Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/317

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A. D. 1737. Anno decimo Georgii II. C. 16,, 17. 255 CAP. XVI. An Aft for explaining and amending an Aft patted in the ninth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Acl for building a Bridge crofs the River Thames, from the New Palace- Yard in the City of Weftminfter, to the oppofite Shore in the County of Surrey. PR. 6? EXP. ' TT7HEREASan Act was made in the laft Seflion of this prefent Parliament, For building a Bridge Preamble, re-

  • W crofs the River Thames, from the New Palace-Yard in the City of Weftminfter, to the oppofite "^^ *f

' Shore in the County of Surrey, andf certain Commiflioners therein named were by the faid Ait appointed

  • and impowered to defign, aflign and lay out, how and in what Manner, and with what Materials the
  • faid intended Bridge ftiould be made, erected and built, and the Ways and Paflages to and from the

' fame, and to preferve and keep in Repair fuch Ways and Paflages, from time to time, and to make

  • Contrails, and do all Matters and Things for carrying on and effecting the Purpofes aforefaid, and
  • to caufe the fame to be effectually done and perfected accordingly ; and for enabling the Commiflioners

' to execute the Powers, and effect the Purpofes of the faid Act, Authority was given for raifing a Sum

  • not exceeding fix hundred and twenty-five thoufand Pounds, by way of Lottery, to be drawn within

' fuch Time, and in fuch Manner, and under fuch Management and Regulations, as in and by the faid ' Act is in that Behalf ordered, directed and prefcribed ; which Money fo to be raifed,. was thereby di- ■ rected to be paid by the Contributors to, and Adventurers in, fuch Lottery, into the Bank of England, 1 or to fuch Caihier or Cafhiers as the Directors of the Bank fhould appoint, on or before the firft Day

  • of February one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix ; and the Refidue and Surplus of the Money fo

I c to be advanced and contributed, after Payment of the Prizes in the faid Lottery, and the Charges and ' Expences incident to, and attending the Execution of the faid Act, was thereby directed to be iflued, ' paid and applied for and towards the erecting and building the faid Bridge, and repairing, preferring ' and fupporting the fame when built, and for other the Purpofes therein mentioned, as the faid Com- I • miflioners, or any nine or more of them, fhould, from time to time, direct : And whereas there was

  • contributed and paid in on the Credit of the faid Act, on the firft Day of February one thoufand feven-

' hundred and thirty-fix, only the Sum of forty-three thoufand one hundred and fix teen Pounds, and ' the Time limited and appointed by the faid Act for executing feveral of the Powers and Authorities ' thereby given, is elapfed, and thereby the fame Act is rendered ineffectual to anfwer the Purpofes ' thereby intended ; ' Wherefore to the End and Intent that a Defign fo ufeful to his Majefty's Subjects, and the Publick in general, may be effectually carried into Execution ; may it.pleale Your moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enacted, &c-.

  • ' 700,000 /. to be raifed by way of Lottery. The Refidue of the Money, after Payment of the Fortunate

" Tickets, to be applied towards the Bridge. If fufHcient Money be not raifed by the Methods prefcri- " bed, his Majefty may, after zq.Sept. 1737, by Letters Patents, incorporate the Truftees. Such Corpo- " rations may not take up any Money payable under 6 Months, or difcount any Bills, C5V„ And there-' " (hall be paid for Pontage, lor every Coach, &c. drawn by 6 Horfes, 2s. by 4 Horfes, 1 s. 6d. by lefs- " than 4 Horfes, 1 s. For every Waggon, bfc. drawn by 4 Horfes, is. 6d. and by lefs than 4 Horfes, 1 s. " For every Horfe, &c. not drawing, 2d. For every Foot Paflenger on Sundays, 1 d. and on every other " Day, ?d. For every Drove of Oxen, is. per Score. For every Drove of Calves, Hogs, Sheep, or " Lambs, 6d. per Score. Truftees to appoint Collectors. Commiflioners, when incorporated, may bor- " row Money on Credit of this Act. Commiflioners to determine the Recompence to be made to the " Watermen, &c. which (hall be paid within 1 Month after Judgment. The Bridge to be built either StvnXKfrs?. M from the New Palace-Yard, or from the Horfe-Ferry, or thereabouts, to the oppofite Shore. <■• 25. 12 Geo, 2. c. 33; 13 Geo. i.e. 16. mGeo.z. c . 40. 15 Geo. 2, c. 26. 17 Geo. z.c. 32. 18 Geo.z. c. 29. 29 Geo. 2. c. 38. 30 G«. 2. c 34, CAP. XVII. An A<5t for repealing the prefent Duty on Sweets, and for granting a lefs Duty thereupon ; and for explaining and enforcing the Execution of an Aft palTed in the ninth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Acl for laying a Duty upon the Retailers of Spirituous- Liquors, and for licenfing the Retailers thereof; and for appropriating the Supplies granted: in this Seffion of Parliament; and for making forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills,. Lot-- tery Tickets and Orders loft, burnt or otherwife deftroyed. May it pleafe your mojl Excellent Majejly, 1 K7 ** E R E A S by an Act of Parliament made and paffed in the fifth Year of the Reign of her late Preamble, re; ' VV Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Acl for continuing the Duties on low Wines and Spirits of the °2^ he c A * 1 firft Extraction, and the Duties payable by Hawkers, Pedlars and petty Chapmen, and Part of the Duties 5 ' on flamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper, and the late Duties on Sweets, and the one _ third Subfidy of Ton- ' nage and Poundage, and for fettling and ejlablijhing a Fund thereby, and by the Application of certain over- " plus