Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/231

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<■ A. D. 1734. Anno feptimo Gkorgii II. C. 22, 23. 169 Perfons fo offending, being thereof lawfully convicted, (hall be, and be adjudged guilty of Felony, and every fuch Offender and Offenders (hall be fubject and liable to be tranfportcd as in Cafes of Fe- lony ; and the Courts by and before whom he, (lie, or they fhall be tried and convicted, (hall have full Power and Authority of tranfporting fuch Offenders for the Space of Seven Years, upon the like Terms and Conditions, and by the fame Ways and Means, and in like Manner as other Felons may or are to be tranfported to any of his Majefty's Colonies or Plantations in America, by force or virtue of any Law for that Purpofe now in being. I SuchConvifla II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any fuch Offender or Offenders breaking Gaol, aforefaid, who (hall be ordered for Tranfportation by or by virtue of this prefent Act, fhall break Gaol, or unlawfully ' or efcape before fuch Tranfportation, or fhall return into any Part of Great Britain or Ireland before the Transportation Expiration of the faid Seven Years, for which fuch Offender or Offenders fhall be fo ordered to be mail fuffer 3 '° ' tranfported, as aforefaid, contrary to the Intent and Meaning hereof; all and every fuch Perfon and Death. Perfons fo breaking Gaol, cfcaping, or returning into any Part of Great Britain ox Ireland, within the See farther 8 Cn. Time aforefaid, being thereof lawfully convicted, fhall fuffer Death as Felons, and have Execution 2. c 16. 22 c«. awarded againft them as Perfons attainted of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy. z - '•**&&• 1 CAP. XXII. An Act for the more effectual preventing the forging the Acceptance of Bills of Exchange, or the Numbers or principal Sums of accountable Receipts for Notes, Bills, or other Se- curities for Payment of Money, or Warrants or Orders for Payment of Money, or De- livery of Goods. « TT7HERE AS in and by an Act of Parliament made in the fecond Year of his prefent Majefty's aCeo.z.c. z%. ' VV Reign, intituled, An Acl for the more effectual preventing and further PuniJInnent of Forgery, Per- ' jury, and Subornation of Perjury, and to make it Felony tojleal Bonds, Notes or other Securities for Payment f of Money, it is amongft other Things enaiied, That if any Perfon from and after the twenty-ninth

  • Day of "June in the "Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-nine, fhall falfly make,
  • forge, or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be falfly made, forged, or counterfeited, or willingly act

1 or aifift in the falfe making, forging or counterfeiting any Deed, Will, Teftament, Bond, Writing ' Obligatory, BUI of Exchange, Promiffory Note for Payment of Money, Indorfement or Affignment ' of any Bill of Exchange, or Promiffory Note for Payment of Money, or any Acquittance or Receipt,

  • either for Money or Goods, with Intention to defraud any Perfon whatfoever, or fhall utter or publifh
  • as true, any falfe, forged, or counterfeited Deed, Will, Teftament, Bond, Writing Obligatory, Bill

' of Exchange, Promiffory Note for Payment of Money, Indorfement or Affignment of any Bill of

  • Exchange or Promiffory Note for Payment of Money, Acquittance or Receipt, either for Money
  • or Gooas, with Intention to defraud any Perfon, knowing the fame to be falfe, forged, or counter-

' feited ; then every fuch Perfon, being thereof lawfully convicted, according to the due Courfe of Law,

  • fhall be deemed guilty of Felony, and fuffer Death as a Felon, without Benefit of Clergy : And

' whereas no Punifnment is inflicted by the faid Act upon any Perfon who fhall falfly make, alter, forge

  • or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be falfly made, altered, forged or counterfeited, or willingly a£r.
  • or affift in .the falfe making, altering, forging or counterfeiting any Acceptance of any Bill of Ex-

c change, or the Number or principal Sum of any accountable Receipt for any Note, Bill or other Se-

  • curity for Payment of Money, or any Warrant or Order for Payment of Money, or Delivery of

' Goods, or who fhall knowingly utter or publifh the fame as true ;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's rnoft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, arid the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if" , ^ Peiforf' any Perfon from and after the twenty-fourth Day of "June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-four, conv'ifled of fhall falfly make, alter, forge, or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be falfly made, altered, forged or coun- forging or ai- terfeited, or willingly act or affift in the falfe making, altering, forging or counterfeiting any Acceptance ceptanc/of " of any Bill of Exchange, or the Number or Principal Sum of any accountable Receipt for any Note, Bills of Ex- Bill or other Security for Payment of Money, or any Warrant or Order for Payment of Money, or change, or the Delivery of Goods, with Intention to defraud any Perfon whatfoever, or fhall utter or publifh as true, coumaWe^e- any falfe," altered, forged or counterfeited Acceptance of any Bill of Exchange, or accountable Receipt ceipts, &c. for any Note, Bill or other Security for Payment of Money, or Warrant or Order for Payment of Mo- ney, or Delivery of Goods, with Intention to defraud any Perfon, knowing the fame to be falfe, altered, (hall fuffer forged or counterfeited ; then every fuch Perfon, being thereof lawfully convicted according to the due Death as Felons. Courfe of Law, fhall be deemed guilty of Felony, and fhall fuffer Death as a Felon, without Benefit Concerning For- pf ClereV, gery fee farther 31 Geo. 2. c. 22. CAP. XXIII. An Act for raifing the Militia of that Part of Great Britain called England, although the Month's Pay formerly advanced be not repaid, and for making the Militia within the fame more ufeful. His Ma- jefty may order the Militia to be drawn out into actual Service, at any Time before 24 June 1735, notwithftanding the faid Act. The Militia of any City, Town, &e. to march at any Time before 24. June 1735, as ordered by the King, and theExpence repaid in 6 Months by AiTeffment. EXP. Vol. VI. Z III. Provided