Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/341

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. D. 1737. Anno decimo Georgii II. C. 29. 279 <iade in the firft Year of her late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An M for the better Supborl of her Majefty's Houfhold, and of the Honour and Dignity of the Crown ; and notwithstanding any Reftriction, r other Matter or Thing contained in the faid "Act of the ninth Year of her faid late Majefty's LekB for cftablifhing the Port Office, and any Mif- recital, Non-recital, Omifllon, or other Defecl 1 the laid Letters Patent, Indenture or Indentures hereafter to be made, in any wife notwith- anding. VII. saving to all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick, or Corporate, their Heirs, Exe- Perrons Inte- utorsj Adminiftrators and Alhgns (other than the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, and other v e e ' n s u i" not 'af- han to fuch Perfon or Perfons who do or mayftand feized or poiTefled in Truft for his Majefty. his fefled hereby." R'irs and Succeflbrs) all fuch Right, Title, Intereft and Demand whatfoever, which they or any f them have, or may have, of, in or to, or out of the Revenues aforefaid, or any Part there- f before the making of this Act, as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purpofes, as if [us Ad had not been made ; this Act or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwith- tanding. ' V 1 1 1 . And whereas his Majefty hath granted to his dearly beloved Son the Prince of Wales '• the yearly Sum of fifty thoufand Pounds for Support of hhnfelf and his Family, to be paid out of the Revenues appointed for defraying the Charges of the Civil Government, and fupporting the Honour and Dignity of the Crown ; ' Be it further enacted and declared by the Authority forefaid, That fuch yearly Sum or Sums of Money as his Majefty hath granted, directed or ap- The 50,000!. ointed, or (hall grant, direct of appoint, to or for the Ufe and Benefit of the faid Prince of Wales* p U? ^ ed f t w a i e8 iut of the Revenues aforefaid, fliall be paid to his Royal Highnefs, or to his Ufe, or for his Benefit, by'his Majefty, vitbout any Fees or Charges to be demanded or taken by the Officers of the Exchequer, or any others, free of Taxes, or Payment thereof, and that ihe faid yearly Sum or Sums of Money, and every Part thereof, fhall be ree and clear from all Taxes, Impofitions and other publick Charges whatfoever ; any Law or Statute o the contrary notwithftanding. ' IX. And whereas the faid Prince now ftands feifed of the Dutchy of Cornwall, and the PofTefTion thereof, of an Eftate of Inheritance under a fpecial Form of Limitation differing from the ordinary ■ Rules of Inheritance at Common Law, whereupon fome Queftions may grow what Eftates in the fame the faid moft Excellent Prince may legally grant, and whether Leales made by his faid Royal • Highnefs of any Manors, Lands, Tithes, Tenements or Hereditaments, Parcel of the faid Duchy, ' or annexed to the fame, will be good and effectual in Law longer than for the Life of his faid

Royal Highnefs;' For avoiding of which Doubt, and for the Eafe and Quiet of the Minds of

'fuch Perfons as have taken, or hereafter fliall take, Leafes from the faid Prince, and to the End fuch Perfons may be fure to have good and indefeazible Eftates, and be encouraged to lay out Monies in building and repairing, or othervvife improving the feveral Lands and Tenements to them demi- ted, and to be demifed ; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Leafes or Grants Leafes of Lands 'made or to be made by his faid Royal Highnefs, of any Manors, Offices, MefTuages, Parks, Lands, mad^bythe 'Tithes, Tenements or Hereditaments, Parcel of the PofTeffions of the faid Duchy of Cornwall* or Prince effeftual annexed to the fame, fhall be good and effectual in Law, according to the Purport and Con- in Law. 'tents of the faid Leafes or Grants, againft his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, and againft his Jiaid Royal Highnefs, and his Heirs, and againft all and every Perfon and Perfons who fliall inherit lor fucceed to the faid Duchy, according to the faid Limitation or otherwife. X. Provided always, That eveiy fuch Leafe or Grant fo made or to be made of any Manors, *j ucl1 ^^ *° Offices, Mefluages, Parks, Lands, Tithes, Tenements or Hereditaments in Pofleffion, be and fliall than ^Lives^or be made for three Lives or fewer, or for thiity-one Years or under, or for fome Term of Years 31 Years, &c. determinable upon one, two, or three Lives, and not above ; and if fuch Leafe or Grant be made in Reverfion or Expectancy, that then the fame together with the Eftates in Pofleffion do not ex- ceed three Lives, or the Term of thirty-one Years, and be not in any wife made difpunifhable of Wafte, and fo as upon every fuch Leafe or Grant be or fhall be referved the ancient or moft ufual Rent or more, or fuch Rent as hath been referved, yielded or paid for fuch of the Premifles as are or fliall be contained therein, for the greater Part of twenty Years next before the making of the faid Leafes, and fhall be referved, due and payable to fuch as fliall. have the Inheritance or other Eftate of the faid Duchy, and where no fuch Rent hath been referved of" payable, that then upon every fuch Leafe there be or fhall be referved a reafonable Rent, not being under the twentieth Part of the clear yearly Value of the Manors, Mefluages, Parks, Lands, Tithes, Tenements or Hereditaments contained in fuch Leafe or Grant. XL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Covenants, Conditions, Referva- Confirmation of tions, and Agreements contained in every fuch Leafe or Grant fo made or to be made as aforefaid fhall fuchUafo. °* be good and effectual in Law, according to the Words and Contents of the fame, as well for and againft them to whom the Reverfion of the fame Manors, Offices, MefTuages, Parks, Lands, Tithes, Tenements or Hereditaments fhall come, as for and againft them to whom the Intereft of fuch Leafes fliall come refpectively, as if his faid Royal Highnefs the Prince at the Time of making fuch Covenants,

; Conditions, Refervations, and Agreements, had been feifed of an abfolute Eftate in Fee Simple in the

fame Manors, Offices, MefTuages, Parks, Lands, Tithes, Tenements, or Hereditaments. XII. Saving always, to all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs Perfons Right* and Succeflbrs, Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns (other than His faid Majefty, his Heirs and j^£ '! ^ ,f, Succeflbrs, and other than his laid Royal Highnefs the Prince, arid his Heirs, and all and every Perfon fe&e9 hereby and Perfons that fhall hereafter have, inherit, and enjoy the faid Duchy of Cornwall by Force of any Act of Parliament or other Limitation whatfoever) all fuch Rights, Titles, Eftates, Cuftoms, Interefts, Te- nures,