Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/340

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278 C. 29. Anno decimo Georgii II. A. D. 1737 and hereditary the hereditary Rates and Duties of Excife upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, which were granted t» cife?" the Crown by an Act of the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second (of bieffed Memory) confirmed by an Act of Parliament of the thirteenth Year of his Reign; and the Rates and Duties of Excife, which were granted or continued to his faid now Majefty during his Life (which God long preferve) by an Act of Parliament in the firft Year of his Reign, during the Continuance thereof fhall iikewife be charged and chargeable as an additional Security, for or towards making good fuch of the Payments of the laid yearly Sum of ten thoufand Pounds as fhall or may happen to incur and grow clue after fuch Deceafe of the faid Prince of IVdes, during the joint Lives of his Majefty and of the faid Princefs. Payment of the III. Provided always, That nothing in this Aft contained, or to be contained in fuch Letters Patent cn l "he C D r f'es Indenture or Indentures as aforefaid, fhall extend to hinder or obftruct the Payments of the weekly ot Excife not Sum of three thoufand feven hundred Pounds, or the yearly Sum of fixteen thoufand two hundred fixty hereby obftru'et- three Pounds eight Shillings and eleven Pence, by former Acts of Parliament charged upon the faid edl Rates and Duties of Exciie, or fome of them, or the Application thereof to the refpective Ufes in- tended by fuch former Acts concerning the fame; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwith- ftanding. Deficiency how IV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if the faid Revenue of the Poft Office, ap- to be fupphed. p i; ca ble to the Payment of the faid yearly. Sum of forty thoufand Pounds, ihall at the End of any Quarter of a Year be infufficient to anfwer the quarterly Payment then due out of the fame according to the true Meaning of this Act, then and in every fuch Cafe the Comptroller of the faid Office for the time being ihall and he is hereby required without Fee or Charge to make a Certificate in Writing ■ of the Sum which fhall be then wanting to complete the faid quarterly Payment, and deliver the fame to the faid Princefs, or her Order, and upon producing thereof the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or high Treafurer for the time being, fhall caufe every fuch Deficiency to be fatisfied out of any Over- plus Monies of the faid Rates and Duties of Excife, or out of fome other Monies arifing or to arife by any hereditary Branches of Revenue belonging to his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, being appointed for the Uies of the civil Government, with Preference to all other Payments hereafter to be charged upon fuch Overplus Monies or other Branches by fubfequent Act or Acts of Parliament, or Grants hereafter to be palled; and if the faid Rates and Duties of Excife, applicable to the Payment of the faid yearly Sum of ten thoufand Pounds, ihall at the End of any Quarter of a Year be infufficient to anfwer the quarterly Payment then due out of the fame according to the true Meaning of this Act, then and in every fuch Cafe the Comptroller of Excife for the time being fhall and he is hereby re- quired without Fee or Charge to make a Certificate in Writing of the Sum which ihali be then want- ing to compleat fuch quarterly Payment, and deliver the fame to the faid Princefs, or her Order; and upon producing thereof the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or high Treafurer for the time being, fhall caufe every fuch Deficiency to be fatisfied out of any Overplus Monies of the faid Poll; Office Reve- nues, or out of fome other Monies arifing or to arife by fuch hereditary Branches of the Revenue ap- pointed for Ufes of the civil Government as aforefaid, with Preference to all Payments hereafter to be charged upon fuch Overplus Monies or other Branches, by any fubfequent Act or Acts of Parliament, or Grants hereafter to be paffed; any thing in this Act, or any other Law or Statute whatsoever, to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. 'Who to pay V. And it is hereby enacted, That the faid yearly Sums amounting to fifty thoufand Pounds as afore- noity." 1 AU ~ *" a '^' ma '^ ^ e P aic * anc ' P a Y a b' e by and from the immediate Hands of all and every the Commiffioners, Farmers, Treafurers, Receivers and Collectors for the time being of the faid Revenues refpectively, without any Fees or Charges to be demanded or taken for paying the fame or any Part thereof; and the Acquittance and Acquittances of the faid Princefs, or her Truftees, or of her Royal Highnefs's Receiver General for the time being, ihall be a good and fufficient Difcharge for the Payment thereof, without any further or other Warrant to be fued for, had or obtained in that Behalf; and that the laid Annuity or yearly Sum of fifty thoufand Pounds, and every Part thereof, fhall be free and clear from all Taxes, Impofitions and other; publick Charges whatfoever; and if the faid Commiffioners, Farmers, Treafurers, Receivers and Collectors, for the time being, of the faid Duties and Revenues, or any of them, fhall refufe or neglect to pay the faid refpective yearly Sums, or any Part thereof, to the faid Princefs, her Receiver General or Truftees, that then the faid Princefs or fuch Truftees as aforefaid, may fue, profecute or implead the faid Commiffioners, Farmers, Treafurers, Receivers and Collec- tors, or any of them, and all or any of their Securities, Heirs, Executors and Adminiftrators, by Bill, Plaint or Action of Debt, and fhall and may recover Judgments, and fue out Executions there- upon, againif. the faid Commiffioners, Farmers, Treafurers, Receivers and Collectors refpectively, and their refpective Securities, Heirs, Executors and Adminiftrators, for fuch Sum and Sums of Money then due and owing upon the faid Annuities amounting to fifty thoufand Pounds per Annum, or any Part thereof, as fhall be in the Hands of the faid Commiffioners, Farmers, Treafurers, Receivers aiid Collectors refpectively, of the faid refpective Duties or Revenues at the Time when Demand fhall be made of the Payment of the faid yearly Sum, or any Part thereof. The King's Let- . VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Powers, Precepts, t eeffeft ent i t0 Directions and Claufes to be contained in his Majefty's Letters Patent, Indenture or Indentures here - Law. after to be made as aforefaid, for the better and more certain Payment and AfTurance of the faid yearly Sums amounting to fifty thoufand Pounds per Annum, and for making the faid refpective Revenues liable thereunto, fhall be and are hereby enacted to be good and effectual in the Law, according to the Tenor and Purport thereof, in the faid Letters Patent, Indenture or Indentures to be expreifed, notwithftanding any Reftriction, or other Matter or Thing contained in the faid Act of Parliament made