Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/339

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A. D. 1737. Anno decimo Georgii II. C. 29. %~n nonfuit, or fliall not profecute his or their faid Action or Suit, then the Defendant or Defendants (hall have treble Colts, and fhall have the like Remedy tor the fame, as any Defendant or Defendants have J r fr e 9° fts ' in other Cafes by Law. ij&fc». a 24, 17 Cat. a. c. 5. CAP. XXIX. An Act for enabling his Majefty to fettle a Revenue for fupporting the Dignity of her Royal Highnefs the Princefs, in cafe fhe fhall furvive his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, and for exempting fuch yearly Sum or Sums of Money as his Majefty hath granted or fhall grant to his faid Royal Highnefs from the Payment of Fees, Taxes and other Charges whatfoever, and for enabling his faid Royal Highnefs to make Leafes of Lands, Parcel of the Dutchy of Cornwall, or annexed to the fame. Mojl Gracious Sovereign, V ^/^ vo " r Majefty's mod dutiful and loyal Subjects the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament

  • VV affembled, being truly fenfible how acceptable it will be to your Majefty, that a good, certain,

c and competent Revenue be fettled for fupporting the Honour and Dignity of her Royal Highnefs the

  • Princefs, in cafe the (hall furvive her Royal Conibrt the moft Excellent Prince Frederick, Prince of

' Wales, your Majefty's moft dearly beloved Son, and coniidering the Happinefs which (by the Bkifing ' of Almighty God) the Subjects of thefe Kingdoms cannot fail to enjoy, by a Succeffion of Princes

  • derived trom her, the early Zeal and Sufferings of whofe Family for the Proteftant Caufe ought never

' to be forgotten; and well knowing that by an Ail made in the firft Year of the Reign of her late 1 Anna?, flat. 1. ' Majefty Queen Anne (of bleffjd Memory) for preferving the Inheritance of feveral Revenues of the =• 7- ' Crown, intituled, An Act for the better Support of her Majejiy's Houfljold, and of the Honour and Dig- ' uity of the Crown, all Grants thereof (other than fuch as are therein expreffed) are declared to be void ; ' and that by an Act made in the ninth Year of her faid late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ael for 9 Anna;, c. 10, ' tftablijhing a General Pojl Office for all her Mafefty*s Dominions, and for fettling a weekly Sum out of the 1 Revenue thereof for the Service of the War and other her Majejiy's Occafons, it was enacted, That fuch ' Part or the Duties and Revenues arifing in or by the General Letter Office or Poft Office which was ' thereby vefted in her Majefty, her Hens and Succeffors, and therein mentioned to be undeterminable, ' (hould not be alienable, chargeable or grantable for any Eftate, Term or Time whatfoever, to endure ' longer than the Life of the king or C^ueen that fhould make fuch Alienation, Charge ©r Grant re-

  • fpectively ; and that all Gifts, Grants, Alienations and AiTurances whatfoever to be had or made

'* of, and Charges upon the fame Duties and Revenues or any Part thereof contrary to the Provifion of

  • that Act (hould be null and void ;' do neverthelefs moft humbly, cheerfully and unanimoully befeech

your Majefty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Par- liament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That it ihall and may be lawful to and for the TnePrincefe King's moft Excellent Majefty, by any Letters Patent or Indenture, or by feveral Letters Patent or of Wales, if Indentures, under the great Seal of Greae Britain hereafter to be made, to give and .grant unto her faid p,fJ^ y io e n Jv| Royal Highnefs the Princefs of Wales, or to fuch other Perfon or Perfons as his Majefty fhall think tit an Annuity of ' to be named in fuch Letters Patent, Indenture or Indentures, and his or their Heirs, to the Ufe of 5°)° ocl - or in Truft for the faid Princefs, one Annuity or yearly Sum of fifty thoufand Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, which Annuity or yearly Sum of fifty thoufand Pounds, and every Part thereof, fhall •commence and take Effect immediately horn and after the Deceafe of his Majefty's faid dearly beloved Son, and continue from thenceforth for and during the natural Life of the faid Princefs, and ihall be f or i^ e t0 t e paid and payable at the four moft ufual Feafts or Days of Payment in the Year (that is to fay) the paid quarterly, Feaft of Saint Michael the Archangel, the Birth of our Lord Chrift, the Annunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary, and the Nativity of Saint John the Baptift, by even and equal Portions ; the firft Payment thereof to be made at fuch of the faid Feafts as ihall firft and next happen after the D-ceafe of his Majefty's faid dearly beloved Son, in cafe the faid Princefs fhall furvive him as aforefaid ; and that the faid yearly Sum of fifty thoufand Pounds fliall be iffuing and payable out of, and be charged and charge- able upon, fuch Duties and Revenues as are herein after fpecified, and in the Proportions following (that is to fay) the yearly Sum of forty thoufand Pounds, Part of the faid yearly .Sum of fifty thoufand Pounds, (hall be iffuing and payable out of and be charged and chargeable upon all the Revenues and . ot of tfie Re- Monies arifing and to arife by virtue or in purfuance of the faid Act, intituled, An Act for ejlablijlnng a venues of the General Poft Office for all her Majejiy's Dominions, and for fettling a weekly Sum out of the Revenues thereof VaA Office, for the Service of the War and other her Majefty's Occafions, or by virtue or in purfuance of any Provifo, Claufe, Matter or Thing therein contained, or according to any other Act or Acts of Parliament thereby referred unto, the weekly Sum of (even hundred Pounds mentioned in the faid Act of the ninth Year of her late Majefty's Reign, during fuch Time as the faid weekly 'Sum is to 'Continue, and any other Monies by - that Act appointed to be referved for the Ufe of the Publick always excepted, and toreprized. II. And it is hereby enacted, That the yearly Sum of ten thoufand Pounds (being the Remainder of the faid yearly Sum of hfty thoufand Pounds) fhall, from and after the Deceafe of the laid Prince of Wales, during the Life-time of the faid Princefs him furviving, be charged and chargeable upon, and be payable and paid at the Days and Times before-mentioned, to the Ufe of the faid Princefs^ out of the