Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/140

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78 C. 13—15. Anno quinto Georgii II. A. D, 1732. GAP. XIII. An Aft for enlarging the Term granted by an Ad made in the eleventh Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, for rebuilding the Pier and Harbour of Parton in the County of Cumberland. P R. it Geo. i. c. 16. « TTyTHEREAS by an Aft of Parliament pafled in the eleventh Year of the Reign of his late i W Mayfly King George the Firft, intituled, An Aft for rebuilding the Pier and Harbour of Parton ' in the County of Cumberland, a Duty was laid upon all Coals (hipped on board any Ship or Veflel in ' the faid Harbour, and divers other Duties in the faid Aft particularly mentioned were granted for the ' Term of fifteen Years, to commence from the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-

  • five ; by which faid Aft the Truftees therein named and thereby appointed and conftituted, and the
  • Truftees that fhould then after be appointed and conftituted in Purfuance of the faid Aft, were im-
  • powered to borrow any Sum not exceeding two thoufand Pounds, at an Intereft not exceeding five

' Pounds per Centum per Amium, upon Security of the faid Duties for rebuilding the faid Pier and Har- ' bour : And whereas the faid Truftees have borrowed the faid Sum of two thoufand Pounds upon Secu- ' rity of the faid Duties, and applied the fame to the rebuilding the faid Pier, whereby the Harbour is ' capable of receiving feveral fmall Ships, and from which there is a frequent Exportation of Coals to c Ireland, and other Parts : And whereas, to make the faid Harbour complete and capable of receiving ' more Ships and of greater Burthen, it will be neceflary to add feveral Yards to the Foot of the faid Pier, ' and for cleanfing the faid Harbour, and carrying away and keeping the fame clear of Sand, it will be 4 neceflary to bring and caufe a fmall Brook, called Morrefby Bed, running near to the faid Harbour, to

  • run into the fame all which cannot be done, unlefs the faid Duties be continued for a longer Term,

' and the Truftees impowered to borrow a further Sum upon the Security thereof :' Be it therefore enaft- ed, isfc. " Duties continued for 21 Years after the Expiration of the Term before granted by 4 & 5 Ann. c. 18. " Truftees appointed by n Geo. 1, c. 16. to execute this Aft, who may borrow the further Sum of

    • 2,500/. and aflign the Duties."

CAP. XIV. An Aft for the better and more eafy rebuilding of the Town of Tiverton in the County of Devon, and for determining Differences touching Houfes and Buildings burnt down or demolished by Reafon of the late dreadful Fire there, and for the better preventing Dangers from Fire for the future. P R. CAP. XV. An Act for rendering more effectual an A£fc pafled in the thirteenth. Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An AEl for improving the Navigation of the River Ouze in the County of York. P R. <3Ceo, 1. c. 33. ' T T THERE AS the Truftees appointed to put in Execution the feveral Powers and Authorities ' VV. given by an Aft pafled in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George

  • the Firft, intituled, An Aft for improving the Navigation of the River Ouze in the County of York, have
  • proceeded to improve the laid Navigation, and to that End have expended confiderable Sums of Mo-
  • ney : And whereas the Commiflioners appointed in and by the faid Act, in Conjunction and with the

' Concurrence of the faid Truftees, have in Purfuance thereof laid the feveral Tolls or Rates therein ' mentioned on all Goods, Wares, Merchandizes and other Commodities, to the very Extent of the

  • Power given them_ by the faid Aft ; but by Reafon of the great Inequality and Difproportion of the

' Rates which the faid feveral Goods, Wares and Merchandizes pay, the annual Income arifing therefrom

  • is not fufficient to effect the Improvement of the Navigation of the faid River, and to anfwer the true

' Intent and Meaning of the faid Aft, which would with more Eafe and Certainty be perfefted, if the

  • Tolls or Rates were more equally and proportionably laid upon the feveral Goods, Wares and Mer-
  • chandizes in the faid Aft mentioned, according the refpeftive Values, and if further Powers were
  • given to the faid Truftees relating thereunto :' Be it therefore enafted, caV.

" After 24 June 1732, the following Duties to be paid, viz. All Goods carried on the River Ouze " above Wharfmouth (except Manure or Lime ufed in Tillage) for every Tun of Wines, Groceries, t?V. " 2 s. 6 d. For every Tun of Cheefe, &c. 2 s. For every Tun of Oak, Bark, Corn, &c. 1 s. For • " every Tun of Allom, Copperas, &c. 6d. For every Firkin or other VefTel of Butter 1 d. For every " Hundred of Oyfters 1 d. Goods to be entred before unladen. Mafter of Veffels to give a Copy of Bill " of Lading. Bills of Lading to be attefted on Oath, on Refufal the Goods to be weighed at Matter's

  • ' Charge. Duties affignable for Money borrowed. Not to leilen the former Mortgage. Duties to be

" leffened, after Payment of Money borrowed. CAP.