Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/224

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162 C. 14. Anno feptimo Georgii II. A. D. 1734. Annuity or yearly Sum, or any Part thereof, to her Royal Highnefs or her Truftees, then her Royal Highnefs, or fuch her Truftees as aforefaid, may from time to time fue, proiecute or implead fuch Officers, Commiflioners, Farmers, Treafurers or Receivers, or any of them, or all or any of their Securities, Heirs, Executors and Adminiftrators, by Bill, Plaint or Action of Debt, and (hall any may recover Judgments, and fue out Executions thereupon, againft fuch Officers, Commiffioners, Farmers, Treafurers or Receivers refpectively, and their refpective Securities, Heirs, Executors or Adminiftrators, for fuch Sum or Sums of Money then due and owing upon the faid Annuity of five thoufand Pounds, or any Part thereof, as ihall be in the Hands of fuch Officers, Commiffioners, Farmers, Treafurers or Re- ceivers refpectively, at the Time when Demand lhall be made of the Payment of the faid yearly Sum, or any Part thereof as aforefaid. CAP. XIV. An Act for afcertaining the Duties upon Arrack, and for giving further Time to Clerks and - Apprentices to pay Duties omitted to be paid for their Indentures and Contracts. £ Osi. 1.. cm. ' if THEREAS Arrack, a Spirit of the Product of his Majefty's Colonies and Territories in the 1. c. is. t yy Eaji-Indies, is, on the Importation thereof into Great Britain, charged by the Laws of Excife ' with the feveral Duties which are paid for Brandy and other foreign Spirits imported into this King- ' dom, but by the Officers of the Cuftoms is rated and charged as a Commodity imported from the Baft- ' Indies, according to the Value thereof at the Sale at the Candle, whereby the feveral Subfidies, Duties 1734^ the fLe * ana< Excife amount to much more than is paid on the Importation of Brandy and other foreign Spi- Duties only frail ' rits, to the great Difcouragement of the Importation thereof:' For Remedy whereof be it enacted by be k a -m f °rted" t,ne King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and from 'the Brkifh Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That Colonies as are from and after the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-four, the fame Subfidies, pay able onBtan- Duties a nd Excife now payable upon Brandy and foreign Spirits imported, and no more, fhall be paid fameAUowahces f° r Arrack imported from any of his Majefty's Colonies or Territories in the Eaft-Indies, and that the only on Expor- fame Allowances (hall be made on the Exportation thereof, as is made upon foreign Brandy or other Spi- tation. rits ; any Law, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. To be paid as II. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid feveral Subfidies, Duties and Excife BraiKi" 11 " °" u P on Airack, (hall be railed, levied, collected, paid and accounted for unto his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, in the fame Manner and Form, and by fuch Rules, Ways and Means, and under fuch Penalties," Forfeitures and Dilabilities, and with fuch Power of Mitigation and other Powers, and with fuch Allowances, as any the Duties on Brandy or other foreign Spirits are by any Act or Acts of Parliament or Law whatibever now in Force, enacted, appointed or allowed to be raifed, levied, col- The Laws in letted, managed, recovered and paid ; and that the faid feveral Laws now in Force for the railing, levy- to°th» Duties on ' n S' c °H-cting, paying and anfwering the faid Subfidies, Duties and Excife upon Arrack, (hall be con- Arrvickconu- tinued, and be practifed, put in Execution and obferved, in and for the raffing, levying, collecting, ma- nued. naging, adjudging and anfweringthe faid Subfidies, Duties and Excife upon Arrack by this Act grant- ed, as fully and effectually as if the fame were particularly and at large re-enacted in the Body of this The Monies P re f e!lt Act. arifing by" the HI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the feveral and respective Corh- faid Duties to be miffioners of the Cuftoms, and Commiffioners of Excife, (hall pay all the Monies that they refpec- paid d 'j ,(in & tively fhall receive of the faid Duties (the neceffary Charges of receiving, levying, managing and Branches of the accounting for the fame excepted] into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, diftinct and apart from Revenue, all other Branches of the publick Revenues, for the Purpofes in this Act exprefled. te^toTheTame ^ ' ^ n ^ n ls nereDV further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That, the Monies arifing by the ufes as before, faid Duties by this Act impofed and charged, (hall be appropriated, iffued and applied, and the fame BytjGea. i.e. 23. are hereby appropriated and made payable to the fame Ufes, -Intents and Purpofes as the faid Sub- Itc "X e " ■'. it0 tidies, Duties and Excife as aforefaid were appropriated and applicable before the making of this FiAdf S S " prefent Act, and (hall have the fame Continuance, and (hall be alfo fubject and liable to the fame Ad fee 16 Geo. 2. Redemption by Parliament, as the faid Subfidies, Duties and Excife were fubject and liable unto. f- 8- 'V. And for the Relief of any Perfon or Perfons who through Neglect or Inadvertency have omitted ' to pay the feveral Rates and Duties, or any Part thereof, upon Monies given, paid, contracted or ' agreed for, with or in relation to any Clerk, Apprentice or Servant, which hath been put or placed to ' or with any Mafter or Miftrefs to learn any Profeflion, Trade or Employment, and to have fuch In- ' dentures or other Writings, which (hall contain the Covenants, Articles, Contracts or Agreements re- ' lating to the Service of fuch Clerk, Apprentice or Servant, ftsmped within the Times by the feveral ' Acts of Parliament for thofe Purpofes reflectively limited, or who have alfo in like manner omitted to ' infert and write in Words at Length, in fuch Indentures or other Writings as aforefaid, the full Sum or •' Sums of Money, or any Part thereof, received, or in any wife directly or indirectly given, paid, agreed ' or contra' led for, with or in relation to every fuch fuch Clerk," Apprentice or Servant as aforefaid;' Chufeof Relief Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon Payment of the Rates and Duties upon Monies, f9 j I ^ Io J iey om '•'" or fuch Part of fuch Monies lb neglected or omitted to be paid as aforefaid, on or before the twenty- ciueTimefor in" fourth Day of 'June one thoufand (even hundred and thirty-four, to fuch Perfon or Perfons to whom the dentures of fame 0110110 to be paid, and tendring the faid Indentures or other Writings to be ftamped at the fame 1 clerks and Ap- yim^ or at ari y Time on or before the twenty-ninth Da/ of Septeniher one ihbufand feven hundred arid piemces thirty-four (of which timely Notice is to be given in the London Gazette) the fame Indentures or other Writings