Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/428

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366 C. 29. Anno duodecimo Georgii II. A. D. 1739. What fliaJI be their respective Difcharge. The Condition on which new Rates are to be made. Treafurer to be continued or removed at the Will of the Quarter-Sef- lions. rariflies over- infpedted from time to time by any of the faid Juftices, within the Limits of their Commiffions, as Oc- c.ffion fhall require, without Fee or Reward. IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Receipts of fuch refpedtive Treafurer or Treafurers fhall be fufficient Difcharges to all High Conftables ; and the Discharges of the faid Juftices of the Peace, or the greater Part of them, by their Orders made at their refpedtive Ge- neral or Quarter- Seffions to fuch Treafurer or Treafurers, fhall be deemed and allowed as good and fuf- ficient Releafes, Acquittances, or Difcharges, in any Court of Law or Equity to all Intents and Pur- pofes whatfoever. X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no new Rate fhall be made, until it fhall appear to the faid Juftices at their refpedtive General or Quarter-Seffions, or the greater Part of them then and there affembled, by the Accounts of their refpedtive Treafurer or Treafurers or other- wife, that three Fourths of the Money collected by virtue of the preceding Rate have been expended for the Ufes and Purpofes aforefaid. XI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Juftices of the Peace at their refpedtive General or Quarter-Seffions, or the greater Part of them then and there affembled, to continue from time to time fuch Treafurer or Treafurers in his or their Office or Offices, fo long as they (hall fee convenient, and to remove him or them at their Plea- fure, and appoint any other Perfon or Perfons in his or their Place ; and to allow to him or them and every of them infifting on the fame, fuch reafonable Sum or Sums of Money for his or their Care and Pains in the Execution of fuch Truft, not exceeding twenty Pounds by the Year, as they in their Dif- cretions (hall think fit ; which they are hereby impowered to direct the Payment of, out of the Monies arifing by the refpedtive Rates hereby appointed to be made. XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe the Church- wardens and totheraid a sef- aIOverfcers of an Y Parifh or Place mal1 at am / Time have R eafon to believe the faid Parifh or Place fions No Repairs of Bridges, &c: but upon Pre- sentments of the Grand Ju- ry- fons for pubJick Repairs ; over-rated, fuch Churchwardens and Overfeers may appeal to the refpedtive Juftices of the Peace ai their next General or Quarter-Seffions, againft fuch Part of the Rate only as may affect the Parifhes or Places in which they ferve fuch Offices ; which Juftices, or the greater Part of them then and there af- fembled, are hereby authorized and impowered to hear and finally determine the fame : Provided never- thelefs, That upon fuch Appeal fuch Rate (hall not be quaflied or deftroyed in regard to any other Pa- rifhes or Places affefTed thereby. XIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Part of the Money to be raifed and collected in purfuance of this Act fhall be applied to the Repair of any Bridges, Gaols, Prifons, or Houfes of Correction, until Prefentments be made by the refpedtive Grand Juries, at the Affize, Great Seffions, General Gaol Delivery, or General or Quarter- Seffions of the Peace held for any County, Riding, Divifion, City, Town Corporate or Liberty, of the Infufficiency, Inconveniency, or Want of Reparation of their Bridges, Gaols, Prifons or Houfes of Correction. Juftices to con- XlV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the firft Day of fonffi^ nnhifrk J me one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, when any publick Bridges, Ramparts, Banks or """' Cops, or other Works, are to be repaired at the Expence of any County, City, Riding, Hundred, Divifion, Liberty or Town Corporate ; it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Juftices of the Peace at their General or Quarter-Seffions respectively, or the greater Part of them then and there affembled, if they think proper and convenient, after Prefentment to be made as aforefaid of the Want of Repara- tion of fuch Bridges, Ramparts, Banks or Cops, to contract and agree with any Perfon or Perfons for rebuilding, repairing and amending of fuch Bridges, Ramparts, Banks or Cops, as fhall be within their refpedtive Counties, Cities, Ridings, Hundreds, Divifions, Liberties or Towns Corporate, and all other Works which are to be repaired and done by Afleffment on the refpedtive Counties, Cities, Ri- dings, Hundreds, Divifion c , Liberties or Towns Corporate, for any Term orTerms of Years, not exceed- ing feven Years, at a certain annual Sum, Payment or Allowance for the fame ; fuch Contractor or Con- tractors giving fufficient Security for the due Performance thereof, to the refpedtive Clerk of the Peace for the time being, or the Town Clerk, High Bailiff, or Chief Officer of any City, Town Corporate or Liberty ; and that fuch Juftices at their refpedtive General or Quarter-Seffions fhall give publick No- tice of their Intention of contradting with any Perfon or Perfons tor rebuilding, repairing, and amend- ing the Bridges, Ramparts, Banks or Cops, and other Works aforefaid ; and that fuch Contracts fhall be made at the moft reafonable Price or Prices which lhall be propofed by fuch Contractors refpedtively ; and that all Contracts when agreed to, and all Orders relating thereto, fhall be entered in a Book, to be kept by the refpedtive Clerk of the Peace for the time being, or the Town Clerk, High Bailiff or Chief Officer of any City, Town Corporate or Liberty for that Purpofe ; who is and are hereby re- quired to keep them amongft the Records of fuch County, City, Town Corporate or Liberty, to be from time to time infpedted at all feafonable Times by any of the faid Juftices within the Limits of their Commiffions ; and by any Perfon or Perfons employed or to be employed by any Parifh, Townfhip or Place, contributing to the Purpofes of this Act, without Fee or Reward. XV. And it is hereby further enacted, That there fhall be but one Rate made and afleffed by the Juftices of the Peace of the County of Aliddlefex, in the faid County, City and Liberty of Weftminjhr, , for the feveral Purpofes aforefaid, and for the Repair of the Gaol commonly called New Prifeu, in the faid County of Middlefcx. XVI. Provided nevertheless, That the Juftices of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Weflminjler, at their General or Quarter-Seffions to be holden for the fame City or Liberty, or the greater Part of them then and there affembled, fhall have full Power to appoint the Governor or Mafter of the Houfe of Correction within the faid City or Liberty} who lhall have fuch Sum of Money yearly as hath been 8 accuftomed upon publick Notice; Juftices to make but one Rate for Mid- dlefex. Provifo as to the Houfe of CorreJion at Weftminfter.