Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/411

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A. D. 1739. Anno duodecimo Georgii II. C. 23,24. 349 4 Ifland, Colony or Place where the Offence fhall be committed, and the other third Part to the In-

  • former or Profecutor ; any Law, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding : And if any Of-

' ficer or Officers of the Cuftoms in the faid Kingdom of Ireland, or in the Lands, Iflands, Colonies,

  • Plantations, Territories or Places aforefaid, (hall willingly or knowingly connive at the fraudulent Im-
  • portation of any fuch Commodities as is before mentioned, contrary to the true Meaning of the faid

' laft mentioned Act; or if any fuch Officer or Officers (hall take upon him or them to lei/.e any of ' the faid Commodities, and fhall by Fraud or Collullon defift or delay the Profecution thereof to

  • Condemnation; he or they fo conniving, defifting or delaying, fhall forfeit and lofe the Sum of five

' hundred Pounds, to be fued for and recovered in Manner aforefaid ; one Moiety of which Forfeiture ' to be to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other Moiety thereof to him or

  • them who will inform and fue for the fame; and fuch Officer or Officers (hall alfo for the future be
  • incapable of holding any Office or Employment under his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors : And

4 whereas a Doubt hath arifen, whether by^ reafon of the faid laft mentioned Act the Penalties and

  • Forfeitures incurred by the Laws now in Force in the faid Kingdom of Ireland, againft running, or
  • intending to run Goods into that Kingdom, or for landing or carrying the fame away without due

' Entry being made thereof, or paying or giving Security for the Payment of the Duties thereout due ' and payable to his Majefty, can (as to Commodities of the Growth, Production or Manufacture of ' the Eajl Indies, mentioned in the faid recited Act) be fued for, and recovered in a fummary Way, ' in any other Manner than by Bill, Plaint or Information in fome of his Majefty's Courts of Record ' in Dublin: And whereas divers evil-difpofed Perfons have of late been encouraged to run great Quan-

  • tities of India Goods into the Kingdom of Ireland, which were not loaden or (hipped in or from any
  • Part of Great Britain, whereby the Payment of any Duty for the fame hath been avoided, to the

' great Diminution of his- Majefty's Revenue in the Kingdom of Ireland, contrary to the true Intent ' and Meaning of the faid Act ;' For Remedy whereof, and for obviating and taking away all fuch Doubts, be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Commilfioners of Excife in the Commiffioners Kingdom of Ireland for the time being, or any three of them, or the Sub-commiilioners of Excife for ° r Sub-commifc the time being, or the major Part of them refpectively, in their refpedtive Limits and Diftricts in the cifeln /«w Kingdom of Ireland, dial], from and after the palling of this Act, and they are hereby authorized and to try offence's required to hear and determine all Offences againft any Claufe or Article contained in any Act of jfgainft any Aits Parliament now in Force in the Kingdom of Ireland, made for preventing the running or intending to the'runniM^ff run into the faid Kingdom any Commodity of the Growth, Product or Manufacture of the Eajl Indies, India Goods, or other Places beyond the Cape of Good Hope ; and the faid Commiflioners and Sub-commiilioners fhall '" a fummai 'y and may, and they are hereby impowered to proceed in a fummary Way, and hear, determine and ay " give Judgment or Sentence thereupon, and order and direct the Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures to be Concerning Eaft- recovered and levied, in fuch or the like Manner, as they the faid Commiflioners and Sub-corn- fi"%rtb^ miffioners aTe enabled to proceed to hear, determine, give Judgment, and levy the Fines, Penalties ljGeo.z. c. 17, and Forfeitures in Cafes of Excife in the Kingdom of Ireland, by any Law, Act or Acts of Parliament *7 G «- *• c - 9- now in Force in that Kingdom ; any thing in the faid Act palled in the feventh Year of- the- Reign of * 3 " c ' I4 *' his late Majefty King George the Firft to the contrary notwithftanding.- CAP. XXIII. An Act: for providing a Reward to Joanna Stephens, upon a proper Difcovery to be made by her for the Ufe of the Publick, of the Medicines prepared by her for the Cure of the Stone. P Rr HE RE AS Joanna- Stephens of the City of TVeflminJler, Spinfter, hath acquired the Know- ledge of Medicines, and the Skill of preparing them, which by a diflblving Power feem capa- ble of removing the Caufe of the painful Diftemper of the Stone, and may be improved, and more ' fuccefsfully applied, when the fame fhall be difcovered to Perfons learned in the Science of Phylick ;' Now for encouraging the faid Joanna Stephens to make Difcovery thereof, and for providing her a Re- eompence in cafe the faid Medicines (hall be fubmitted to the Examination of proper Judges, and by them be found worthy of the Reward hereby provided ; may it pleafe your Majefty, that it may be enacted, (iff. " 5000/. granted out of the Supplies for the Difcovery of Mrs. Stephens's Medicines. Treafury to iflue " the faid Sum on a proper Certificate." CAP. XXIV. An Act: to impower the high Court of Chancery to lay out upon proper Securities any Mo- nies, not exceeding a Sum therein limited, out of the common and general Cafh in the Bank of England, belonging to the Suitors of the faid Court, for the Eafe of the faid Suitors, by applying the Intereft arifing therefrom, for anfwering the Charges of the Office of the Accountant General of the faid Court. c TT7HE R E AS the Lords Commiflioners for the Cuftody of the Great Seal of Great Britain did, Preamble., re-

  • Vy on the twenty-fixth-Day of May one thoufand fev en hundred and twenty-live, make an Order = iu "f the Ails