Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/177

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A. D. 1733. Anno fcxto Georgii II. C. 10, 11. 115

  • Bridges over the River commonly called the New River or Dutch River, in the fame Act mentioned,
  • and fifteen Yards of the Banks of the fame River, on each Side thereof (except lb nmcli of fuch

' Part of the Bank, near one of the faid three Bridges, called Rockliffe Bridge, whereon there is a Cottage ' elected and built, and the Yard of the faid Cottage) were and are veftcd in the faid Mayor, Alder- ' men and Burgcffcs of Doncajhr and their Succeffors, who were and are obliged by the faid Act, for < ever from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-leven, ' to repair, maintain and rebuild the faid Bridges ; and the faid Mayor, Aldermen and BurgefTes, by the ' fame Act, are authorized and obliged to make Leaves to draw up, or Draw-bridges, and fuch other ' Alterations of and in the faid three Bridges, as fhould be convenient and neceffary for the more eafy

  • PafTao-e of Boats, Lighters and other Veffels with Malls, through the fame, without taking down or

' lowering their Malts in fuch their Paffagc, and the faid Corporation of Doncajler, by the faid Act, was ' obliged to make fuch Leaves or Draw-bridges within the Space of two Years next after the (aid twenty-

  • fifth day of March, and from thenceforth for ever after to keep and maintain fuch Leaves or Draw-

' bridges, in the faid three Bridges, for the Ufes and Purpofes aforefaid; and faid Corporation of Don- ' cqlhr and their Succeffors, for and in refpect of the Charge which they (hould be put to in altering the ' faid three Bridges, and making fuch convenient Paflage for Boats, Lighters and other Veffels, through ' the fame, and for repairing and maintaining the faid three Bridges, and fifteen Yards of the Banks ' (except before excepted) above and below each of the faid Bridges, and building new Bridges in lieu

  • of them, fo often as there lhall be Occafion, are by the faid Act authorized to demand, receive and

' take, for the Paflage of every fuch Boat, Lighter or other Veffel, which (hall pafs through the faid three ' Bridges, or any of them (for the Paffage of which Boat, Lighter or other Veffel, fuch Draw-bridges ' or any of them (hall be opened) of the Owner or Mafter of every fuch Boat, Lighter or other Veffel, ' certain Duties or Sums of Money, by the faid Act directed, and the Participants and Owners of Lands ' lying in the Level of Hatfield Chace and Parts thereto adjacent, in the Counties of York, Lincoln and ' Nottingham in the faid Act mentioned, were and are by the faid Act obliged to pay the faid Mayor, ' Aldermen and BurgefTes, and their Succeffors, twenty Pounds a Year at certain Days and Times there - 5 in mentioned, and fuch Remedies were and are given to them for the Recovery thereof, as in and by

  • ■ the faid Act are expreffed : And whereas the Undertakers of the faid two feparate Navigations of the

' faid River, above and below Holmjlile, have laid out feveral great Sums of Money in carrying on the 4 faid respective Navigations, amounting in the whole to feventeen thoufand two hundred and fifty

  • Pounds, and have made great Progrefs in making of the faid River Dun navigable, as well above as

' below Holmjlile, and the faid two Corporations for carrying on the faid Work found it neceffary to di- ' vide their refpccYive Interefts, in the faid two feparate Navigations, into Shares, and to affign feveral ' Shares thereof unto feveral Perfons, who had contributed towards railing of the faid feventeen thoufand

  • two hundred and fifty Pounds, for the carrying on of the faid refpective Navigations : And whereas
for the better carrying on and compleating of the faid. Navigations, above and below Holmjlile it is 

' found neceffary, that the Undertakers of both the faid Navigations fhould be united into one Com-

  • pany and Copartnerfhip, and that all the Intereft of the Undertakers of both the faid Navigations

' mould be divided into one hundred and fifty Shares, to be diftributed unto and among the faid two ' Corporations, and other the Contributors to the faid Undertakings, in proportion to the feveral Sums ' of Money by them reflectively advanced, towards carrying on both the faid Navigations, for each of ' which faid Shares there hath been already advanced and paid or laid out, the Sum of one hundred and ' fifteen Pounds a Share, amounting in the whole to the faid Sum of feventeen thoufand two hundred and ' fifty Pounds : And to the end that both the faid Navigations, above and below Holmjlile, fhould be ? thence after carried on by the Proprietors, of the faid one hundred and fifty Shares, at their com- ' mon Expence, according to the Proportion of their refpective Interefts in the faid Shares, they, by ' Indenture bearing Date the fifth .Day of 'January in the fourth Year of the Reign of -his prefent

  • Majefty, and in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, made or mentioned to be

' made, (sc. " Powers given by the former Acts to the feparate Navigations veiled in the united Company, and the " whole to be divided into 150 Shares. After 24 June 1733, the Undertakers of each Navigation made , " one Body Corporate, and may purchafe Lands, Tenements, &c. The Books of Accounts to be kept " at Sheffield and Doncajler. General Court may alter former Rules, or make new ones. The Na- " vigation to be continued to Titijley, and capable of Veffels of 20 Tun. On Defect of fuch Conti- " nuation by the Proprietors, the Cutlers Company to carry it on, and receive the Duties. If the Cor- " poration of Doncajler neglect to repair the three Bridges on the New River, Land Owners there may " repair them. This Act not to lefien the Powers given to Commiffioners by the former Act. CAP. X. An Act for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land-Tax to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-three. EXP. is. in the Pound. C A P. XI. An Act for providing a Maintenance for the Minifter of the new Church of Horflydotvn in the Bo- rough of Southward, in the County of Surrey, and for making the Diftrict affigned to the fame a diftinct Parifh, and for other Purpofes therein, mentioned. P R. " Appointment of 3500/. out of the Coal-Duties to the ufe of the Minifter. 1100/. to be allowed out " ,of the faid Duties.tor paving and adorning the Church Yard, <sc. The Floor of the Church not to Q.2 M bj