Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/179

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A. D. 1733. Anno fexto Georgii IL C. 13. J 17 Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, which at any Time or Times within or during the Continuance of After « Dtc. this Act, (hall be imported or brought into any of the Colonies or Plantations in America, which now rJJr]on to b" are or hereafter may be in the PofTeliion or under the Dominion of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succefibrs, paid for Ram the Sum of nine Pence, Money of Great Britain, to be paid accord ng to the Proportion and Value of ? nd Spirits mad«  five Shillings and fix Pence the Ounce in Silver, for every Gallon thereof, and after thai Rate for any p,^*™'"^ greater or leffer Quantity ; and upon all Mobiles or Syrups of fuch foreign Produce or Manufacture as belonging to his aforefaid, which (hall be imported or brought into any of the faid Colonies or Plantations of or belong- Majefty, on ]m- ing .to his Majefty, the Sum of fix Pence of like Money for every Gallon thereof, and after that Rate JSrium'piama- for any greater or leffer Quantity ; and upon all Sugars and Paneles of fuch foreign Growth, Produce tions, or Manufacture as aforefaid, which (hall be imported into any of the faid Colonies or Plantations of and 6 d. per or belonging to his Majefty, a Duty after the Rate of five Shillings of like Money, for every hun- ufeandSy- " dred Weight Avoirdupoize, of the faid Sugar and Paneles, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer rups. Quantity. and 5s. per c. II. And for the better raifing, levying and collecting the faid Duties, it is hereby further enacted by ™ L rianApL?~ the Authority aforefaid, That upon the Importation of any fuch Goods as aforefaid, into any of the neles. (aid Colonies or Plantations belonging to the Crown of Great Britain, an Entry or Entries ihall be Duties how to made with the Collector or other proper Officer of the Cuftoms, or the Impoft Officer, or proper Of- be levied. ricer of the Exeife, in the Port or Place where the fame fhall be imported, and that all and every the faid Duties hereby impofed, for and upon all fuch Rum, Spirits, MolafTes, Syrups, Sugar and Paneles, of fuch foreign Growth, Produce or Manufacture aforefaid, which ihall be imported into any of the faid Colonies or Plantations of or belonging to the Crown of Great Britain as aforefaid, ihall be paid down in ready Money by the Importers thereof, before the landing of the fame respectively. III. And be it further enacted, That in cafe any of the faid Commodities fhall be landed or put on The faid Goods- Shore in any of his Majefty's faid Colonies or Plantations in America, out of any Ship or Veffel, before if landed before due Entry be made thereof at the Port or Place where the fame (hall be imported, and before the Duties m^ofDutfesi by this Act charged or chargeable thereupon (hall be duly paid, or without a Warrant for the landing fhall be forfeit* and delivering the fame, firft figned by the Collector, or Impoft Officer, or other proper Officer or ed, Officers of the Cuftom or Exeife belonging to fuch Port or Place respectively, all fuch Goods as fhall be fo landed or put on Shore, or the Value of the fame, (hall be forfeited ; and all and every fuch Goods as fhall be fo landed or put on Shore, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, (half and may be feized by the Governor or Commander in Chief, for the Time being, of the Colonies or Plan- and maybe- tations where the fame ihall be fo landed or put on Shore, or any Perfon or Perfons by them autho- eize ' rized in that behalf, or by Warrant of any Juftice of the Peace or other Magiftrate (which Warrant fuch Juftice or Magiftrate is hereby impowered and required to give upon Requeft) or by any Cuftom- houfe Officer, Impoft or Exeife Officer, or any Perfon or Perfons him or them accompanying, aiding and affifting; and all and every fuch Offence and Forfeitures fhall and may be profecuted for and re- and recovered in covered in any Court of Admiralty in his Majefty's Colonies or Plantations in America (which Court the Court of Ad- of Admiralty is hereby authorized, impowered and required to proceed to hear and finally determine court'of Record the fame) or in any Court of Record in the faid Colonies or Plantations where fuch Offence is com- there. mitted, at the Election of the Informer or Profecutor, according to the Courfe and Method ufed and pradtifed there in Profecutions for Offences againft penal Laws relating to Cuftoms or Exeife ; and fuch Penalties and Forfeitures fo recovered there, ihall be divided as follows ; viz. One third Part thereof Forfeitures how for the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succefibrs, to be applied for the Support of the Government to be diitn- of the Colony or Plantation where the fame Ihall be recovered, one third Part to the Governor or Com- mander in Chief of the faid Colony or Plantation, and the other third Part to the Informer or Profecutor who fhall fue for the fame. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fifth DayTj oSu g ar &Ci , of December one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-three, no Sugars, Paneles, Syrups or MolafTes, of except of the the Growth, Product and Manufacture of any of the Colonies or Plantations in America, nor any Rum Britifh Plants-- or Spirits of America, except of the Growth or Manufacture of his Majefty's Su c car Colonies there, p 01te 'd intoTre^ fhall be imported by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever into the Kingdom of Ireland, but fuch only as land, unlefs fhall be fairly and bona fide loaden and (hipped in Great Britain in Ships navigated according to the fe- 2"!^ '^ reat veral Laws now in beii.g in that behalf, under the Penalty of forfeiting all fuch Sugar, Paneles, Syrups or MolafTes, Rum or Spirits, or the Value thereof, together with the Ship or Veffel in which the fame Penalty. Ihall be imported, with all her Guns, Tackle, Furniture', Ammunition, and Apparel; and if -any of the Commodities aforementioned fhall be imported into Ireland contrary to the true Intent and Mean- ing of this Act, a!! and every fuch Commodities, with the Ship or Veffel wherein they (hall be im- ported, and the Tackle, Ammunition ana Furniture thereof, (hall and may be feized by the Lord Lieutenant, Lord Deputy, or Lords Juftices, for the Time being, for the Kingdom of Ireland, or any Perfon or Perfons authorized by him, them or any of them, or by Warrant of any Juftice of the Peace or other Magiftrate (which Warrant fuch Juftice or Magiftrate is hereby impowered and required to. give upon Requeft) or by any Cuftom-houfe Officer, or Exeife Officer, or any Perfon or Perfons him-, them or any of them, accompanying, aiding and affifting ; and all and every the faid Offences, com- mitted againft this Act, may be profecuted, and the Penalties and Forfeitures recovered, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wtftminjhr, or in Dublin, at the Election of the Informer or Pro- fecutor, by Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no ElToin, Protection or Wager of Law, (hall be al- lowed, or any more than one Imparlance; and the Penalties and Forfeitures recovered on fuch Pro- fecution fhall go and be divided and applied in manner following ; viz. One Moiety to the Ufe of his. Majefty, his Heirs and Succefibrs, and the other Moiety to the Ufe of the Informer or Profecutor. V. And