Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/31

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. 19. An Aft for reducing the Stint of the Horfe and Beaft Paftures and Sheep Commons within the Manor, Town and Parifh of Cajlle Donnington in the County of Leicc/ler. _ . 20. An Aft for inclofing and dividing the Common Fields, Waftes and uninclofed Grounds within the Manor, Townfhip or Hamlet of Aflienden in the County of Bucks, and for the making effectual certain Exchanges therein mentioned. 2i. An Act for inclofing and dividing the Common Mead or Moor, called Speen Mead or Speen Moor in the Coun- ty of Berks. 22. An Ac! for inclofing and dividing the Common Fields and Common Grounds in the Manor and Parifh of Bin- broke in the County of Lincoln. 23. An Aft to enable William Majfmgberd Efquire, here- tofore called William Meux, andthe Heirs Male of his Body, to take and ufe the Surname of Majfmgberd, pur- fuant to a Settlement made by Sir William Majfmgberd Baronet, deceafed. 24. An Aft to enable Thomas May Efquire, and his Sons, and the Heirs Male of their Bodies, to take and ufe the Surname of Knight, purfuant to the Will of Elizabeth Knight deceafed. 25. An Aft for naturalizing yohn Juftin Bruningk, Peter Untzellman, Henry Klencke, and others. 26. An Aft for naturalizing Philip Rigail. 27. An Aft to naturalize Herman Bernard and John Bof- quain. %%. An Act to naturalize Frederick Vander Meulen* PUBLICK ACTS, Anno 12 Georgii II. )t. A N Aft for continuing the Duties upon Malt, / Mum, Cyder and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called England; and for granting to his Majefty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, for the Ser- vice of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine. 2. An Aft for punifhing Mutiny and Defertion ; and for the better Payment of the Army and. their Quarters. 3. An Aft for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine. 4. An Aft to enable the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Saint . Nicholas in the City of Worcejler, to raife Money for difcharging the Debts they have contracted in rebuild- ing their Parifh Church. 5. An Act to continue the Duties for Encouragement of the Coinage of Money. 6. An Aft to indemnify Perfons who have omitted to qualify themfelves for Offices and Employments with- in the Time limited by Law, and for allowing farther Time for that Purpofe. 7. An Aft to enable the Parifhioners of the Parifh of Ealing in the County of Middle/ex, to raife Money by . Rates upon themfelves, for finifhing the Church of the , faid Parifh. S. An Aft for repairing the Road between Stamford and Grantham, in the County of Lincoln. 9. An Aft for applying a Sum of Money, given by the 1 Will of Daniel Wifeman Efquire, deceafed, for finifh- ing the New Church at Woolwich in the County of

Kent; and for railing an Annuity by an AfTefTment on

the Parifh of Woolwich, during the Lives of Mary JVife- . Vol. VI. man and Elizabeth Crouch, and the Life of the Survivor of them, purfuant to the faid Will. 10. An Aft for repairing the Roads from the North-weft Parts of the County of Lincoln, through Nettlatn-ficLl-, Wragby-lane, and Baumher- fields t to the Wolds or North- eaft Part of the find County. 11. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Aft palled in the fixth Year of the Reign of hi ; prefent Majefty, for repairing the Road from FyfieTd'in. the County of Berks, to Saint Johns Bridge in the County of Gloucejler; and for repairing the Roads from an Inn called The Hind's Head in the Parifh of King/Ion Bagpuze in the faid County of Berks, to that Part of Newbridge which ftands in the faid County of Berks. 12. An Aft for repairing the Roads from Bakcwell to Chejierfield in the County of Derby, and from Chejlcr- field to Workfopp in the County of Nottingham, and from Chejierfield to the Place where the Northern Road meets the Chejierfield Road, which leads to Mansfield in- the faid County of Nottingham. 13. An Aft for continuing the Aft made in the Eighth Yeajr of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, to regulate the Price and Affize of Bread ; and for conti- nuing, explaining and amending the Aft made in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, for the better Regulation of Attornies and Solicitors. 14. An Aft for allowing further Time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papifts, and for Relief of Proteftant Purchafers, Devifees and LefTees. 15. An Aft to enable his Majefty to fettle an Annuity of fifteen thoufand Pounds on his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland, and the Heirs of his Body, and alfo one other Annuity of twenty-four thoufand Pounds on their Royal Highnefles the Princefs Amalie, the Princefs Caroline, the Princefs Mary, and the Princefs Lovifa. 16. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Aft pafled in the firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ail for repairing the Road from the Powder Mills on Hounflow Heath in the County of Middlefex, to a Place called Bafingftone, near the Town of Bagfhot in the Parifh of Windlefham in the County of Surrey. 17. An Act to enable the Parifhioners of the Parifh. of Saint Catharine Coleman in Fenchurch Street, in the City of London, to rebuild the Church of the faid Parifh. 18. An Act for repairing the Road or Highway from the Dun Cow in the Town of Dunchurch, through the Pa- rifh of Bilton over Dunfmore PIcath to the Town of Hill Morton in the County of Warwick; and from thence through the feveral Parifhes of Creek, Weft Haddon, and Eafl Haddon, in the County of Northampton, to Saint James's End in the Parifh of Dujlon in the faid County of Northampton. 19. An Aft for granting to his Majefty the Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds out of the Sinking Fund, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine; and for enabling his Majefty to raife the further Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds out of the growing Produce of the faid Fund; and for the further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Sef- fion of Parliament ; and for giving Time for the Pay- ment of Duties omitted to be paid for the Indentures and Contrafts of Clerks and Apprentices. 20. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by two Afts of Parliament, ope made in the fixth Year a of