Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/345

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A. D. 1737. Anno decimo Georgii II. C. 31. 283 ed) upon aforefaid, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds; one Moiety whereof fhall go to the Informer, and the other Moiety to fuch Ufes as the other Penalties and Forfeitures impofed by this Act arc parti- cularly directed to be applied. XL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid,' That .when and as often as any Watermen or Y^"v-,' Wherrymen rowing in or belonging to fuch Boat or Boats ihall wilfully or negligently lofe his or their from BUlingf- Tide or Tides, either from Billing/gate to Grave/end, or from Grave/end to Billingjgate, by putting on gate to Gravef. Shore for the talcing in of other Paffenger or Paffengers than whom they at firft departed ar.d fet out lingers dfC with (except as herein is directed) or by waiting or loitering by the Way, by Means whereof the faid chargedfrom Paffengers reflectively therein ihall be let or landed fhort by the Space of two Miles or .upwards P a >' in B> of either of the faid Ports or Places to which they are bound, that then and in every fuch Cafe all and every fuch Paffenger or Paffengers ihall be, and is and are hereby difcharged from paying for their faid refpective Paffages or Voyages ; any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom to the contrary notwith- standing. ' XII. And whereas many Inconveniencies and Cafualties have frequently happened, and do often ^ n tneTmiVs

  • arife and happen, to the endangering of the Lives of his Majefty's Subjects paffing and repairing by f Bepartareo/
  • Water to and from London and Grave/end in Tilt-boats and other Boats and Wherries, which are na- Tilt-boatsr, &c.
  • vigated for Hire or Gain, for want of a due Regulation of the Time and Times of Departure of the ^nd^ravefend
  • faid Tilt-boats and other Boats and Wherries at and from the faid refpedtive Ports and Places of Lon-
  • don and Grave/end, and for want of navigating the faid Boats refpectively with good and able Hands ;' _ •'

Be it therefore further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth J he w^termeni i Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-feven, the Rulers and Company to I Overfeers of the faid Company of Watermen, Wherrymen, and Lightermen, or the major Part of a PP oint two them, fhall from time to time appoint two or more proper Officers, who ihall give their conftant At- teniae Bilifhgf-

tendance, as well by Night as by Day, at every Time of High Water at London Bridge and the Firft gatesft High 

of Flood at Grave/end; that is to fay, One or more of fuch Officers at Billing/gate, and one or more of Water and at other fuch Officers at Grave/end, who as near as is poffible at every Time and Times of High Water, th*firft.of ^ , and the Firft of Flood aforefaid, fhall publickly ring a Bell at each of the faid Places refpectively, to Flood ; who

be provided and hung up for that Purpofe by the faid Rulers and Overfeers or the major Part of them, ^ a [' ,ir S a

and to continue ringing of the fame by the Space and Time of fifteen Minutes, to give Notice to the Notice toThe faid refpective Tilt-boats and other Boats and Wherries who defign to pafs the faid Ferry between Lon- Tilt-boats and don and Grave/end by that Tide, to put off and fet forward on their faid refpective Ferries or Voyages, Wherri pafs the faid Ferries, or either of them, with Paffengers on board, fhall not immediately depart, and &c - th e effectually proceed on their feveral and refpective Voyages, without lying by in the River, or putting b^^^au f u r . again on Shore within two Miles of the faid refpective Ports or Places of Billi?igfgate or Grave/end, as feit $1. the Cafe may be, for the taking in of any Goods, Paffenger or Paffengers ; or if any fuch Boat or Boats fhall not be provided with, and during the faid whole Ferry or Voyage be navigated by, two fuf- ficient and able-bodied Men, the younger thereof to be of the Age of eighteen Years at the leaft ; then and in every fuch Cafe, and fo as often as the fame ihall happen, the Owner and Owners of all and every fuch Boat and Boats not departing, or lying by, or putting on Shore, or not being provided with, and navigated by, two able and fufficient bodied Men, as aforefaid, ihall forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds, being firft convicted thereof on the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, before one or more of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace of the Counties, Cities, Town Corporate, Liberty, or Place where the faid Offence or Offences fhall be committed, or the Offender can be found, to be levied and recovered upon the faid Boat or Boats, Wherry or Wherries, Sails, Tilts, and Tackle thereto belonging, and on the Goods and Chatties of all and every the Owners of fuch Boat or Boats, Wherry or Wherries refpecliveiy, in fuch Manner as the other Penalties and Forfeitures to be incurred by this Act are directed to be levied; one Moiety pf fuch Penalties and Forfeitures to go to the Rulers and Overfeers of the faid Company of Watermen, Wherrymen, and Lightermen ; and the other Moiety thereof to the Informer or Informers who fhall profecute for the fame. XIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe the faid Overfeers and Rulers on"he Compa- of the Company of Watermen, Wherrymen, and Lightermen, or the major Part of them, ihall neg- ny of Water- left or fet up, to caufe to be fet up, fuch Bell or Bells at the Places aforefaid (which they are hereby men, onNcg- authorized and impowered to do) and to appoint a proper Officer or Officers as aforefaid, to ring the Jf t £ e { fa™ s fame, within the Space of fourteen Days after the faid twenty-fourth Day of 'June one thoufand feven Bells, and ap- hundred and thirty-feven, or fhall neglect to appoint fuch proper Perfon or Perfons from time to time P oil ™ n 8 p«>- thereafter, to ring the fame; the faid Rulers and Overfeers fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of fifty rfngthem/ t0 Pounds, one Moiety whereof ihall go to the Poor of the Pariih where fuch Offence fhall be com- mitted, _ and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons who ihall inform and fue for the fame t r v 1 ' I ;, f ^ e e ul ' by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his Majifty's Courts of Record at IVeft- Halftlthe minjler, wherein no Effoin, Privilege, Protection, Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance ihall P^or, the o- be allowed. „ ££*** "" O o 2 XIV. And