Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/259

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e A. D. 1735. Anno o&avo Georgii II. C. 23. 197 and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding three thoufand (even hundred and eighty Pounds, 49.834 I. '35- for paying of Penfions to Widows of fuch reduced Officers of his Majefty's Land Forces and Ma- 4 f officers'" rines, as>died upon the Eftablilhment of Half-pay in Gnat Britain, and who were married to them^g o) _ C fo , 6 ' before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, for the Year one Pennons to thoufand ♦feven hundred and thirty-five ; which faid Sum of three thoufand feven hundred and eighty Widows of re- Pounds, fhall be iflued to fuch Perfon or Perfons as his Majefty fhall, by Warrant or Warrants un- ced offic * rs * dej his Royal Sign Manual, direct or appoint to receive the fame, to be by him or them paid over to fuch Widows of Half-pay Officers, or their Affigns, according to fuch Eftablilhments, Lifts or other Directions, and with and fubject to fuch Conditions, Qualifications, Deductions, or other Al- lowances for the fame, as his Majefty, by fuch or the like Warrant or Warrants, ihall be graciouily pleafed to direct or appoint; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding fifty-fix thoufand two 5^*5° '• f °' hundred and fifty Pound?, on Account of the Subfidy payable to the King of Denmark, purfuant to h l Kii^of W the Treaty bearing Date the nineteenth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-four, Denmark. for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-five. CXLVI. And it is hereby alfo enacted, That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies provided as3 5 >4°5'- »5* aforefaid, there fhall and may be ifiued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding f or " Deficiencies thirty-fix thoufand four hundred and five Pounds fifteen Shillings and four Pence Farthing, towards of the Grant's ' making good the Deficiency of the Grants for the Year one thouland feven hundred and thirty-four. in I 734- CXLVII. And it is hereby alfo enacted, That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies provided as aforefaid, there ihall and may be ifTued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding thirty- 37-5. 1 ;" 1 - '■>"• feven thoufand five hundred fifty-feven Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence, for making good the ^ericies'of thk Deficiency of the Fund commonly called The General Fund,, for raifing feven hundred twenty-four General Fund. thoufand eight hundred forty-nine Pounds fix Shillings and ten Pence and one fifth Part of a Penny, for the Year ended at Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-four; and any Sum or 10,000 . for the Sums of Money, not exceeding ten thoufand Pounds, towards the Maintenance of the Britijh Forts and ^" t '? 1 f F orts °' Settlements belonging to the Royal African Company of England, on the Coaft of Africa; and there company.' fhall and may be iffued to the Truftees for eftablifhing the Colony of Georgia in America, any Sum or 2 6,oool. for Sums of Money, not exceeding twenty-fix thoufand Pounds, by them applied towards fettling and theColony of fecuring the faid Colony ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding four thoufand Pounds, ?^/] !a f or St towards the Repair of the Collegiate Church of Saint Piter, IVeflminfler ; and any Sum or Sums of peter, Weil- Money, not exceeding three thoufand five hundred Pounds, for the Repair of the Tower and Roof of minfter. the Parifh Church of Saint Margaret's Weftminpr. _ Ma^'ret^ St * CXLVI1I. And be it enacted, That the faid Aids or Supplies- provided as aforefaid, fhall not be ifiued WeftminfteV. or applied to any Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever,, other than the Ufes and Purpofes before mention- Limitation of ed, or for the feveral Deficiencies or other Payments directed to be fatisfied thereout, by any parti- *'j? , s "™ s „ t0 , th€ cular Claufe or Clauies for that Purpofe contained in any other Act or Acts of this prefent Seftion of ei ire e " Parliament- CXLIX. And as to the laid Sum of forty-nine thoufand eight hundred thirty-four Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence, by this Act appropriated on Account of Half-pay as aforefaid ; it is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the Rules herein after prefcribed fhall be duly ob- Rules to be oi*. ferved in the Application thereof; that is to fay, that no Perfon (hall have or receive any Part of the ^ rve .^ m . ,he f fame, who was a Minor, and under the Age of fixteen Years, at the Time when the Regiment, Troop Hatf-pay, " ° or Company, in which he ferved, was reduced ; That no Perfon (hall have or receive any Part of the fame, except fuch Perfons who did actual Ser-ice in fome Regiment, Troop or Company; thatno' Perfon having any other Place or Imployment of Profit, Civil or Military, under his Majefty, (hall have or jeceive any Part of the faid Half-pay ; that no Chaplain of any Garifon or Regiment, who has any Eccleiiaftical Benefice in Great Britain or Ireland, (hail have or receive any Part of the faid Half-pay ; that no Perfon ihall have or receive any Part of the fame, -who hath refigned his Commifiion, and has had. ao Commifiion fmce ; that no Part of the fame ihall be allowed to any Perfon by virtue of any War- rant or Appointment, except to fuch Perfons who would have been otherwifc intitled to the lame as reduced Officers ; and that no Part of the fame ihall be allowed to any the Officers of the live Regi- ments of Dragoons, and eight Regiments of Foot lately diibanded in Ireland, except to fuch as were- lately taken off the Eftablifhment ot Half-pay in Great Britain. ' CL. And whereas by an Ait of Parliament made in the feventh Year of his Majefty '8 Reign, in- ' tituled, An Acl for enabling his Majejfy to apply the Sum of one million two hundred thoujand Pounds out-' ' of the Sinking Fund, for the Service of the YeJr one thoujand feven hundred and thirty-Jour, and for ap- 4 propriating the Supplies granted in this Sc/Jion of Parliament, feveral Supplies which had been granted to his. ' Majefty, as is therein mentioned, we're appropriated to feveral Lies and Purpofes therein exprdTed,, ' amongft which, any Sum. or Sums of Money, not exceeding fitty-two thoufand fix hundred and ninety

  • Pounds fifteen Shillings and ten Pence, was appropriated to be paid to the reduced Officers of his Ma-

4 jefty's Land Forces and Marines, fubject neverthelefs to fuch Rules to be obferved in the Appli- .' cation of the faid Half-pay, as in and by the aforelaid Act were prefcribed in that Behalf :.' Now it is hereby provided, enacted and declared, That fo much of the faid Sum of fifty-two thoufand fix s- urp i us ofthV hundred and ninety Pounds fifteen Shillings and ten Pence, as is or fhall be more than fufficient to Money granted fatisfy and pay the faid reduced Officers, according to the faid Rules by the faid Act prefcribed to be h^it "'tow- obferved in the Application thereof, or any Part of fuch Overplus, fhall and may be difpofed of to toe^fppi<.d; fuch Officers who are maimed or loft their Limbs in the late Wars, or fuch others as by reafon of of. their long Service or otherwife his Majefty fhall judge to be proper Objects of Charity, or to the Widows or Children of fuch Officers, according to fuch Warrant or Warrants under his Majefty's Royal