Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/386

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324 & 3^"39- Anno undecimo Georgii II. A. D. 1735 " a Pound Rate on the Inhabitants, to be collected quarterly or half yearly. The fame not to excee " 8 d. per Pound. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to Qyarter-Seffions. Perfons paying thefe Rates, &, " not to gain any Settlement. Books of Account to be kept by the Veftry Clerk ; and to be infpectei • " by any Inhabitant gratis. Penalties on breaking or damaging Lamps. Juftices impowered to hear an. " determine Offences againft this Act. Perfons paying the Rates exempt from the Penalties of the A: " iW,&M, c. 8. in relation to hanging out Lights, and from Watch and Ward." CAP. XXXVI. An Act for enlarging the Terms and Powers granted by two Acts of Parliament, one of the fourth, anc the other of the fixth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, for repairing the Roads from the Stones End in Kent. Street, in the Parifh of Saint George in Southwark in the County <v Surrey (leading to the Lime Kilns in Eaji Greenwich) to the firft Mill Pond at South End, in the Pari(h of Lcwijlxim iii the County of Kent; and for amending the Road from Wejlminjler Ferry at Lambeth. in the laid County of Surrey, to Neiv Crofs in Deptford in the faid County of Kent ; and for amending and making the faid Acts more effectual ; and for amending the Roads from the Lime Kilns aforefaid to the Town of Dartford in the. faid County ; and from a Place called Saint Thomas a Waterings, in the faid Parifh of Saint George, to the Stones End in Bermondfey Street in the faid County of Sunn PR. • The Tolls, £sY. 6 Geo. v. e. 26. are further continued for 38 Years. Continued by 25 Geo. 2. c. 51. CAP. XXXVII. An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers granted in and by an Act made in the tenth Year of her late Majefty Queen- Anne, for enlarging, amending and maintaining the Road between Ncrthfleet, Gravef- end and Rochcfter, in the County of Kent ; and alio another Acl made in the Eleventh Year of his late Majefty King George the Firft, for enlarging the Term granted by the faid former Acl, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and for explaining and amending the faid Acts } and alfo for repairing the Highway from Northfleet aforefaid to Dartford in the faid County. P R . The Tolls are further continued for 21 Years. cap. xxxvm. An _ Act for vefting the Real and Perfonal Efcate of Hugh Naijlo Efquire, who was late a Prifoner m his Majefty's Prifon of the Fleet, and efcaped out of the fame, in Truftees, for the Benefit of his Creditors. P R. CAP. XXXIX. An Aft to enable the Adventurers, Owners and Proprietors of the Taxable Lands, and the Owners and Proprietors of the Free Lands, in Beefing Fens and other Fens in the County of Lincoln therein mentioned, to raife a competent Sum of Money for the effectual drain- ing and future Prefervation of all the faid Fens, according tp their Agreement in that Be- half, and to carry the faid Agreement into Execution, and for other the Purpofes therein mentioned. P R. preamMe, re- ' II7HEREAS by an Acl of Parliament made in the fixteenth and feventeenth Years of the 36& S r th Ca^ ft ' * ^ ^ eign of his Ma J eu 7 Kin S Charles the Second, intituled, An Acl for draining of the Fen call- c.ji.' 7 ar ' z " ' ed Deeping Fen, and other Fens therein mentioned, Edward then Earl of Manchejler, and other Honour- ' able Perfons therein named, their Heirs and Affigns, and the Survivors of them, were declared Un- ' dertakers for the draining the faid Fens, in Trnft to and for fuch Perfon and Perfons, and to fuch In- 1 tents and Purpofes as are therein mentioned ; which faid Fens are deicribed by the faid Act to be in ' Holland and Kejleven in the County of Lincoln, and called or known by the Names of Deeping Fen, Pinchbeck, and Spalding South Fen, Thurlby Fen, Bourn South Fen, and Croyland Fen, otherwife G^- ' gujhland, and contain in the whole about thirty thoufand Acres ; and one third Part of the laid Fens, ' being ten thoufand and thirty-fix Acres, or thereabouts, thentofore allotted to Thomas Lovell Efquire, ' therein named, his Heirs and Affigns, and five thoufand Acres more of the faid Fen Lands afterwards ' added thereto as a Recompence and Satisfaction for the Charges and Expences which they had then be- ' fore been at, and would be at, in and about the draining the laid Fens, were veiled in '.he faid Tru- ' ftees, their Heirs and Affigns, in Truft, as to the faid ten thoufand and thirty-fix Acres thereof now ' called the Taxable Lands, to be conveyed by the faid Truftees to fuch Perfon or Perfons, for fuch ' Eftate and Eftates, in fuch Manner as Thomas Earl of Berkjiire, and others therein named, fhould ' appoint; and as for the faid five thoufand Acres, now called the Free Lands, in Truft for the fajd ' Earl of Berkfliire, and others therein named, according .to their refpective Interefts therein; and ali the ' faid Fen Lands fo vefted in the faid Truftees as aforefaid, were by the faid A<t to be fenced end io- ' clofed by the faid Truftees, their Heirs and Affigns, againft the Lords and Commoner^ of the Refidue ' of the laid Fens; and Liberty was thereby given for the faid Lords and Commoners to inclofe and ' fever and hold in Severalty fuch Quantities of the reft of the faid Fens, as fhould be proportional to ' their respective Interefts therein, fubject to the Powers given by the faid Act to the laid Truftees for ' draining