Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/233

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A. D. 1734. Anno feptimo Georgii II. C. 25. 17 1 the fame (provided filch Juftice or Juftices be or are not a Merchant or Trader in the Woollen Manu- on Penalty of failure, and which Oath the faid Juftice or Juftices is and are hereby impowered to adminiller) fuel? offence":" Owner, Master, Occupier, or Mill-man, of fuch Fulling-mill, fhall forfeit for every fuch Neglect or Offence the Sum of twenty Shillings, to be recovered and distributed as is herein after directed; and that from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of 'June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-four, no Mafter, Owner, Occupier, or Mill-man, of any fulling-mill in the faid Weji Riding, fhall forfeit or incur any greater Penalty than the faid Sum of twenty millings for the faid Offence ot not (tamping on t„formri<ion«  the faid Seals the true Length and Breadth of fuch Cloth, and alio his Name, or Part thereof, upon to be laidwi b the Rivet of the faid Seal; and for the recovering of which faid Penalty the Information (hall be laid ™ '4 Days tf- within fourteen Days after the Delivery of the faid Cloth fo overfiamped, as aforefaid. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth P"/ t e ,";' Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-four, if any Merchant or Buyer of Broad .Cloth «f™ pu™tli«  4hall fufpect, that fuch Cloth does not contain the Length and Bieadth imprened on the Seals affixed to Cl< th m water fuch Cloth by the Fuller or Mill-man, then and in fuch Cafe it fhall and may be lawful to and for the four Hours, Merchant or Buyer of fuch Cloth, within fourteen Days after the Delivery of fuch Cloth, to put the fame into Water, for any time not exceeding four Hours, and then caufe the fame to be meafured by a ^"m^tobVmea- fworn Searcher of Woollen Broad Cloth; and if inch Searcher (hall, upon fuch Meafurement, find the r U red by a Cloth fo by him meafured, to contain a fmailer Quantity in the Length or Breadth thereof, than on fworn Searcher. fuch Seals is marked and impreffed by the Fuller or Mill-man, then and in fuch Cafe the Clothier or Maker of fuch Cloth fo offending, being thereof lawfully convicted, upon the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Witn'.ffes, before one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the faid Priding, or of any Corporation within the fame (fuch Juftice not being a Merchant or Trader in the Woollen Manufacture, and which Oath the faid juftice or Juftices is and are hereby authorized to admlnifter) fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum of twenty shillings for every fuch Cloth with fuch defective Seals by him fold; and the Searcher, meafuring fuch Cloth (hall, immediately upon fuch Admeasure- ment, take the defective Seals off fuch Cloth, and affix new Seals thereupon, containing the true Length and Breadth which fuch Cloth was found to be of upon his Admeafurement of the lame; and (hall regifter the true Length and Breadth, found upon fuch Admeafurement, in a Book to be by him kept for that Purpofe; and fuch Searcher (hall, within Five Days after fuch Admeafurement, make In- n^talnforma- formation of the Fact upon Oath, before one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the faid Weft tion on path Riding: And if any fuch Searcher (hall neglect or refufe to affix to any Cloth, fo by him meafured, new ° f ^*? a ^' Seals of the true Length and Breadth of iuch Cloth, or to regifter the fame, or to make 'Information of Da ° ys a ft er ')h e the Fact within the Time aforefaid, fuch Searcher fo offending, being thereof lawfully convicted upon Admeafure- the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, before one or more Juftice or Juftices for the ment » laid Riding, or any Corporation within the fame, fhall, for every fuch Neglect or Offence forfeit the onPenalt - Sum of twenty Shillings; which faid Sums of twenty Shillings and twenty Shillings (hall go and be dif- 2 os. pofed of, one Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons as (hall give Information of the Offence on which the Penalties how Conviaion fhall be made, and the other Moiety to the Treasurer of the faid Weft Riding for the time w b e dlf P of8d being, to be applied towards the Payment of the Searchers Salaries : And if any Clothier or Maker of ' Cloth, or Searcher, being convicted of any of the Offences aforefaid, fhall, by the Space of ten Days Nonpayment next after he or they fhall be fo convicted, and have Notice thereof given to him, her or them, or left of the Penalties, in Writing at his, her or their Dwelling-houfe, or laft Place of Abode, refufe or neglect to pay any" 1 ic-Days. Penalties by him, her or them incurred by reafon of this Act, or (hall not appeal, as is herein alter provided, to the next Quarter-Seflions; then it (hall and may be lawful for the Juftice or Juftices of the Peace before whom fuch Conviction (hall be made, or any other Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for faid Riding, or any Corporation within the feme (not being a Dealer in Woollen Cloth) upon Certifi- cate of fuch Conviction lent to them from the Jufctice or Juftices before whom fuch Conviction was made (who is and are hereby authorized and required to make fuch Certificate) to iffue out one or more War- rant or Warrants, under his or their Hands and Seals, to the Constable of the Town or Place, or Bailiff or Bailiffs of the Liberties, Wapentakes, or Limits where fuch Offender or Offenders dp or lhall inhabit, thereby commanding him or them to levy, the fame Penalties by Diftrefs and Sale of the offender, for Offender's Goods and Chatties, returning the Overplus (if any be, after paying likewife the Charges of T a, i tof?'~. fuch Diftrefs and Sale) to the Offender or Offenders demanding the fame; and where no sufficient Di- pj^bn^ ^' ftrefs can be found, to commit the Offender or Offenders to the Houfe of Correction within the faid kept to hard Weft Riding, there to be kept to hard Labour, not exceeding the Space of one Month. Labour. III. And be it further enacted, That every Offender or Offenders (hall and may, and are hereby au- 7J! eSeU <: r > in thorized and impowered, within five Days after fuch Notice of the Offences fo upon them charged, to No t!ce, a rnay go to the Houfe of the Merchant, Buyer, or Owner of the Cloth, and request to fee the faid Cloth, to examine the examine that the Crimes and Facts fo charged upon them be juft, and that no Frauds have been com- ciothcompiam- mitted by the Merchant, Buyer or Owner of the fame, or the Searches meafuring fuch Cloth; and e °' that upon the Merchant's, Buyer or Owner of fuch Cloth, refusing to permit and fuffer fuch Offender and on the ^ or Offenders to fee and examine fuch Cloth, as aforefaid, fuch Profecution, fo intended to have been fa"^ profecution made againft fuch Offender or Offenders, (hall be at an End, and ceafe, and any Conviction to be made (hall ceafe. thereupon (hall be void, and of none effect. No g reater IV. Provided always, and it is further enacted, That no Clothier, or Maker of Woollen Broad Cloth Penalty than. in the Wejl Riding of the County of York, lhall, after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June, forfeit or I (? - 1 f n J c r , 1 th ] e . s incus any other or greater Penalty by virtue of this or the former Act, than ten Shillings for the firft foVthefecond,* Inch, and fifteen Shillings for the fecond Inch, wanting in the Breadth thereof, and for every other Inch and 20 s. for y , che the reft in de- ^ Z the te£Uve Cloth.