Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/384

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3*2 c - 33- Anno undecimo Georgii II. A. D. 1738. and employed, as well towards fatisfying, paying, and difcharging all and any Sum and Sums of Money borrowed, advanced, or received by the laid Truftees, over and above the faid Sum of fix thoufand Pounds, as for and towards carrying on, compleating, and finifhing the faid Dock or Bafon and all other Works in and about the fame, and erecting and placing fuch proper Land Marks' Buoys, and other Directions at the Mouth and Entrance into the faid Harbour, as by the faid Mayor, Aldermen, Bailiffs, and Common Council of the Borough and Corporation for the time be- ing, fhould be thought needful or proper ; and that after the Expiration of the faid Term of four- teen Years, the fourth Part of the faid Duties granted in and by the faid former Aft mould com- mence and take Place, and not before; and the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Burgeffes of the faid Borough and Corporation for the time being were by the faid laft recited Aft impowered, by Indenture or other Writing under the Common Seal of the faid Borough and Corporation, to convey and fecure as well all fuch of the Duties granted by the faid former Aft for the faid Term of twenty-one Years as were not then conveyed, as alfo the Duties continued and granted by the faid Aft of the third Year of his faid late Majefty, as a Security for any Sum or Sums of Money to be borrowed for the Ends and Purpofes of the faid feveral Afts, to any Perfon or Perfons that fhould advance fuch Sum or Sums of Money upon fuch Security, fo that the Duties thereby granted fhould not at any Time be charged with a greater or further Sum than four thoufand Pounds : And whereas the faid Dock or Bafon hath been made, finifhed and perfected, purfuant to the Directions of the faid recited Afts, and made capable of taking, receiving, and harbouring a confiderable Number of Ships, which has tend- ed to the Increafe of Navigation, and Improvement of Trade, within the faid Town and Port of Li- verpool; and in order to enable the Truftees to finifh and compleat the faid Dock or Bafon, they bor- rowed and took up upon the Credit of the faid recited Afts, feveral Sums of Money, and there now remains due to the Perfons who advanced and lent the fame on that Account, the Principal Sum of Four thoufand eight hundred and thirty Pounds atlntereft: And whereas by reafon of the Straitnefs of the Entrance into the faid Dock or Bafon from the open Harbour of Liverpool, the Navigation in- to and from the faid Dock or Bafon is greatly obftrufted, and Ships and Veffels lying in the laid Dock or Bafon are frequently prevented from getting out to Sea, and Ships and Veffels lying in the Harbour without the faid Dock or Bafon, are frequently forced on Shore and loft, to the great Damage of the Merchants and Owners of Ships, and the Trade of the faid Town and Port of Liverpool: And whereas in cafe the faid Dock or Bafon was enlarged, and a Pier erefted and built in the open Har- bour of Liverpool, on the North Side of the Entrance into the faid Dock or Bafon, fuch Loffes, Mif- chiefs, and Inconveniencies might in a great Meafure be prevented, and the Harbour be rendered more fafe and commodious for the lying, lading, and unlading of Ships and other Veffels refort- ing thereto, or trading within the faid Port ; and the Mayor, Aldermen, Bailiffs, and Common Coun- cil of the faid Borough and Corporation of Liverpool have agreed to grant another Piece of Ground containing feven Acres, or thereabouts. Parcel of the Ground belonging to the faid Corporation ad- joining to the Entrance into the faid Wet Dock or Bafon on the North and South Sides of fuch En- trance, wherein fuch Pier and additional Dock may be made and erefted, to be held, ufed, ap- plied, and enjoyed for that Purpofe for ever; and have alfo agreed to lay out, apply, and advance out of the Common Stock of the faid Corporation the Sum of one thoufand Pounds, for accomplishing fo neceffary and ufeful a Work : But as the Rates and Duties arifing by virtue of and under the faid recited Afts, and the Sum fo agreed to be contributed and advanced by the faid Corporation, will not be fufticient to anfwer the Expences of fuch new Works, and difcha-rge the Debt, due on the Secu- rities made in purfuance of the faid former Afts, a Delign fo ufeful and beneficial to the faid Town and Port of Liverpool, and to the Trade and Navigation of the Kingdom cannot be effected and car- ried into Execution, unlefs the faid former Afts, and the Terms, Rates, and Duties thereby grant- ed and continued be enlarged, and other Provifions made for the Purpofes before-mentioned;' May it therefore pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enafted, &c. Continuation of the Afts 8 Ann. and 3 Geo. 1. Duties affignable for Money borrowed. 12 Commif- fioners appointed. The Dock to be kept in Repair by a Fourth of the Rates. Corporation im- powered to purchafe Ground, &c. by Agreement with the Owners, or by Determination of a jury ; and the Corporation to give final Judgment thereon. On Payment of the Monies, the Corporation to be indemnified for ufing the Grounds, isfc. Lamps to be fet up about the Dock, and charged upon the Rates." CAP. XXXIII. An Aft for repairing the Roads from the Town of Loughborough in the County of Leicejler, to the Town of Derby in the County of Derby ; and from the faid Town of Derby to the Town of Braf- fington, in the faid County of Derby ; and from the faid Town of Derby, through the Town of AJh- borne in the faid County of Derby to Hurdloe Houfe in the Parifh of Harrington, in the faid County. P R. Certain Tolls are granted from 24 June 1738, for 2 1 Years. Continued by 17 Geo. i.'c. 20. CAP.