perfon or Perfons, for the making of Hair Powder, and likewife the Shop or Shops belonging to any Perfumer, Peruke-maker, Barber, or other Seller or Sellers of or Dealers in Hair Powder, and there to examine all and every Parcel or Parcels of Hair Powder, and to carry away any Sample or Parcel of the fame, paying a reafonable Price for the fame, accord- ing to the Price that Hair Powder fhall then commonly bear and be fold for ; and if upon Examina- tion of the Hair Powder fo bought, it fhall appear that the fame is mixed, or made with any Ala- bafter, Plaifter of Paris, Talk, Chalk, Whiting, Lime, or with any other Material or Materials of any other Kind or Nature whatfoever, other than Starch or Powder of Starch (Rice firft made into Starch and Sweet Scent only as before excepted) the Perfon or Perfons in whofe Cuftody the fame (hall have been found, (hall forfeit and pay the Sum of twenty Pounds. VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Starch-maker or Starch- makers, Powder-maker or Powder-makers, Dealer or Dealers in Hair Powder whatfoever, (hall have in his, her or their Poffeffion, any Alabafter, Plaifter of Paris, Talk, Chalk, Whiting, Lime, or any other Material or Materials whatfoever, befides Starch or Powder of Starch, or of Rice firft made into' Starch, for the making, mixing or counterfeiting of Hair Powder, he, (lie or they fhall forfeit all and every the faid Material or Materials, and likewife the Sum of ten Pounds. IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Starch-maker or Starch-makers, or Maker or Makers of Hair Powder, or Perfumer, Peruke-maker or Barber, or any other Seller or Sellers of or Dealers in Hair Powder, upon due Requeft or Demand made by any fuch Officer or Officers as aforefaid, in the Day-time, (hall refufe to permit, or (hall not permit fuch Officer or Officers to- enter and go into all and every the Workhoufe or Workhoufes, Shop or Shops, and all and every other Place or Places belonging to or that fhall be made ufe of by him, her or them, for the making or keeping of any Hair Powder, or (hall refufe to fuffer or permit any fuch Officer or Officers to exa- mine, and to take and carry away with him or them, any Parcel or Sample of Hair Powder, upon his or their offering to pay for the fame the Price that Hair Powder fhall then commonly bear and be fold for, every fuch Perfon or Perfons as aforefaid, (hall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of twenty Pounds. X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Penalties and Forfeitures in- curred by any Perfon or Perfons, for any Offence or Offences committed by them contrary to this Act, (hall be fued for, levied, recovered and mitigated by fuch Ways and Means, as any Penalty or Forfeiture for any Offence or Offences committed by any Perfon or Perfons, againft any of the Laws of Excife, or either of them, can or may be fued for, levied, recovered or mitigated, or by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejlminjler, wherein no Effoin, Pro- tection or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance (hall be allowed ; and that one Moiety of every fuch Penalty or Forfeiture (hall be to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety to him or them that (hall difcover, inform or fue for the fame within fix Months next after the Offence committed. ' XI. And whereas feveral ill difpofed Perfons do frequently dye, fabricate or manufacture, very great

  • .Quantities of Sloe Leaves, Liquorifh Leaves, and the Leaves of Tea that have been before ufed, or the

' Leaves of other Trees, Shrubs or Plants in Imitation of Tea, and do likewife mix, colour, (tain and

  • dye fuch Leaves, and likewife Tea, with Terra Japonica, Sugar, Molofles, Clay, Logwood, and with

' other Ingredients, and do fell and vend the fame as true and real Tea, to the Prejudice of the Health of ' his Majefty's Subjects, the Diminution of the Revenue, and to the Ruin of the fair Trader:' For Remedy of fuch Frauds and Abufes for the future, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-one, if any Perfon or Perfons, who mall be a Dealer in or Seller of Tea, (hall dye, fabricate or manufacture any Sloe Leaves, Liquorifh Leaves, or the Leaves of Tea that have been ufed, or the Leaves of any other Tree, Shrub or Plant in Imitation of Tea, or (hall mix, colour, ftain or dye fuch Leaves of Tea, with Terra Japonica, Sugar, Molofles, Clay, Logwood, or with any other Ingredients or Materials whatfo- ever, or (hall fell and vend, utter, or offer or expofe to Sale, or fhall have in his, her or their Cuftody or Poffeffion, any fuch dyed, fabricated or manufactured Leaves in Imitation of Tea, or any fuch colour- ed, ftained or dyed Leaves, or Tea mixed with any of the Ingredients before mentioned, or with any other Ingredients whatfoever, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall refpectively, for every Pound of fuch Leaves fo dyed, fabricated or manufactured in Imitation of Tea, and for every Pound of fuch mixed, coloured, ftained or dyed Leaves or Tea, forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds. ' XII. And whereas great Quantities of Cocoa Nutfhels and Hufks have been lately imported, and ' after fuch Importation are fabricated and worked up, fo as to imitate either Coffee or Chocolate, and ' then after are vended and fold as fuch, to the endangering the Healths of his Majefty's Subjects, and to ' the great Diminution and leflening of the Inland Duties charged upon thofe Commodities :' For pre- ' venting whereof, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons, from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-one, (hall import any Cocoa Nutfhels or Hufks, without the Nuts thereunto belonging, it (hall and may be lawful for any of his Majefty's Officers of the Cuftoms, Excife, or the faid Inland Duties, to feize and fecure the fame, where- ever fuch Cocoa Nutfhels or Hufks fhall be imported or found, together with the Bags, Boxes and other Package where the fame fhall be contained, and that after fuch Seizure the faid Cocoa Nutfhels or Hufks, together with the Bags and other Package, fhall be condemned according to due Form of Law, and