Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/284

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2 22 A Bill for na- turalizing the Princefs of C. 25. Anno nono Georgii II. A. D. 1736. Preamble, of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prcfcnt Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That a Bill for the Naturalization of her Royal Highnefs the Princefs of Wales Wales may be (without the Claufe or particular Words directed by the faid recited Act to be inferted) (hall and may be out'SlinKtiic . e * hibitcd an d brought into this Parliament ; the faid recited Act, or any other Law, Statute, Matter or Words direfled Thing whatfoever, to the contrary notwithftanding. by that Claufe. CAP. XXV. An Act the more equal paying, and better collecting, certain fmall Sums for Relief of Shipwrecked Mariners, and diftrefied Perfons, his Majefty's Subjects, in the Ports of Ca- diz and Port Saint Mary's in the Kingdom of Spain t and for other Ufes, ufually contributed to by the Merchants trading to the faid Ports. ' T T 7 H E R E A S it hath long been the Cuftom and Ufage for the Conful appointed for his Majefty's ' W Subjects trading to Cadiz and Port Saint Mary's, with the Majority of the Britijh Merchants

  • and Factors there, to receive certain fmall Sums, not exceeding [one Ryal Plate per Ducat, upon the

' Amount of the Freight of all Merchandize not paying Freight by the Tun, and two Ryals Plate per ' Tun upon all Tunnage Goods imported in Britijh or Irijh Ships or Veffels ; which Sums have been re- '- ceived by Perfons annually chofen as Treafurers for that Purpofe, and applied by them for the Relief of

  • Shipwrecked Mariners, and other diftrefied Perfons his Majefty's Subjects, and for fuch other good and

' ufeful Purpofes, as have been directed by the faid Conful, with the Majority cf the faid Merchants and

  • Factors : And whereas Several Perfons have refufed to pay, or eluded the Payment of fuch Sums for the
  • charitable Purpofes aforefaid, which hath occaftoned an unequal Charge upon others of his Majefty's

' Subjects trading to the faid Ports:' Now, in order to encourage and promote the good Ends and Pur- pofes lb eftablifhed, and to render the Contributions thereto more equal and certain, may it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enacted ; and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Ma- jefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in ^ f T the Per- *his prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty- fon appointed ninth Day of September which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty- fix, it fhall be lawful to and for fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall be appointed by the Conful named for his Majefty's Subjects trading to the faid Ports of Cadiz and Port Saint Mary's for the time being, together with the Majority of the Brili/Jj Merchants and Factors there, to receive and recover from all Mafters and other Chief Officers and Commanders of all BritiJ!) and Irijh Ships or Veffels trading to the faid Ports, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding one Ryal Plate per Ducat on the Freight of all Goods and Merchandize (except Tunnage Goods) imported into the faid Ports in fuch Ships and Veffels ; and on all Tunnage Goods, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding two Ryals Plate per Tun ; and all Bills of Lading of fuch Ships and Veffels, fhall fpecify to pay the faid Monies accordingly, under the Denomination of Contribution, as by Acl of Parliament, or to that Effect; and the Perfons paying the fame fhall be reimburfed by their refpective Freighters, or by the Perfons to whom the faid Goods and Merchandizes fhall be configned, or who fhall receive the fame ; and in cafe the Mafter or Commander of fuch Ship or Veffel fhall neglect to fpecify the Payment of the faid Monies in the Bill or Bills of La- ding as aforefaid, he fhall be anfwerable for the fame; or in cafe no Bill of Lading fhall appear, or no Freight or Tunnage be fettled between the Owner or Owners of the Goods, and the Mafter or Com- mander of any BritiJ/j or Irijh Ship or Veffel trading as aforefaid, then the Freight or Tunnage of fuch Goods or Merchandize fhall be valued by two indifferent Britijh Merchants on the Place, one to be ap- pointed by the Conful, and the other by the Mafter or Commander of fuch Ships or VefTels, within ten Days next after the unloading of the faid Goods. And in cafe the two Perfons fo chofen fhall not agree and award the fame in three Days next after fuch Appointment, fuch two Perfons fhall then choofe a. third Perfon, being a Britijh Merchant on the Place, as an Umpire, who fhall decide and determine the faid Valuation of Freight or Tunnage in three Days ; and fuch Sums fhall be paid in either Cafe for the Purpofes aforefaid, as Thall be agreeable to this Act. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Mafters, Commanders, or other after Arrival, to Chief Officers of all Britijh or Irijh Ships or Veffels trading to the Ports of Cadiz and Port Saint Mary's, ManffeftVn 6 anc * un ' oa ding and delivering the Ship or Vefiel or any Part of the Cargoe there, fhall, within ten Days Writing, on after the Arrival of fuch Ship or Veffel deliver to the Conful reiiding there, or to fuch other Perfon or Oath, of their Perfons as fhajl be appointed for that Purpofe by him, a true Manifeft in Writing upon Oath fpecifying the Particulars of the whole Cargoe of fuch Ships or Veffels fo unloaded or delivered, or fuch Part thereof as fhall be unloaded or delivered there, and to whom configned; which Oath fuch Conful or other Perfon or Perfons to be appointed by him, is and are hereby reflectively impowered and required to adminifter gratis. III. And for better collecting the faid Monies herein before directed to be paid for the charitable and other publick Ufes aforefaid, Be it enacted, That the faid Conful, or other Perfon or Perfons appointed by him, in either of the laid Ports of Cadiz or Port Saint Mary's, fhall, and they are hereby reflectively authorized and required to detain the Clearances Outward of all Britijh or Irijh Ships and Veffels, and not give and deliver any Difpatch or Bill of Health for any fuch Ship or Veffel, until Payment be made as aforefaid ; and in cafe the Mafter or Commander of fuch Ship or Vefiel, in order to avoid the Payment of the faid Monies, fhall at any Time think proper to depart without his faid Clearances Outwards, in - fuch Cafe the Conful fhall, upon the Return of the faid Mafter or Commander to any Port of his Majefty's by the Conful, with the Ma- jority of the Britilh Mer- chants there, may receive one Ryal Plate per Ducat for all Goods im- ported to Ca- diz and Port Saint Mary's, &c. Mafters of Vef- fels, in ioDays Cargoes. Clearances Outward to be detained on Nonpayment.