Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/405

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L D. 1739- Anno duodecimo Georgii II. C. 21. -14-1 lake void any Law now in Force in Great Britain op- Ireland made to prevent the Exportation of Wooll, -any the Goods or Commodities aforefaid. XIII. And for the belter preventing Frauds that may be practifed in the collufive landing any Wooll Wooii - Woollen Yarn from Ireland, or in the (hipping or landing any of the laid Goods carried coaftwife, whom > and e it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of De- ^nild '° tC tnber one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, none of the faid Goods imported into this Kin"- mti from Ireland, nor any of the faid Goods carried coaftwife within this Kingdom or Ireland, ,ali [be landed or (hipped, but in the Prefence of the proper ' Officers appointed to attend the me, nor at. any other Place or Places, than the lawful Quays fet out in the Manner prefcribed i 3 & i4Car, 2. a the Act of Frauds, paffed in the Fourteenth Year of King Charles the Second, for England, c - «■ r aki, and Berwick upon Tweed, and by the AiSt paffed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of her late Ma- 6 Ann^c. a6. ity Queen Anne, for fettling a Court at Exchequer in Scotland, for that Part ot the United King- nn, without Special Sufferance and Leave had from the Commifiioners and Officers of the Cuftoms, ■ at fuch Quays in Ireland, as are or (hall be appointed according to the Laws of that Kingdom ; on ain of forfeiting the faid Goods, or the Value thereof, and three Shillings for every Pound Weight of ch Goods, to be paid by the Owner or Proprietor thereof, or any Perfon concerned in fuch unlawful ipping or landing, to be profecuted and recovered as hereafter is directed ; any Law, Cuftom, or fage to the contrary notwithftanding. 2ti V. And in order to prevent any fraudulent Practices by Officers or Other Perfons in making collu- de Seizures, or by entering Informations, and making private or fecret Agreements, whereby may ber aded any of the Forfeitures or Penalties inflicted by Law to prevent the tranfporting out ot this inborn any Wooll, Wooll-fells, Wooll - flocks, Mortlings, Shortlings, Worfted, Bay or Woollen arn, Fullers-earth, Fulling-clay, Tobacco-pipe-clay, or any other fcouring Clay or Earth, or to pre- mt the illegal tranfporting out of Ireland any of the faid Goods, or of Cloth, Serge, Bays, Kerfeys, ays, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth-ferges, Shalloons, or any other Drapery Stuffs, or Woollen Manufac- ir'es whatfoever, made up or mixed with Wooll or Wooll-fiocks ; Be it further enacted by the Autho- ty aforefaid, That it (hall not be lawful for any Perfcn or Perfons whatfoever, other than the Officers f°™ ^In-tr f feme or one of the Revenues of Cuftoms or Excife or Salt-duties, to enter any Information o£informations of eizure of any Wooll, Wooll-fells, or other Species of Goods before enumerated, as forfeited by vir- Seizures ; le of this or any other Act ; nor (hall it be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, to enter, or lufe or procure to be entered, filed or profecuted, any Information or Informations againft any Perfon !°. b - e &™A,«or.. r Perfons for the Recovery of any Penalty or Forfeiture aforefaid, unlefs fuch Information or Jnforma- „ey Ce'nerars '" ons be filed and profecuted in the Name of his Majefty's Attorney General, or in the Name or Names or their hames, f ibme Officer or Officers of fome or one of the aforefaid Revenues of Cuftoms, Excife, or Salt-du- on] ^- es in Great Britain or Ireland; and if any Information of Seizure of any of the Goods before-mention- d (hall be made or profecuted by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, other than in the Name of the At- jrney General, or in the Name of fome Officer of his Majefty's Revenue as aforefaid ; the fame, and II the Proceedings thereupon had, are hereby declared to be null and void ; as is alfo every other nformation or Informations, with all the Proceedings thereon, which (hall be filed or entered for any of •ie Penalties aforefaid, in the Name or Names of any other Perfon or Perfons than as herein before-

entioned ; any Law, or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. ; . .

XV. Provided neverthelefs, That nothing in this Act contained (hall extend, or be conftrued to ex- This A& not

nd, to takeaway the Power given to the Commanders and Officers of his Majefty's- Ships of War, p "er of V tii • d ' G v

r the armed Sloops appointed or to be -appointed by the Lords CommiiTioners of the Admiralty, or the King's Guar*- ,ord High Admiral for the time being, to guard againft the Tranfportation of Wooil out of the King- fl5i P s - om of Great Britain or Ireland, purfuant to and Act made in the tenth and eleventh Year of King J°jo IlW-3 ' Vjlliam the Third, intituled, An Ail to prevent the Exportation of Wooll out of the Kingdoms of Ire- ind and England, and for the Encouragement of the Woollen Manufactures of the Kingdom of England ; nd another Act paffed in the fifth Year of bis prefent^ Majefty's Reign, intituled, An additional Act for s Geo. a. car, Inccuragement of the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom, by the more effectual preventing the un- ratful Exportation of the Woollen Manufactures of the Kingdom of h eland to Foreign Parts, or by ny other Act. XVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Officer of the Revenue realties for hall diredly or indirectly make any collufive Seizure or Infounation of any of the faid Goods, or any £n r es ionljfr raudulent or coHufive Agreement whatfoever, whereby the Owner or Claimer thereof, their Agents or fiber,.' iervants, may avoid the* Forfeitures and Penalties, or any Part thereof, incurred by this or any other £t made to prevent the Tranfportation of Wooll, or any of the other Species of Goods before-men- ioned; he (hall, for fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of two hundred Pounds, and alfo be rendered in'- apable of ferving his Majefty in any Office or Employment in the Revenue; and alfo the Exporters, and Owner, mporters, and Owners of the Goods fo collulively leized, or with whom fuch collufive Agreement (hall ie made, (hall forfeit Treble the Value thereof; and all fuch Penalties and F01 feitures (hall be to the Ufe >f him or them who (hall inform or fue for the fame, by Action of. Debt, Bill, Plaint or Informa'.ion, to go to the in- 11 any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Weflminjier, or in thejjC.ourt of Exchequer in Scotland, or in £3rraer - ny of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Dublin ; wherein no Eflbin, Protection or Wager of Law', or tny more than one Imparlance (hall be allowed. , XVII. Provided nevertheiefs, That any Perfon whatfoever concerned in any. Rich collufive or fraudu- Encouragement ent Seizure or Agreement, who (hall firft difcoyer fuch his Offence to the Com'miflioners of the Cu- ^ f ° ve? their"* toms in England cr Scotland for the time being, or the Commiffioners of the Revenue in Ireland for the Accomplices* ime being reflectively, (hall be clearly acquitted and difcharged thereof, provided he makes fuch Di'fco- /ery within the Space of three Months after the Offence (hall have been committed, and fo as any one )r more of his Accomplices therein be convicted thereof t and if fuch Perfon firft making fuch Difcovery ', as