Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/285

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A. D. 1736. Anno nono Georgii II. C. 26. 223 Majefty's Dominions, have a juft Action at Law againft. him for all the Money which by virtue of this Act ought to have been paid. . IV. And be it further enacted, That all Monies to be raifed or received as aforefaid, fliall be applied f h £ P M C n!° s n f( r in the Manner above mentioned ; that is to fay, To the Succour and Relief of Shipwrecked Ma- raifed. riners and other diftreffed Perfons his Majefty's Subjects, and to fuch other charitable and pub- lick TJfes, as lhall from time to time be appointed by the Conful for the time being, with the Majority of Britijh Merchants and Factors rending at the faid Ports of Cadiz, and Port Saint V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, - That the Conful for the time being, ap- £mmo™Gene- pointed for his Majefty's Subjects trading to the Ports of Cadiz and Port Saint Mary's, fhall from time to rai Meetings of time as he (hall fee Occafion for effecting the Purpofcs of this Act, call and fummon a General Meeting theBritifhMer- of the Britijli Merchants and Factors rending at the faid Ports ; and he is hereby obliged and required minTainwft-" from time to time to call and fummon General Meetings or Aflemblies, as often as he fhall be defired by ters relating to Writing under the Hands of any Five or more of the Britifl) Merchants or Factors aforefaid ; and the the Premiffes. Majority at fuch Meetings or Affemblies fhall from time to time order and determine all Matters and Things relating to the Premiffes. VI. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act fhall be efteemed and taken in all Pubiick Aft. Courts of juftice and elfewhere to be a Pubiick Act, and fhall be taken Notice of as fuch, without fpe- cially pleading of the fame ; and if any Action fhall be brought, or Suit commenced, againft any Per- fon or Perfons for any thing done in purfuance of this Act, or in relation to the Premiffes, the Defend- ant or Defendants in fuch Action may plead the General Iffue, and give this Act and the Special Matter Gener; >l l ffuc > in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the fame was done in purfuance and by the Au- thority of the faid Adt ; and if the fame lhall appear to have been fo done, then the Jury (hall find for the Defendant or Defendants ; or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs fhall become nonfuited, or fuffer a Difcontinuance of his, her or their Action or Actions, or if a Verdict fhall pafs againft the Plain- tiff or Plaintiffs, or if upon Demurrer Judgment fhall be given againft the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, the Defendant or Defendants (hall have Full Cofts, and fhall have fuch Remedy for the fame, as any De- Full Cofts. fendant or Defendants hath or have for Cofts in other Cafes by Law. CAP. XXVL An Act for indemnifying Perfons who have omitted to qualify themfelves for Offices within the Time limited by Law, and for allowing further Time for that Purpofe ; and for amending fo much of an Act: palled in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, as requires Perfons to qualify themfelves for Offices before the End of the next Term or Quarter-feffions ; and alfo for enlarging the Time limited by Law for making . and fubferibing the Declaration againft Tranfubftantiation ; and for allowing further Time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papifts ; and for Relief of Proteftant Purchafers, Devifees, and Leffees. WHEREAS divers Perfons, who on account of their Offices, Places, Employments or Pro^ ^•^I'aI's feffion^, or any other Caufe or Occafion, ought to have taken and fubferibed the Oaths or the j Geo. i. c.13. Affurance refpectively appointed to be taken by fuch Perfons in and by an Act made in the firft Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, of Glorious Memory, intituled, An A8 for the further Security of his Majefty's Per [on and Government, and the SucceJJion of the Crown in the Heirs of the late Princefs Sophia, being Proteftants, and for extinguijhing the Hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, and his -pen andfecret Abettors; or' to have qualified themfelves according to an Act made in the twen- ty-fifth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An Ac! for preventing Dangers 2 5 Caf -*- <=• 2 «  which may happen from Popijh Recufants, by receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the Ufage of the Church of England, and making and fubferibing the Declaration againft Tranfubftan- tiation therein mentioned ; have, through Ignorance of the Law, Abfence, the Shormefs of the Time allowed for that Purpofe, or fome unavoidable Accident, omitted to take and fubferibe the faid Oaths or Affurance, or otherwife to qualify themfelves as aforefaid, within fuch Time, and in fuch Manner, as in and by the faid Acts refpectively, or by any other Act of Parliament in that Behalf made and ' provided, is required, whereby they may be in Danger of incurring divers Penalties and Difabilities :' For quieting the Minds of his Majefty's Subjects, and for preventing any Inconveniencies that might otherwife happen by means of fuch Omiffions, Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all and every Perfon or Perfons, who P h ^ >n t s h taItl ^ s fhall on or before the firft Day of Augufl in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and C efying_ ihejL thirty-fix, take and fubferibe the faid Oaths and Affurance refpectively, in fuch Cafes wherein by Law crament, &'c! the faid Oaths or Affurance ought to have been taken and fubferibed, in fuch Manner and Form, and fe*j^|" ed ' 3 * at fuch Place and Places, as are appointed in and by the faid Act made in the firft Year of the Reign of ln his faid late Majefty King George the Firft, and alfo receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper accord- ing to the Ufage of the Church of England, and make and fubferibe the faid Declaration againft Tran- fubftantiation, in fuch Cafes wherein the faid Sacrament ought to have been received, and the faid De- claration ought to have been made and fubferibed, fhall be and are hereby indemnified, freed and dif- charged,