Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/141

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A. D. 1732. Anno quinto Georgii II. C. 16, 17. 79 CAP. XVI. An Act for the better and more eafy rebuilding of the Town of Blandford Forum in the County of Dor- fct and for determining Differences touching Houfes and Buildings burnt down or demolifhed by Re'afon of the late dreadful Fire there. P R. CAP. XVII. An Aft for the further Application of the Sinking Fund, by paying off one million of South- Sea Stock •, and for appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seffion of Parliament -, and for making forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills, Lottery Tickets and Orders, loft, burnt or otherwife deftroyed. Mojl Gracious Sovereign, WE your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament 9 ^m- c - "• affembled, being defirous to have the Publick Debts and Incumbrances leffened and difcharged, as l § 30 ""' 19 fait as conveniently may be with Regard to Juftice and the Publick Faith, do moft humbly befeech your i Ga. i. c. si, Majefty that it may be enacted, ana be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with 3 £«• i. c, o. the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prelent Parliament G H J t " £ ^ affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That by or out of fuch Monies as are or (hall be in the 11. Receipt of Exchequer of the Surpluffes, Exceffes or Overplus Monies, commonly called The Sink- "> ^°- *■ ^5- ing Fund, arifen or to arife at or from the Feaft of the Nativity of Saint John Bapliji, which fhall be in g°<'. i*. c. 21" the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-two (after Payment of or referving & 22. fufficient to pay fuch Monies as have been directed by any former Act or Acts of Parliament to be'?' 0,1, J - g 6 * paid out of the fame) there (hall be iffued and applied to the Governor and Company of Merchants ,Gel'. 2. c. 16 of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas and other Parts of America, and for encouraging the Fiihery, £f 20. at the faid Feaft-Day, and afterwards quarterly from Time to Time, as the fame (hall arife, fuch Sum sinkin^/imci or Sums of Money as (hall on fuch Quarter-Day or Days be in the faid Receipt of the Exchequer, for after Midfum- or towards redeeming Part of the Annuities attending on the Capital Stock or Sum remaining due mer 1732, to to the faid Company in their own Right, until the fame Payments (hall in the whole amount to the redeeming f ° r Sum of one million of Pounds Sterling ; and that as the faid Payments of Principal Money (hall be i j0 oo,oooi. o£ from Time to Time made, a proportional Part of their faid Capital Stock, and of the Annuities at- South-Sea tending thereon, (hall alfo from Time to Time ceafe and determine for the Benefit of the Publick : Sioc]!: - But as it may fo happen, that on the faid Feaft-Day of the Nativity of Saint "John Baptift, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-two, there may not be fufficient Money in the Receipt of the Exchequer, arifen from the faid Surpluffes, to fatisfy and pay the faid in- tire Sum of one million of Pounds Sterling, and the faid South-Sea Company may defire then to receive the whole Sum in one intire Payment, in order to make one Diftribution of the whole amongft all the Proprietors of their faid Capital Stock at one Time, Be it therefore enacted by the Authority afore- faid, That upon Application being made by the faid Company to the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury may Treafury now or for the time being, or the Lord High Treafurer for the time being, and giving a^if" per Cent, them Notice of fuch their Defire to have and receive the faid one million of Pounds in one intire on the &dFund Payment ten Days at leaft before the faid Feaft-Day, it (hall and maybe lawful to and for the faid to fupply Defi- Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Treafurer, by Warrant under * ien ** M ' their Hands to permit or fuffer any Perfon or Perfons, Body or Bodies Politick or Corporate, to advance or lend to his Majefty at the Receipt of his Exchequer fo much Adoney, as together with the Monies then remaining in tlie Exchequer of the faid Surpluffes, Exceffes or Overplus Monies, commonly called The Sinking Fund, (hall be wanting to compleat the faid Sum of one million of Pounds, upon Credit of the growing Produce of the faid Surpluffes, Exceffes and Overplus Monies, and to be repaid out of the fame, as they (hall quarterly afterwards arife, together with an intereft for the Forbearance thereof, in the mean Time, after a Rate not exceeding four Pounds per Centum per Annum ; and in fuch cafe the Mo- ney fo to be lent or advanced, (hall be iffued and paid to the faid Company, together with the Monies then remaining in the Exchequer of the faid Surpluffes, to compleat the Payment of the faid entire Sum of one million of Pounds ; and the Monies which from thenceforth (hall arife from the faid Sur- pluffes, (hall quarterly be iffued and applied to difcharge and fatisfy fuch Loans with the Intereft thereof, in the due Order and common Courfe of the Exchequer, in cafes of Loans ; any thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithftanding. II. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid South Sea Company (hall forthwith, up- The iWoney ta on the Receipt of the faid Sum of one million of Pounds, or as foon after as conveniently may be, di- be applied to vide out, and diftribute the fame as near as conveniently may be done, amongft all the feveral Proprie- p h r ' Iri e : t0 r S th * tors of their faid Capital Stock, towards (inking and difcharging fo much of their Shares or Interefts ' in the faid Capital Stock, by even and equal Dividends amongft them all, in Proportion to their re- fpective Shares or Interefts therein, or may pay and apply the (aid Sum of one million in Satisfaction and Difcharge of one million of the Principal Money due upon the Bonds of the faid Company which remain undischarged, in fuch Manner and at fuch Times as the faid Company in a General Court thereof Dy Direction of (hall think fit to order and direct : Provided always, That in fuch Cafe one million of the Capital Stock aGenerai cou«. of