Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/273

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A. D. 1736. Anno nono Georgii II. C. 17, 18. 211 cap! XVII. An Aft for the better regulating the Nightly Watch and Bedels within the Parities of Saint Margaret and Saint John the Evangelijl, within the City and Liberty of ' Weftminfter. P R. « XT7*HEREAS a new Church hath been erected near Mill Bank, in the Pari (h of Saint Mar-

  • W garet, Weflminjler, and a Diftrict hath been allotted thereto, which fince the Confecration of the

' faid Church hath been called and known by the Name of the Parilh of Saint 'John the Evangclift ; 4 And whereas, notwithstanding fuch Divifion, all Parochial Rates (except only the Rate for the Main- 4 tenance of the Rector of the laid new Church, appointed to be made by an Act paffed in the firft Year 4 of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Aft for making Provifion for the Rcftor of the nezv 4 Church fttuate near Mill Bank, in the Parijh of Saint Margaret, Weftminfter, and for other Purpofes 4 therein 'mentioned) have been and now are (in purfuance of an Act paffed in the tenth Year of the 4 Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ac! for enlarging the Time given to the Com- 4 mijfimers appointed by her Majejly, purfuant to an Aft for granting to her Majejly feveral Duties on Coals, 4 for building fifty new Churches in and about the Cities 0/" London and Weftninfter, and Suburbs thereof, ■ . 4 and other Purpofes therein mentioned ; and alfo for giving the [aid CommiJJioners further Powers for better 4 effecting the fame ; and for appointing Monies for rebuilding the Parijh Church of Saint Mary Woolnoth 4 m the City of London) afleffed and levied within and through all Parts and Diftricts, which did for- 4 merly belong to the faid Parifh of Saint Margaret, Weftminfter : And whereas the well ordering and 4 regulating a Nightly Watch and Bedels within the faid two Parhhes of Saint Margaret, and Saint 4 John the Evangelijl, within the City and Liberty of WeftminJler, is of great Importance for the Pre- 4 iervation of the Perfons and Properties of the Inhabitants thereof, and very neceffary to prevent, as 4 well the Mifchiefs which may happen from Fires, as Murders, Burglaries, Robberies, and other Out- 4 rages and Diforders : And whereas by the Laws now in being no effectual Provifion is made for the 4 eftablifhing, ordering or well governing of fuch a Nightly Watch and Bedels within the faid two- 4 Parifhes, or for levying and collecting any Sums of Money for defraying the neceffary Charges thereof, 4 or for enforcing a due Application and juft Account of any Money lb levied and collected for that 4 Purpofe :' For Remedy of the aforefaid Inconveniencies ; may it pleafe your meft Excellent Majefty that it may be enacted, 6sV. 44 The Veftries of the two Parifhes to meet Yearly in St. Margaret's Veftry Room, and appoint the 44 Number of Watchmen and Bedels, and afcertain the Pound Rate for the Charge thereof, and in 14. 44 Days after choofe the Watchmen and Bedels, and fet down in Writing the Regulations agreed on.

  • ' A Copy of the Regulations, figned by the Veftry Clerk of each Parifh, to be delivered to each Con-

44 ftable. The Watchmen, in the Abfence of the Conftable, may apprehend Night-Walkers, &c. 44 Perfon appointed a Collector, on refufing to act, to forfeit 10/. The Affeffment, on Payment re- " fufed, to be levied by Diftrefs. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to the Quarter-Seffions. The Affeff- 44 ment not to exceed 6d. in the Pound. No Perfon paying the Affeffment, or chofen a Bedel or 44 Watchman, to gain thereby a Settlement. Collectors to account Yearly on 20 July, &c. A Book 44 of Receipts and Dilburfements, figned at St. Margaret's Veftry by 20 Auguft Yearly, to be kept by " the Veftry Clerk, and infpected without Fee. On Neglect of St. John's Veftry to meet and act " jointly, St. Margaret's Veftry may make fuch Affeffments feparacely. If a Divifion of the faid Pa- 44 rimes (hall be made, the Veftries of each feparately to execute this Act. No Perfon paying the Af- 44 feffment, liable to the Watch or Ward." CAP. XVIII." An Act: for reviving and continuing the Acts therein mentioned, and for explaining and amending a Claufe in an Act made in the firfl Year of the Reign of his late Majeftv King George the Firft, intituled, An Aft for making the Laws for -repairing the Highways more effectual, relating to the appointing Scavengers in Cities and Market Towns, and. the ordering the AffeiTments for the Repairing and Cleanfing the Streets therein. 4 "fTZHEREAS an Act made in the fecond Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An The Aft z Geo. ' W Aft for the more ejfeftual preventing and further Punijlvnent 'of Forgery, Perjury, and Subornation z - . c - -5- a - 4 of Perjury, and to make it Felony to /leal Bonds, Notes, or other Securities for Payment of Money, is ex- perjury "He! 7 ' 4 pired, and one other Act made in the fifth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Aft to revived) and 4 prevent the committing of Frauds by Bankrupts, is near expiring, both which Acts have been found ma ^ e P er P c - 4 ufeful and beneficial to the Publick ;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, " by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix, the faid Act, made in the fecond Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, (hall be and is hereby revived and made perpetual. The bankrupts II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the above mentioned Act, made in Aft 5 Geo. 2. the fifth Year of his Majefty's Reign, (hall be and is hereby "continued, and lhall be in Force, from c - 3°- conti- Ee z the™" 1 '