Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/412

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35© C. 24. Anno duodecimo Georgii II. A. D. 1739 ' for the Matters of the high Court of Chancery to deliver into the Bank of England the Money ' Bonds, Tallies, Orders and Effects of the Suitors of the faid Court under their refpective Care an< ' Direction; and the Lord high Chancellor of Great Britain, by an Order of the fourth Day of Novetn- ' her following, direct the faid Order of the twenty-fixth Day of May to be kept and obferved, wit! ' the Explanations, Alterations and Additions in the laid Order of the fourth of November contained ' And whereas by an Act of Parliament made and paffed in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his Ian ' Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An Ail for the better fecuring the. Monies and Effects of tk, e Suitors of the Court of Chancery, and to prevent the counterfeiting of Eaft-India Bonis and Indorsement. ' thereon, as likevjife Indorfements on South-Sea Bonds; after reciting and letting forth both the faid Or- ' ders of the Court of Chancery, it was, amongft other Things, enacted, That one Perfon mould be ' appointed by the high Court of Chancery to aft, perform, and do all fuch Matters and Things relating ' to the Delivery of the Suitors Money and Effects into the Bank, and taking them out of the Bank,

  • and the keeping the Accounts with the Bank, and all other Matters relating thereto, as in and by the
  • faid recited Orders, or either of them, were prefcribed and directed to be done and performed by the

4 Matters and Ufher of the faid Court of Chancery; and which Officer fo to be appointed, was to be ' called the Accountant General of the Court of Chancery, and lhould hold fuch Office during the Plea- ' fure of the faid Court; and an Account fhould be kept in his Name with the Bank of England for ' and on the Behalf of the Suitors of the faid Court of Chancery, in fuch Manner as is directed by the c faid recited Orders with refpect to the Matters of the faid Court and the Bank; and it was thereby

    • enacted, That the faid Accountant General ihould, as to the feveral Regulations and Directions pre-

' fcribed in the faid Orders, ftand and be in the Place and Room of the Matters and Ufher of the ' faid Court, and mould receive no other Fee or Reward from the Suitors for the Exercife of the faid ' Office, than what was allowed to the Matters in and by the faid Order of the twenty-fixth of May

  • one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five : And whereas in purfuance of the faid Act of Parlia-

' ment, the Court of Chancery hath conftantly appointed a Perfon to exercife the faid Office of Ac- ' counlant General, who thereby became intitled to the Fees allowed to be taken by the faid Act : And ' whereas, although the faid Office hath been found to be of publick Utility, and of great Benefit and ' Safety to the Suitors of the Court of Chancery, yet the Fees allowed for the Execution of the faid ' Office are very difproportionate and unequal, for that in all Inftances of Receipts and Payments, Ac- ' ceptances and Transfers of fmall Sums, the faid Fees are a great Burthen to the Suitors; and alfo ' that for a great Variety of Bufinefs and Tranfactions in the faid Office, which are either prefcribed ' by the faid Act, or are abfolutely neceflary for the regular keeping of the Suitors Accounts, no Fee ' is provided or can be taken under the fame Act: And whereas by an Act of Parliament made and and c. 33. { parted in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An ' Acl for Relief of the Suitors of the high Court of Chancery; it was, amongft other Things, enacted, ' That all the "Money and Cam then depofited in the Bank, or that lhould at any Time thereafter be ' paid into or depofited in the Bank, on the Account of the Suitors of the Court of Chancery, or any

  • of them, or by Order of the faid Court, and all the Monies arifing by the Rates and Duties given

' by the faid Act, or borrowed thereon, and paid into the Bank, fhould be accounted and taken to

  • be one common and general Cafh, and fhould be promifcuoufly ifiued and ifluable, when and as the

' Court of Chancery lhould direct, for the anfwering, paying and clearing the Debts and Demands of ' any of the Suitors of the faid Court : And whereas from many Years Experience it hath been found, ' that there always hath been and now is a very large Sum of Money belonging to the Suitors of the ' Court of Chancery, which lies dead and unemployed in the Bank;' Wherefore in order to give Eafe to the Suitors of the faid Court, and likewife provide a juft Support and Maintenance for an Office which is fo efiential to the Security of the Suitors Property; Be it enacted by the King's moft Ex- cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- 35,0001. of the mons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That out of the Cafh Sui'tors'i eh t ' VJt now es ' or ma ^ hereafter lie dead and unemployed in the Bank of England, belonging to the eery in the Bank 'Suitors of the Court of Chancery, a Sum not exceeding thirty-five thoufand Pounds, fhall and may by to be placed virtue of any Order or Orders of the faid Court to be made for that Purpofe, from time to time, be nientSe G °^ e - rn " P' acec ' out m one intire Sum, or in Parcels, on fuch Government or Parliamentary Securities, as in " ,es- and by fuch Order or Orders fhall be directed; to the Intent that the Intereft and annual Pro- . fits ariiing from the Money fo to be placed out as aforefaid may be applied for the Purpofes herein after mentioned; and that the faid Court of Chancery may, from time to time, change the Security or Securities on which the faid Monies fhall be placed, as the faid Court fhall think expedient. The intereft to II. And it is hereby further enacted, That the Intereft and annual Profits arifing and to be produced theBank ed by ^ rom the ^ a ' c ' Securities, fhall from time to time be received by the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and placed to the Credit of an Account to be railed in the Books kept there for the Suitors of the faid Court, of Intereft arifing from Money placed out in purfuance of this Act; and . that out of fuch Intereft Money and annual Profits, there fhall be paid by quarterly Payments the an- • nual Sum of one thoufand and twenty Pounds; which Payment fhail be made by the Governor and I Company of the Bank of England, by virtue of an Order or Orders of the Court of Chancery to be Salaries a- made for that Purpofe; videlicet, To the Accountant General of the Court of Chancery, the Sum of "psto fix hundred and fifty Pounds; to his firft Clerk, the Sum of two hundred and fifty Pounds; to his to be paid ""' fecond Clerk, the Sum of one hundred and twenty Pounds; which faid Salaries fhall commence from thereout, the twenty-ninth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty- inlieu of Fees; nine; and fhall be in lieu of, and in Recompence and Satisfaction for, all Fees whatfoever, which from 8 that