Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/192

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l$o C. 27. Anno fexto Georgii II. A, D. 1733; Coins, knowing them to be fo forged, counterfeited or coined as aforefaid, then all and every fuch Offender and Offenders, their Councellors, Procurers, Aiders and Abettors in that Behalf fhall be and is and are hereby adjudged to be guilty of High Treafon, and being of the faid Offences, or any of them, convicted or attainted, according to the Order and Courfe of the Laws of this Realm, (hall fuffer Death as in Cafes of High Treafon. ^nviftln^frch II- A nd for the better Dilcovery of Offenders in the Premiffes, Be it enacted by the Authority Offender, " aforefaid, That all and every Perfon, who fhall apprehend and. take any Perfon or Perfons who have been or fhall be guilty of forging, counterfeiting or coining any of the faid Gold Coins, or of uttering or vend- ing the fame, knowing them to be fo forged, counterfeited or coined as aforefaid, and fhall profecute fuch, Perfon or Perfons, until he, fhe or they be convicted of fuch Offences, or any of them, fhall have and receive from the Sheriff or Sheriffs of the County where fuch Conviction fhall be made, for every fuch Offender fo convicted, the Sum of forty Pounds, to be paid, diftributed and defrayed in the fame to be paid as the Manner, as the Sum of forty Pounds by an Act made in the fixth and fevenfh Year of the Reign of AftT&7 b w.t King William the Third, intituled, An Act to prevent counterfeiting and dipping the Coin of this Kingdom,. c 3. againft ' is to be defrayed, diftributed and paid to any Perfon who fhall difcover, profecute and convict any Perfon, Clipping. or Perfons of counterfeiting or any ways diminifhing the current Coin of this Realm, and fhall alfo be intitled to all fuch Gold Coins called Broad Pieces fo forged, counterfeited or coined, or knowingly uttered. or vended as aforefaid, which fhall be found in the Cuftody or Poffellion of or fhall belong, to fuch Forg- ers, Counterfeiters, Coiners, Utterers or Venders of the fame. Offenders on III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons, being out: thers'fntlfiedto °^ P"* 011 ' wno ma ^ ' lave keen guilty of forging, counterfeiting or coining- any of the faid Geld Coins his Majefty's called Broad Pieces, or any Halves or Quarters thereof, or of uttering or vending any of the fame, Pardon,. • knowing them to be fo forged, counterfeited or coined as aforefaid, fhall difcover one or more Perfons,, who have been or fhall be guilty of the fame Crimes, or of any of them, fo. as one or more of the Per- fons fo difcovered fhall be convicted of the fame, any fuch Difcoverer or Difcoverers fhall have, and is- and are hereby intitled to, the gracious Pardon of his Majefly, his Heirs and Succeffors, for all fuch Crimes againft this Act, which he, the or they have committed at any Time or Times before fuch> and if Appren- Dilcovery made ; and if the Perfon making fuch Difcovery be an Apprentice, he fhall be deemed and Freemen Claied ta ^ en anc ^ is hereby declared a Freeman, and fhall and may. exercife any lawful Trade, Profeffion or Myftery with all Liberties and Privteges, and in as full and ample Manner, as if the faid Perfon had ferved the full Time of his Apprenticefhip ; any Law, Cuftom, Statute or Ordinance to the contrary, notwithstanding. But not to ex- IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act or any Thing herein, con^ tfonof Blood P " tahied, or any Attainder or Attainders of any Perfon or Perfons for any Offence or Offences made Trea- tcc ' fon by this Act, fhall not in any wife extend or be judged, interpreted or expounded to make any Corrupt tion of Blood to any the Heir or Heirs of fuch Offender or Offenders, or to make the Wife of any fuch' Offender to lofe or forfeit her Dower of or in any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or her Title,.. Action or Intereft to the fame. Offences how to V. And that all and every Perfon or Perfons that fhall or may be accufed or impeached of any of the be tried. Offences made Treafon by this Act, fhall and may be indicted, arraigned, tried, convicted and attainted by fuch like Evidence and in fuch Manner and Form, as now are or may,, by the Laws of this Realm, be had or ufed againft any Offender or Offenders for counterfeiting the current Coin of this King r dom. Profecutions to VI. Provided always, That no Perfon fhall be profecuted for any Offence againft this Act, unlefs the in6 C Months Ced Profecution againft him or her fhall be commenced within fix Months after fuch Offence committed, after the Fait. CAP. XXVII. An Act to explain and amend an Act: made in the fecond Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Act for the better Regulation of Attornies and Solicitors. a Geo, 1. e. 23, ' K7 HEREAS by an Act made in the fecond Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An ' W Atl for the letter Regulation of Attornies and Solicitors, _it_was enacted, That from and after ' the firft Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and thirty no Perfon, who ihould not before ' the faid firft Day of December have been fworn, admitted and inrolled, purfuant to the Directions of ' the faid Act, ihould be permitted to act as an Attorney, or to fue out any Writ or Procefs, or to com- ' mence, carry on or defend any Action or Actions or any Proceedings, either before or after Judgment ' obtained, in the Name or Names of any other Perfon or Perfons, in any of the Courts of Law in the faid ' Act mentioned, unlefs fuch Perfon Ihould have been bound by Contract in Writing to ferve as a Clerk, ' for and during the Space of five Years, to an Attorney duly and legally fworn and admitted, as in the ' faid Act is directed, in fome cr one of the Courts therein mentioned, and that fuch Perfon, for and during

  • the faid Term of five Years, mould have continued in fuch Service, and alfo unlefs fuch Perfon, after

' the Expiration of the faid Term of five Years, ihould be examined, fworn, admitted and inrolled in ' the fame Manner as the Perfons who fhould be admitted Attornies of the faid Courts are therein requi- ' red to be examined, fworn admitted and inrolled :' Now for the Relief of Perfons who have ferved for and during the Space of five Years, as Clerks to Attornies or Solicitors in any of the Courts of Law or Equity in the faid Act mentioned, and have not been bound by Contracts in Writing, and who were by Sicknefs prevented from being fworn, admitted and inrolled Attornies, purfuant to the Directions of the faid Act, and for the Relief of Perfons who have ferved as Clerks to fuch Attornies or Solicitors for and during