Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/356

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2Q4 C. 16,, 17. Anno undeciino Georgii II. A. D. 1738. Mafterof Ship VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid firft Day of h°s P Ownera° J une i every A4after of a Ship carrying Coals as aforefaid (hall after every respective Voyage made by Copy of fuch him produce to his Owner or Owners. (when required) a Copy of fuch Contract or Contracts (igned by Contraftfigned the Crimp or Factor, in whofe Book, the faid Contract is or mall be entered as aforefaid ; and in cafe f Faaor^u'nZr 01 Refufal fuch Mafter fo refuting (hall forfeit and pay the Sum of fifty Pounds, to be recovered and dif- Fenaityof 50!. pofed of as aforefaid. 6&7W 7.c 10 ' VIII. And whereas by an Act made and pafTed in' the fixfh and feventh Year of the Reign of his ' ' late Majefty King William the Third, intituled, An Afi for the better Admeafurement of Keels and Keel ■ ' Boats in the Port of Newcaftle, and the Members thereunto belonging, it was enacted, That Commiffion- ' ers (hould from time to time be appointed by his. then Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, for the ad- meafuring and marking all and any the Keels, Pan-keels, and Pan-boats, and other Boats, and faid belonging, which faid Admeafurement (hould be by a dead Weight of Lead or Iron orother- ' wife, as (hould feem meet to the faid Commiflioners, or any three of them, allowing fifty-three hun- ' dred Weight to every Chaldron of Coals ; and which faid Keels, Boats, Wains, or Carts were there- ' by directed: to be admeafured or marked at the Times and Places, and in Manner therein mentioned: ' And whereas (ince the making the faid recited Act divers Perfons concerned in the Coal Trade have ,' ufed and employed Waggons, Barrows, and other Carriages, not mentioned, fpeciried or com- ' prized within the Directions of the faid Act, whereby divers Frauds, Deceits, and Abufes have arifen, ' to the great Prejudice and Damage of the Buyers and Sellers of Coals, and the Diminution of his ' Majefty's Cuftoms ;' Wherefore for preventing fuch Frauds and Abufes for the future, Be it further Commifnoners enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and- after the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feven Ae?°o'f t o d & y hundred and thirty-eight, it (hall and may be lawful to and for the Commiffioners appointed or to be w. 3. mayaci- appointed by virtue and in purfuance of the faid former) Act, or any three or more of them, to ad- meaiure, mark, meafure, weigh, and mark, or caufe to be admeafured, weighed, and marked, all Waggons, Barrows eons a &-c V ufed an( ^ a ^ other Carriages whatfoever, ufed, or hereafter to be ufed and employed in loading Ships with in loading ships Coals in the Port of Newcaftle, and Members thereunto belonging ; and that fuch Admeafurement with Coals. Weighing, and Marking (hall be made and taken by fuch Rules and Methods, and at fuch Places, as in and by the faid former Act is directed and appointed concerning the Wains and Carts thereby di- rected and appointed to be admeafured. Publick Aa. IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act (hall be deemed and taken to be a Publick Act to all Intents and Purpofcs, and (hall be judicially taken Notice of as fuch by all Judges CoMtmng Coals j u ft{ ces anc ] other Perfons whatfoever, without the fame being fpecially pleaded or fet forth. 13 Geo. 2. c. 21. 14 Geo. 2. c. 41. 17 Geo. 2. c. 35. 19 Geo. 2. c. 35. 22 Geo. 2. c. 37. 23 Geo. 2. c. 26. 30 Geo. 2. c. 19. 31 Geo. 2. c. 15. 32 Geo. 2. €. 27. 33 Geo. z. c. IX, C A P. XVI. An Act for continuing the Duty of Two Pennies Scots, or one fixfh Part of a Penny Sterling on each Pint of Ale and Beer that (hall be vended or fold within the Town of Invernes and Privileges thereof for paying the Debts of the faid Town, and other Purpofes therein mentioned. PR. The Duty is further continued for 21 Years, and to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament. C A P. XVII. An Act for fecuring the Eftates of Papifts conforming to the Proteftant Religion, agaifift the Difabilities created by feveral Acts of Parliament relating to Papifts; and for ren- dring more effectual the feveral Acts of Parliament made for vefting in the two Uni- verlities in that Part of Great Britain called England the Prefentations of Benefices belong- ing to Papifts. ■■■■'"' "V 3<Vr.i.r.3. ' II7HEREAS Pejfons profeffing or educated in the Popifh Religion, are by divers Acts of Par- w'iMa'" ' * * Jiamentfubjected to feveral Difabilities and Incapacities, which may affect Perfons conforming r. 9, "15, 17,' '" ' .from the Popifh tp. the Proteftant Religion : And whereas many Perfons have already conformed to &-!(>. ' ' ' the Prpieftant Religion,, and are willing to fubmit to his Majefty's Government in as full an ample 3i & uW. 3. 1 Manner as'-any other of his Majefty's Subjects, and others are likely fo to do ;' Be it therefore enact* 'izAnn.ft. 2. ed by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by. and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual e 14. and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent. Parliament affembled, and by the Authority 'of the j Geo. z.ji. 2. fame, That all and every Perfon or Perfons being reputed Owner or Owners, or in Poffeflion or Re- idea. 1. c. i«. ceipt of the Rents and Profits .of any Manors, Mefluages, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or $Geo. j. c. 18 of any Intereft therein, who having been, or reputed to be a Papift or Papifts, or educated in thePopifti Geo 1 t 4. R eu g' on 5 natn or have conformed to, or hereafter (hall conform to and profefs, the Proteftant Reli-

■ '■ 4> . gion, and hath or have taken, or (hall take the. Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy, and Abjuration, and

EftatTbein 3 " 7 ' a "° fubfcribed, or (hall fubfcribe, the Declarations fet down and expreiTed in an Act of Parliament Papifts, on con- made in the thirtieth Year of the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, intituled, Ari Act for forming, &c. the more effectual preferving the King's Perfon and Government, by dijfhblwg Papifts from fitting in either Houfe of Parliament, to be by him, her, or them repeated and fubfcrib,d in me Cour:s"of U:ancery or Ki,g's