Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/431

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A. D. 1739. Anno duodecimo Georgii II. C. 30. 369 >on and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid three Acts paffed in the twelfth, fifteenth, and five and twentieth Years of the Reign of Theftj*Actl the hte King Charles the Second, fo far as the fame extend to Sugar of the Growth and Prr.duce of ratiXl<:d> his Majesty's Plantations in America, being one of the Commodities enumera ed in the faid Acts, lhall be and are hereby ratified and confirmed, as to all Pcrfons, Ships, Veffels or Places, in all refpedts w j,i, Excep- whatfoever ; except only as to fuch Sugars as by this Act fhall be permitted or allowed to be exported ""■>• from his Majesty's faid Sugar Colonies in America, by fuch Pcrfons, and in fuch Ships and Vefle s, and to fuch Foreign Countries and Places, and under fuch Entries, Securities, Restrictions, Regulations, Li- mitations, Penalties and Forfeitures, as are herein after particularly defcribed, appointed, limited and enacted for that Purpofe. II. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-ninth Day of Sep- Conditiorson timber one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, it (hall and may be lawful, notwithstanding any " hl< * s J2?JjL of the Acts aforefaid, or any other Act of Parliament, for any of his Majefty's Subjects, in any Ship f ro i, the Aroe- or Veffel built m Great Britain, and navigate! according to Law, and belonging to any of his Majefty's rican Colonict Subjects, of which the major Part (hall be refiding in Great Britain, and the Refidue (hall be redding rejen'^arte^ " cither in Great Britain or in fome of his Majefty's Sugar Colonies in America, and not elfewhere, that Extended to all lhall clear outwards in any Port of Great Britain for any of the faid Colonies, to (hip or load in the Britifli Ships, by faid Colonies, or any of them, any Sugars of the Growth, Produce and Manufacture of the faid Co- /-J? 60 ' a ' e " 33 " lonies, or any of them, and to carry the fame from thence to any Foreign Part of Europe; provided a Licence be first taken out for that Purpofe under the Hands of the Commissioners of his Majefty's Cu- stoms at London or Edinburgh, or any three or more of them refpeclively, subject to the Regulations, and on the Conditions hereafter mentioned, that is to fay, That Notice be firft given in Writing by the Matter or other Perfon having the Command, or taking the Charge of, or by one or more Owner or Owners of fuch Ship or Veffel to the Customer, or Collector, and Comptroller of fuch Port in Great Britain, where fuch Ship or Veffel (hall happen to be, of the Intention of fuch Master or other Perfon, or any Owner, that fuch Ship or Veffel (hall proceed to the faid Sugar Colonies, or fome of them, in order to lade Sugars to he carried to fome other Part of Europe than Great Britain ; and that fuch Matter, or other Perfon taking Charge of fuch Veffel as aforefaid, or Owner, (hall enter into Bond, to the Ufe of his Majesty, his Heirs and Succeffors, with one or more sufficient Securities, in the Sum of one thoufand Pounds, if the Ship be of lefs Burthen than one hundred Tons ; and in the Sum of two thoufand Pounds, if (lie be of that or greater Burthen; with Condition, that in cafe a Li- cence be granted, giving Liberty to fuch Ship or Veffel to lade and carry Sugars from his Majefty's Sugar Colonies to Foreign Parts, that fuch Ship or Veffel (hall proceed from Great Britain to the faid Sugar Colonies, and fhall deliver the faid Licence to the Collector, Comptroller and Naval Officer there, in cafe he intends to make ufe of the Liberty granted by fuch Licence, which he (hall declare in Wri- ting to the Collector, Comptroller and Naval Officer, before he takes any Goods on board, and that in fuch Cafe, no Tabacco, Molafles, Ginger, Cotton, Wool], Indigo, Fuftick, or other Dying-wood, Tar, Pitch, Turpentine, Hemp, Malts, Yards, Bowsprits, Copper Ore, Beaver Skins, or other Furrs, of the Growth, Production or Manufacture of any Britijh Plantation in America (hall be taken on board any fuch Ship or Veffel, unlefs it be for the neceffary Provisions in her Voyage; and that fuch Ship or Veffel, before (he proceeds to any Foreign Port or Place, (hall touch at fome Port in Great Britain ; and that the Master or Perfon having the Command of fuch Ship (hall deliver to the Customer or Col- lector and Comptroller of fuch Port, a true and exact Manifest atteited upon Oath, or if a ghtakcr by Affirmation, of the whole Lading, mentioning the Maiks, Numbers, Package and Contents of all the Goods onboard ; and fhall alfo bring back and produce to them the Licence granted for fuch Ship or Veffel to carry fuch Sugars to Foreign Parts, with a Certificate indorfed on fuch Licence, or affixed thereto, containing an Account of the Marks, Numbers, Package, Contents and Sorts of all the Su- gars laden on board fuch Ship or Veffel in the Manner directed by this Act, as js herein after mention- ed ; and that when fuch Ship or Veffel hath difcharged her Lading fo taken on board in fome foreign Part (the Danger of the Seas and Enemies excepted) (lie (hall proceed for, and return to, Great Britain, within eight Months after the lhall have delivered her Lading in any foreign Part, and before (he re- turns to any of his Majesty's Plantations in Ammto and that in cafe fuch Ship or Veffel (hall take on Board any Goods or Merchandizes before her Return to Great Britain, all fuch Goods and Mer- chandizes that (hall remain on board the faid Ship on her Arrival in Great Britain, (hall be entered and landed on the Return of fuch Ship or Veffel to Great Britain, in like Mariner as all other Ships and Veffels importing Goods into this Kingdom are obliged to xlo by the Laws of the Customs ; or other- wife fuch Bond (hall be forfeited. III. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon fuch Bond being entered into,- "j^^ tllc and other Requisites before-mentioned being duly complied with, a Licence (hall be granted accordingly, ■ stiip belongs to- giving Liberty for that Voyage only, to load and carry Sugars of the Growth and Production of .his Britifh-Subfed^ Majelly's Sugar Colonies to any foreign Part, in the Manner, and according to the Purport and In- betore Licew tendon of this Act: Provided neverthelefs, That no Ship or Veffel (hall have Licence to carry Sugar £' e to foreign Parts by virtue of this Act, unlefs it (hall first apoear bv Oath, or i.i cafe of a Quaker by Affirmation, of the Master or Perfon taking Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel, that the Property thereof is in his Majesty's Subjects, of which the major Part are refiding in Great Britain, and the Refidue re- dding either in Great Britain, or in fome of his Majesty's Sugar Colonies in America, and not elfe- where ; fuch Oath or Affirmation to be in the P'orm, and according to the Directions herein after men., tioned ; that is to fay ; Vol. VI. 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