Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/136

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74 C. 6^ 7. Anno quinto Georgii II. A. D. 1732. CAP. VI. An Act for reviving the Duties on Salt for the Term therein mentioned. EXP. " All the Salt Duties revived from March 25, for three Years. To be managed by proper Commiffioners. " The Rates of 15. %d. per 1000 on Red Herrings, and 3 s. and d. per Barrel on White Herrings revived, " as alfo 5 s. per Barrel on faked Beef or Pork exported. Allowances on Exportation, or Wafte. White " Herrings cured with Salt made in Scotland to pay 2 s. d. per Barrel, and to be entred with the Col- " lector of the Cuftoms, and Security given for landing in England. On Oath made of their bing cured " with fuch Salt Certificate to be granted. Contracts for Salt not delivered before March 25, vacated. " Claufe of Loan for 500,000 /. If no Loans be made on this Act, Exchequer Bills may be iffued, to " bear Intereft at 2 d. per Cent, per Diem. Surplus of Salt Duties to be difpofed of by Parliament. [Re-

  • ' vived and made perpetual by 26 Geo. 2. c. 3.]

CAP. VII. An Act for the more eafy Recovery of Debts in his Majefty's Plantations and Colonies in America. For former Ails concerning Plan- ' TT J HE RE AS his Majefty's Subjects trading to the Britijh Plantations in America lie under great ' W Difficulties, for want of more eafy Methods of proving, recovering and levying of Debts due 12 Car. r. c. 1%. ' to them, than are now ufed in fome of the faid Plantations : And whereas it will tend very much to the 15 ftT' z 'r c ' 7 ' ' retr ' ev » n g °f the Credit formerly given by the trading Subjects of Great Britain to the Natives and In- "26. 21 C " r ' *' ' habitants of the faid Plantations, and to the advancing of the Trade of this Kingdom thither, if fuch 25 Car. 2. c. 7. ' Inconveniencies were remedied;' May it therefore pleafe Your Majefty that it may be enacted, And be 7^8^ 3- '-22. it enacled by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords "if! I2 ^' 3 * Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of i&Ann. c. 5 the fame, That from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September which (hall be in the Year of our Lord ¥. l °- one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-two, in any Action or Suit then depending, or thereafter to be 8 Ann.'}?™? 1 ' Drou ght in any Court of Law or Equity in any of the faid Plantations, for or relating to any Debt or Ac- gAnn.'e.i 7 & 27 . count wherein any Perfon refiding in Great Britain fhall be a Party, it fhall and may be lawful to and for k> Ann. c. 22. the Plaintiff or Defendant, and alfo to and for any Witnefs to be examined or made ufe of in fuch Action 4 Geo. 1. it. 11.? r Suit, to verify or prove any Matter or Thing by Affidavit or Affidavits in Writing upon Oath, or 8 g». 1. c. 12! in cafe the Perfon making fuch Affidavit be one of the People called Quakers, then upon his or her ^ y- t folemn Affirmation, made before any Mayor or other chief Magiftrate of the City, Borough or Town 1 %Gel°. J .'c!'ii' Corporate in Great Britain, where or near to which the Perfon making fuch Affidavit or Affirmation (hall '& 28. refide, and certified and tranfmitted under the Common Seal of fuch City, Borough or Town Corporate, After Se t l S ' or l ^ e ^ eal °*~ the Office of fuch Mayor, or other chief Magiftrate, which Oath and folemn Affirmation PJantatfonbel'ts every fuch Mayor and chief Magiftrate (hall be and is hereby authorized, and impowered to adminifter; may be proved and every Affidavit or Affirmation fo made, certified and tranfmitted, fhall in all fuch Actions and Suits beforea^hief ^ e allowed to be of the fame Force and Effect, as if the Perfon or Perfons making the fame upon Oath Magiftrate,' or folemn Affirmation as aforefaid, had appeared and fworn or affirmed the Matters contained in fuch Af- fidavit or Affirmation viva voce in open Court, or upon a Commiffion iffued for the Examination of Wit- neffes, or of any Party in any fuch Action or Suit reflectively; Provided that in every fuch Affidavit and Affirmation there (hall be exprefTed the Addition of the Party making fuch Affidavit or Affirma- tion, and the particular Place of his or her Abode. Debts to his Ma- n. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all Suits now depending, or hereafter proveTin the r° De brought in any Court of Law or Equity by or in Behalf of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, fame Manner, in any of the faid Plantations, for or relating to any Debt or Account, that his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, (hall and may prove his and their Debts and Accounts, and examine his or their Witnefs or Witneffes by Affidavit or Affirmation in like Manner as any Subject or Subjects is or are impowered or may do by this prefent Act. Oath'o y r Affi f r ire ^' ^ rov '^ e ^ always, and it is hereby further enacted, That if any Perfon making fuch Affidavit upon mationT *' Oath or folemn Affirmation as aforefaid, (hall be guilty of falfly and wilfully fwearing or affirming any Matter or Thing in fuch Affidavit or Affirmation, which, if the fame had been fworn upon an Land h f E xam > nat '° n in the ufual Form, would have amounted to wilful and corrupt Perjury, every Perfon Negroes, &"."' f° offending and being thereof lawfully convicted, (hall incur the fame Penalties and Forfeitures as in the pfanta- by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm are provided againft Perfons convicted of wilful and corrupt, tions liable to Perjury. Fartbcr^ml- ^ ■ A- n & De lt further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-ninth Jims concerning Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-two, the Houfes, Lands, Negroes, and other Plantations, Hereditaments and real Eftates, fituate or being within any of .the faid Plantations belonging to any Per-

GkX. f f'. 9 i 3 . f° n ndebted, (hall be liable to and chargeable with all juft Debts, Duties and Demands of what Nature 

8 Geo. 2. c. 19. or Kind foever, owing by any fuch Perfon to his Majefty, or any of his Subjects, and fhall and may be i* c»? ' C ' 3 °' Afiets % the Satisfaction thereof, in like Manner as Real Eftates are by the Law of England liable to the f£ 3 /°' '" c ' 31 Satisfaction of Debts due by Bond or other Specialty, and fhall be fubject to the like Remedies, Proceed- 24 <.co. 2. e. 51 ings and Procefs in any Court of Law or Equity, in any of the faid Plantations refpectively, for feizing, f Geo c extending, felling or difpofing of any fuch Houfes, Lands, Negroes, and other Hereditaments and Real § S' * c ' s Eftates, towards the Satisfaction of fuch Debts, Duties and Demands, and in like Manner as Perfonal jcG* 2. t. 5. 8 Eftates