Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/404

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342 C. zi. Anno duodecimo Georgii II. A. D. 173Q o t - d Alteration f ore two Witncffes, in order to prove that the intire Property in fuch Ship remains to fome of the Snb be indorftd? '° J ec ^ s °^ Great Britain or Ireland-, if any Difpute arifes concerning the fame. ' IX. And whereas great Quantities of Wooil have been clandeftinely exported under the Denomina ' tionof Coverlids, Waddings, and other Manufactures made of Wooll, whereas tlie fame was onh ' "Wooll flightly wrought, or fiitched together, and may be reduced to Wooll again, by which Prac 4 tire the unfair Traders have evaded the good Laws made to prevent the Exportation of Wool! ;' Foi Penalty on ex- preventing the like Practices for the future, be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That frorr porting Wooll ann after the faid twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, nc wrought. Coverlids, Waddings, or other Manufactures, or pretended Manufactures, made of Wooll flighty ftitched, worked, or otherwife put together, fo as the fame may be reduced to, and made ufe ol as Wool] again, or MatrafTes, or Beds fluffed with combed Wooll, or Wooll fit for coming, (hail be exported from Great Britain or Ireland to Parts beyond the Seas, under the like Penalties and Forfeitures which are by any Law in Being inflicted on Perfons concerned in the Exportation of Wooll. Wooll in what X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fifth to be packed up. jD ay Q f D eccm i, cr one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, no Wooll, Wooll-feils, Mortlings, Shortlings, Wooll-flocks, Worried, Bay or Woollen Yarn, fhall be packed up in Great Britain' or Ireland, in any Box, Barrel, Cask, Cafe, Cheft, or any other Packgage, but in Packs or Trufles of Leather or Canvas commonly called Packclcth ; and all fuch Packs or Trufles of Leather or Canvas (hail be fiamped of marked on the Outfide thereof with the refpective Words WOOLL or YARN, in large Letters, not Ids than three Inches in Length, under the Penalty and Forfeiture of all fuch Wooll, or other the Goods aforefaid, with the Package thereof, and three Shillings for every Pound Weight thereof, to be paid by the Owner or Packer of fuch Wocll or Yarn. No Wooll to be XI. And for preventing any fraudulent Tranfportation of Wooll, Wooll-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, upon Notice' combed Wooll, Woollen or Bay Yarn, Worfted Yarn, Cruels, or Wooll nightly manufactured, under the given to the Pretence of carrying the fame Coaftwife in Great Britain or Ireland, Be it further enacted by the Autho- Commifiioners r ity aforefaid, That no Wooll, Wooll-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, combed Wooll, Woollen or Bay X' Ci u ' Yarn, Worfted Yarn, Cruel, or Wooll (lightly manufactured as aforefaid, fhall, from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, be put or laden on board any Ship, Veffel or Boat, bound to Parts beyond the Seas, or fhall be carried or laden in order to be carried in any Ship, Veffel, Bottom, or Boat Coaftwife, or from one Port of Great Britain or Ireland to another, unlefs Notice be firft given to the Commiflioners or chief Managers of the Cuftoms, or to the Cuftomer or Collector and Comptroller of the Port from which the fame is intended to be fent or ex.- ported, of the Quantity, Quality, and Package, together with the Marks and Numbers thereof, with the Name of the Ship and Matter or Commander on which the faid Goods are to be laden, as likewife the Name or Names of the Owner or Owners of the faid Goods, and the Place of his or their Abode or Habitation, and the Place and Port into which the fame are intended to be imported, and to whom Security for the CO nfigned ; and unlefs Bond be firft entered into to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, with one or more fufficient Securities, in Treble the Value of the Goods fo intended to be caaried coaft- wife, that the fame fhall (the Danger of the Seas excepted) be landed accordingly ; due Notice whereof fhall be forthwith tranfmitted by the Cuftomer or Collector and Comptroller of the Port from whence the fame fhall be exported, to the Cuftomer or Collector and Comptroller of the Port into which the .. fame is intended to be imported, and Entry made, in the Manner required by this or any other Act; Seen. ' and unlefs a Licence be alfo firft taken under the Hands of the Commiflioners or chief Managers of the Cuftoms for the time being, or any three of them, or from the Cuftomer or Collector and Comptroller where fuch Bond is given for the landing and carrying thereof, as aforefaid ; which Licence they are hereby required to grant without any Fee or Reward, or any other Charge to the Perfon demanding the difcha 5 rgedh°t C f arae i an y Law, Statute, or Ufage to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding : And all fuch Bonds fo uponprodu- entered into for the carrying fuch Goods coaftwife in Great Britain or Ireland, fhall not be difcharged, cmg a Certift- j-, uf: by producing a Certificate under the Hand and Seal of the Cuftomer or Collector and Comptroller of the Port or Place in Great Britain or Ireland where fuch Goods were landed, fetting forth the Quan- tity, Quality and Package, together with the Marks and Numbers thereof, with the Name of the Ship and Matter out of which fuch Goods were landed ; and that all fuch Bonds as (hall remain undifcharg- ed by fuch Certificate after fix Months, (hall be tranfmitted to the Commiflioners of the Cuftoms in Great Britain, or the Commiflioners of the Revenue in Ireland, who are hereby required to put them in Suit immediately : And if any Wooll, "Wooll-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, combed Wooll, Woollen or Bay Yarn, Worfted Yarn, Cruels, or Wocll flightlv manufactured, fhall be carried or laden on board any Ship, Veffel, Bottom, or Boat, in order to be carried coaftwife, or from one Port to ano- ther Port, before fuch Bond entered into, and fuch Licence taken out as aforefaid, and before all the Directions of this and every other Act made to prevent the Tranfportation of any of the Goods afore- faid fhall be fully and duly complied with, fo far as the fame relate to the Exporter or Proprietor of fuch Goods; or if any of the 'faid Goods (hall be laden, on board any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, bound to Parts forfeiture on. k t y 0m l the Seas; then all fuch Goods as fhall be fo carried and laden, or the Value thereof, ftiarl be forfeited and loft, together with the Ship, Veffel, Bottom, or Boat, on which fuch Goods (hail be fo laden or put on Board, with all her Guns, Ammunition, Tackie, Apparel, and Fur- niture. No other Secu- XII. Provided neverthelefs, That nothing herein contained (hall extend, or be conftrued to extend, fined ereb L lef " to alter or leffen any other Security now required by Law for Goods carried coaftwife, or to repeal or avoided. make