Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/191

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A. D. 1733. Anno fexto Georgii II. C. 26. 129 Royal Navy, according to fuch Rules, Orders and Regulations, as his Majefty hath eftablifricd and ap- Concerning Sea* pointed, or (hall eftabliih and appoint for that Purpofe; and the principal Officers and Commiffioners of "cJiTta. the Navy Royal, now and for the Time being, and all other Perfons herein concerned, (hall and are u Geo.'i.'e.%o hereby authorized and impowered to give Allowance on fuch Ships Books of the laid one Man in every nG««. 2. c. 3 hundred Men borne thereupon accordingly. » ^ ^ ( 17 Gto. 2. c. 34. 18 Geo 2. e. 31. io C«. z. c. -fi. ziGeo.i. e. 52. -it^Gn.%. r. 47. 3iC«.2. c. 10. ' XIX. And whereas on or about the nineteenth Day of February one thou (and feven hundred ami ' thirty-two, an humble Addrefs of the Commons in Parliament was prefented to his Majefty, that he 'would be pleafed to authorize and require the Officers of the Mint to allow four Pounds one Shil- ' Ymg per Ounce Troy to all fuch Perfons as fliould bring any of the Gold Coins of twenty-five Shillings ' or twenty-three Shillings, commonly called Broad Pieces, or any Halves or Quarters thereof, into the

  • Mint for the Space of one Year, and to coin the fame into the other current Gold Coins of this King-

' dom ; and it was on the twentieth Day of the faid February refolved by the laid Commons, That the ' Charge and Wafte in melting the faid Broad Pieces and any Halves and Quarters thereof, and the Deii- ' ciency which fhall be occaiioned by receiving the fame into the Mint at the Rate of four Pounds and ' one Shilling per Ounce Troy, be made good out of the Monies that have arifen or (hall arife by the

  • Coinage Duty : And his Majefty, by a Warrant under his Royal Sign Manual bearing Date the twenty-

' eighth Day of the faid February., did authorize and command the Officers of his Majelly's Mint to ' receive by Weight from all Perfons and Bodies Politick and Corporate, or any of them, all fuch of the

  • faid Coins as fhall be brought into the Mint within the Space of one Year, and to caufe the fame to
  • be melted down into Ingots, and to be coined into the current Gold Coins of this Kingdom, and alfo

' to allow to the Importers of fuch Gold Coins as aforefaid four Pounds one Shilling />«- Ounce Troy for ' every Ounce Troy:' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, and it is hereby enacted, That Deficiency occa- the Deficiency which will be occafioned by taking the faid Gold Coins into the Mint at the Rate of four j?°"t d & c y oithe Pounds one Shilling per Ounce Trov, during the Space of one Year, and the Charges of receiving, Broad Pieces to melting and allaying the fame, and of the Wafte thereupon, be fupplied or made good out of the Mo- be fuppiied out nies which have arifen or (hall arife by the Duty commonly called T})e Coinage Duty ; any former Act p u l ty ^ Coinage or other Matter or Thing to the contrary notwithftanding. XX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and Treafury may for the Commiffioners of his Majefty 's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the High 1 r 1 Jpa i ^°weft- Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, to iffue and minfter Abby, pay, or caufe to be iffued and paid, out of the Monies referved for building fifty new Churches within the Cities of London and Wejlminjhr and the Suburbs thereof, and for making Provifion for the Minifters of the fame, unto the Sub-Dean, Treafurer and Steward of the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter Weftmin- Jter for the Time being, the Sum of four thoufand Pounds for the Repair of the faid Collegiate Church, to be imployed and laid out thereupon in fuch Manner, as to the Dean and Chapter of the fame Church, or the major Part of them, fhall feem mod neceffary ; and alio to iffue and pay to the faid Sub-dean, and 7,2001. for Treafurer and Steward the further Sum of one thoufand two hundred Pounds, for fmifhing the Dormitory Q U<h " s r y ie • belonging to the faid Collegiate Church, by and under the Direction of the faid Dean and Chapter as orm ' aforefaid ; any Thing in this or any other Act or Acts of Parliament contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. CAP. XXVI. An A£t to prevent the Coining or Counterfeiting any of the Gold Coins commonly 1 called e x p. Broad Pieces. ' H E R E A S upon an humble Addrefs of the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament affemb]ed» his Majefty Was pleafed, with the Advice of his Privy Council, to iffue his Royal Proclamation ' bearing Date the twenty-rirft Day of February one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-two, prohibiting ' all Perlons to receive or utter in Payment, by Tale, any of the Gold Coins of twenty-five Shillings ' or twenty-three Shillings, commonly called Broad Pieces, or any Halves or Quarters thereof; and was

  • ' alfo graciouliy pleafed, in order to give Eafe to his People, and to prevent any coniiderable Lofs on ac-

' count of the Prohibition of the Currency of the faid Gold Coins, by his faid Proclamation to charge ' and command all the Collectors and Receivers of the Revenues and Taxes, for and during the Space of ' one Year from the faid twenty-rirft of February, to receive fuch Gold Coins at the Rate ot four Pounds ' and one Shilling per Ounce Troy in all Payments on account of fuch Revenues and Taxes^ and aifo to ' authorize, command and require the Officers of the Mint within the faid Time to receive all fuch Go'd ' Coins as aforefaid as fhoukl be brought into the Mint, and to coin the fame into other current Qod ' Coins of this Kingdom, and to allow for fuch Gold Coins fo to be brought in after the laid Rate of

  • four Pounds and one Shilling per Ounce Troy: ' Now to the Intent that evil- minded Perfons may not,

for the Sake of the Advantages allowed for bringing in fuch Gold Coins, be induced to forge, coun- terfeit or coin the fame, Be it enacted by. the King's moil Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and ":nt Parliament aiTembled, and on or before the twenty-rirft Before ^i Feb. .indred and thirty-three, (hall '^1' P 'f ""' forge, counterfeit or coin any of the (aid Gold Coins of twenty-five Shillings or twenty-three Shillings, terfeiting ■ commonly called Broad Pieces, or any Halves or Quarters thereof, or any other Gold Coins commonly coming Broad ualled Bread Pieces, or any Halves or Quarter's thereof, or (hail utter or vend any of the faid Gold fe^in High Con'ent ot the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aiTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, on or before the twenty-firft ■ of February which ihall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-three, fhall H]' ^f/ 1 ""!?* f^„ a r.„„„+ ar (ct „,- „„;„ „.,., „e ►'„„ r..:J 0_„u /-•„: _.jr * ..„ £.-„ ci.:n; „_ ,-.' *.. .u. — cv,:n:„„„ guilty 01 coun- VpL. VI. S Coins, Treafon.