Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/385

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A. D. 1738. Anno undecimo Georgii II. G. 34-35. 323 CAP. XXXIV. An A& for the effe&ual Draining and Prefervation of certain Fens called Cawdle Fen, Waterden, and Redmoor, and one Piece of Fen Ground called The Holts, in the Ifle of Ely in the County of Cambridge. P R. WHEREAS certain Fens and Low Grounds, lying and being in Ely, within the Ifle of £// and County of Cambridge, and within the great Level of the Fens called Bedford Level, con- taining in the Whole eight hundred and fifty Acres, or thereabouts, and hereafter mentioned and defcribed ; that is to fay, All that Fen called Cawdle Fen, containing three hundred and thirteen Acres, or thereabouts, beginning from the River Owze next a Farm called Braham Farm, and from thence all along under Cawdle Fen Drove to Stonebridge, and from thence to Gcntsbridge, including the Holts, and from thence to ihe Bank next . the faid River Ozvze up to the faid Farm called Braham Farm (exclu- ding the Hill-piece of Mr. Needham's Heirs, called the Brick-kiln Grounds, containing five Acres) and all that Fen called Water den. Fen, containing two hundred and ninety-four Acres, or thereabouts, be- ginning next Turbefey Farm from Sandys's Cut up to the Milking Hill, and from thence all along the Drove" I fay under New Barns Farm to Claiuay Drove, and from thence to Claway Hufe, along Sandys's Cut, up to the faid Turbefey Farm (excluding four Acres of Ground belonging to William Cole Efquire, at Thi/tley Corner next the Milking Hill, and two Acres of Ground more belonging to Mr. Robert Light/hot, lying next the Ground of the faid William Cole, and two Acres of Ground more belonging to Thomas Buttey, lying next the Ground of the faid Robert Lightfoot, and two Acres of Ground more belonging to the faid Robert Lightfoot, lying next the Ground of the faid Thomas Buttey, and four Acres of Ground more belonging to Mr. William Cawthorue, lying next the laft-mentioned Ground of the faid Robert Lightfoot, and four Acres of Ground more belonging to Mr. Thomas Aungier, abutting on New Barnes Farm) and all that Fen called Redmoor Fen, containing two hundred and forty-fiye Acres, or thereabouts, beginning from Sandys's Cut next Clayway Drove, up to the Drove Way under New Barnes Farm, up to Chettifham Field, along another Drove Way leading up to the King's High- way under Woodhoufe Farm, and from thence to Mr. Henry Morley's Kiln-docking down to Sandys's Cut, up to Clayway Drove (excluding the two High Grounds belonging to Kettlefwortb Farm) have for fome Years lalt paft been, and ftill are, overflowed with Waters through the Defect of their Outfalls to the Sea, by which Means the fame are in Danger of being utterly loft, to the great Damage and Impoverishment of the Owners of fuch Grounds : And whereas, notwithftanding the Powers and Provifions now in Force for draining and keeping dry the fame by and under an Act of Parliament made in the fifteenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An Ac! for fettling 15 Car. ;. c .17. the Draining of the Great Level of the Fens called Bedford Level, the faid Fen Grounds cannot be pre- ferved without the further Aid of Parliament, to enable the Owners and Proprietors of the faid Fen Lands and Grounds to preferve and keep the fame drained for the future, by which Means great Be- nefit will not only accrue to the Publick, but much Profit to the Owners of the faid Fen Lands and Low Grounds ;' Be it enacted, &c. ' Commiflioners authorized to cut Drains through, and erect Works on, the Fens for draining them, ' making Satisfaction for Damages. Commiflioners to aflefs the Owners of the Fens. Duties aflign- ' able for Money borrowed, at Interefl not exceeding 5 /. per Cent, per Annum. Commiflioners not to ' act, unlefs Owners of the 12 Acres of the faid Fens. Commiflioners not to intermeddle with the ' Works of the Confervators of Bedford Level; nor to obftruct the Navigation of the River Owze. CAP. XXXV. An Aft for the better enlightening the open Places, Streets, Lanes, Paflages, and Courts, and for the better regulating the Nightly Watch and Bedels, within the Parifh of Chriji Church, in the County of Middlefex. P R. WHEREAS the enlightening the open Places, Streets, Lanes, Paflages and Courts, and keep- ing a lufficient and well-regulated Watch in the Night Time, within the grea.'- and populous Parifh of Chriji Church in the County of Middlefex, will be of great Importance, and tend not only to the Prefervation of the Perfons and Properties ot the Inhabitants thereof, but for the common Safety and Benefit of all other Perfons reforting to and from the Market kept within the faid Parilh, and all other Perfons whofe Affairs oblige them to pafs and repafs through the fame, and very necefiary to pre- vent, as well the Mifcbiefs which may happen from Fires, as Murders, Burglaries, and other Out- rages and Diforders : And whereas by the Laws now in being no effectual Provifion is made for the enlightening the faid Streets and other Places, or for the eftabliftiing, ordering, or well-governing of fuch a Nightly Watch, or compelling of the Conftable or Headboroughs to do his or their Duty, by watching in their feveral Turns, or for levying and collecting any Sums of Money for defraying the necefiary Charges thereof, or for enforcing a due Application and juft Account of any Money fo levied and collected for that Purpofe ;' For Remedy of the aforefaid Inconveniencies, may it pleafe your molt Excellent Majefty, that it may be enacted, &e. The Veftry to appoint a proper Number and Sort of Lamps, &c. and to make Regulations and Con- tracts. Copies of fuch Regulations to be delivered to the Conftables, C5V. Veftry impowered to make ttj "a Pound