Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/344

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282 C. 31. Anno decimo Georgii II. A. D. 1737. ^ P Sdg^ C fn?h'e ^ im or ^ er ^ e 'f anc ^ J*>s or her Apprentice or Apprentices; and fuch Waterman, Wherryman or Lighter- fame HdiiCe man, or his or their Widow or Widows, (hall keep fuch Apprentice or Apprentices to lodge and lie in with his Mafter the lame Houfe or Tenement wherein he or (lie doth lodge or lie, upon Pain that every Mailer or Mi- Pain'ofrorfeit- ^ Ie ^ s *° ^ rom f ' me t0 l ' me a ^ t ' n g otherwife, and offending againft this Act, being thereof convicted in ing 10 1. Manner aforefaid, (hall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain. VI. And, to prevent any Perfon or Perfons producing forged or falfe Certificates; Be it further enacted on^rcducin - 1 ' ^Y the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons (hall knowingly and wilfully produce any falfe Certifi- forged or falfe Certificate, and (hall be thereof convicted before the Lord Mayor of the faid City of «tes. London? or before any one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the faid City for the time being, by the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, he, (he or they (hall for every fuch Of- fence forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain. Proprietors of VII. Provided neverthelefs, That any Waterman, Wherryman or Lighterman, being the real Owner &c i^aytake or Proprietor of twelve Lighters, Barges or Flat-bottomed Boats in his own Right, may take and re- s Apprentices tain to his own Ufe and Service two Apprentices at any one Time; and the real Owner or Proprietor of a °d n p Time . - twenty Lighters, Barges or Flat-bottomed Boats in his own Right, may take and retain to his own Ufe tors of 20 may anc ^ Service four Apprentices, and no more; provided fuch Owner or Proprietor of fuch Lighters, take 4, and no Barges, or Flat-bottomed Boats (hall firft take an Oath before the faid Lord Mayor of the City of Provided f h London for the time being, or before any one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the faid City Proprietors 4 or " London, the City of JVe/iminJier, or Counties of Middlefex, Ejjex, Surry, Kent, Bucks? or Berks, make Oath of (which Oath they are hereby im powered and required to adminifter) that he or (he is bona fide the real fuel! Number of Owner or Proprietor of the Numbers of Lighters, Barges or Flat-bottomed Boats as aforefaid, and lighters, &c. (hall produce fuch Oath fo taken in Writing, under the Hand and Seal or Hands and Seals of the faid Lord Mayor, or one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the faid Cities or Counties aforefaid, to the Rulers and Overfeers of the faid Company, or the major Part of them, at any of their publick Courts or Affemblies. Number of Paf- VIII. And, for preventing the lofing the Lives of Perfons paffing on the River Thames between Gravef- engers lmite " end and Wind/or aforefaid; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twen- ty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-feven, it (hall not be lawful for any Per- fr° to'take 3 ^ on or ^ >er ' ons? who (hall work or navigate any Tilt-boat, Row-barge, or any other Boat or Wherry, more than 37, f° r Hire or Gain, to receive, take into, or carry in any fuch Tilt-boat or Row-barge, at one and the and 3 by the fame Time, any more than thirty-feven Paffengers, and three more Paffengers only if brought on Board other 'Eoat" more ky the Way; nor to receive, take into, or carry in any other Boat or Wherry, any more than eight than 8, and 2 Paffengers, and two more only if called in by the Way; nor to receive, take into, or carry in any by the Way; Ferry-boat or Wherry allowed to work on Sundays, any more than eight Paffengers at one and the fame boaton y sundays Time; and if any Perfon or Perfons, who (hall work or navigate any fuch Tilt-boats, Row-barges, more than 8, , Ferry-boats, or other Boats or Wherries, (hall receive, take into, or carry in any fuch Tilt-boats, Row- barges, Ferry-boats, or other Boats or Wherries, a greater Number of Paffengers than what are limit- ed refpertively as aforefaid, every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending, and being thereof convicted by the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, or by the Confeffion of the Party or Parties be- fore the Lord Mayor of the City of London for the time being, or one or more Juftice or Juftices of en pain of for- the Peace for the City, County, Town Corporate, Liberty, or Place where the Offence fliall be com- feitmgfor the mitted, or the Offender (hall be found, or on View of any fuch Juftice or Juftices, (hall for the firft forht ffecend 1 ' Off ence forfeit the Sum of five Pounds, and for the fecond Offence forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds; one 30 1. Moiety of fuch Forfeitures to go to the Informer, and the other Moiety to fuch Ufes as the other Pe- for the third to nalties and Forfeitures impofed by this Act are particularly directed to be applied; and every Perfon or for .2 Months. Perfons who (hall offend in the Fremiffes a third Time, fliall be disfranchifed for twelve Months from in cafe any " working, rowing, or navigating any Boat, Wherry, Veffel or other Craft, and from enjoying any the Perfon fhall be privileges, the Members of the faid Company of Watermen, Wherrymen and Lightermen are intitled a "ere "ter Num- t0 » ar >d do enjoy; and in cafe any greater Number of Perfons fhall be received, taken into, or carried in ber is taken in, any fuch Tilt-boats, Row-barges, Ferry-boats, or other Boats or Wherries than are reflectively allow- fh" |W> aterm r n ed to be carried as aforefaid, and any Paffenger or Paffengers (hall then be drowned, every fuch Perfon or portedVs^e- Perfons who fhall work or navigate fuch Tilt-boats, Row-barges, Ferry-boats, or other Boats or Wher- lons. . ries offending therein, and being thereof lawfully convicted, (hall be deemed guilty of Felony, and (hall be tranfported as Felons. £ he Burthen of jx. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons (hall row, work, other Boats na or navigate any Tilt-boat which fliall not be of the Burthen of Fifteen Tons, nor row, work, or navi • vigated between gate any Boat or Wherry which fliall not be of the Burthen of three Tons, in the Long Ferry between London Bndge London Bridge and Grave/end; except fuch Boat as fhall be hired by any one Perfon for his own Ufe j afeertained. up 011 P am or ~ forfeiting for every fuch Offence the Sum of ten Pounds; one Moiety whereof fliall go to Penalty of 10 1. the Informer, and the other Moiety to fuch Ufes as the other Penalties and Forfeitures impofed by this. Act are particularly directed to be applied. No Gravefend ' x. And whereas there have of late Years been worked and navigated in the Long Ferry between elofeDedwOT ' London Bridge and Gravefend divers Boats and Wherries which have been built in Imitation of Tilt- ■ Bails nailed' ' boats with clofe Decks, whereby the Lives of his Majefty's Subjects have been often in imminent down, to be ' Danger, and many Perfons have been drowned;' Therefore to prevent the fame for the future, be it navigate; enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thou- fand feven hundred and thirty-feven, it fhall not be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever to row, work, or navigate any Boat or Wherry with a clofe Deck, commonly called Gravefend Wherries, or with S Bails