Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/440

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[374] C. 32. Anno duodecimo Georgii II. A. 0.1739. If there be not ten at any Meeting, the fame to be ad Sums to be paid by the New River Company to The fame, on Non-payment, recoverable by Diitrefs. in Auguf, at the Place aforefaid, or at any other Place within the City of London, or Counties of Hert- ford, Effex or Middle/ex, as they the faid Truftees, or any ten of them, (hall think proper or conve- nient ; and at fuch their Meetings (hall and may from time to time adjourn themfelves, and meet at any Place or Places within the City or Counties aforefaid, as they, or any ten or more of them, lhall think moft proper or convenient for putting in Execution the Powers and Trufts in them repofed by virtue or in purfuance of this Act ; and if there (hall not be ten Truftees prefent at any fuch Meeting or Meetings fo to be appointed, then, and in any fuch Cafe, fuch Meeting (hall be continued, and (land and be adjourned over to that Day four Weeks, and to the fame Place as fuch Meeting was joiirned tffl that laft appointed to be held ; and the Clerk or proper Officer of the faid Truftees, which they, or any Day 4 Weeks. ten or m oe of them, are herebv impowered to appoint and remove as they think fit, (hall give at lead fourteen Days Notice in the London Gazette, or fuch other Notice as the faid Truftees, or any ten or more of them, (hall from time to time order or direct, of the Day and Place on which fuch adjourned Meeting (hall be held ; and that the faid Truftees at their firft Meeting, and at all fubfequent Meet- ings, (hall defray their own Charges and Expences. XVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Governor and Company of the New River (hall pay, or caufe to be paid, unto fuch Perfon and Perfons as the faid Truftees, or any ten or more of them, at their firft general Meeting, or at any other of their general Meetings, (hall ftich Perfons as f rorn t j me t0 t me by Writing under their Hands appoint, the feveral Sums of Money in the Manner fhall appoint. ' ana at the Times herein after mentioned ; that is to fay, the feveral Sums of two thoufand five hundred Pounds, and feven hundred and fifty Pounds, of lawful Money of Great Britain, on the nine and twentieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine ; and yearly and every Year for ever, from the faid nine and twentieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty- nine, the feveral yearly Sums of three hundred Pounds, and fifty Pounds of like lawful Money, by two equal half-yearly Payments ; that is to fay, on the five and twentieth Day of March, and the nine and twentieth Day of September ■ the firft Payment thereof to begin and be made on the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty ; fuch Payments to be made at the Office, Place or Houfe where the faid Company do or (hall ufually meet for the Difpatch of their Bu- finefs within the Cities of London or Weflminjier, or the Suburbs or Liberties thereof, upon Demand to be made by the Perfon or Perfons fo to be appointed to receive the fame as aforefaid, of or from the Treafurer, Clerk or Agent of the faid Company for the time being ; and in Default of fuch Pay- ment by the Space of one and twenty Days after luch Demand, and after a Duplicate of fuch Ap- pointment lhall be left with the faid Trealurer, Clerk or Agent of the faid Company, the fame (hall and may be recovered againft the faid Governor and Company, with full Colts of Suit, by Action to be brought againft the faid Governor and Company, in the Names of five or more of the faid Truftees, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejiminfter, to be laid in any Place within the City of London or County of Middlefex; wherein the Plaintiffs may declare, that the faid Governor and Com- pany, being indebted to the faid Plaintiffs in the Sum or Sums then in Arrear (fpecifying the fame, and the Time when it became payable by virtue of this Act, mentioning the Title thereof) have not paid the fame, although demanded according to the faid Act ; and in which Action or Actions no Eflbin, Protection or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance (hall be allowed. XVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Sum of one thoufand Pounds, Part of the faid two thoufand five hundred Pounds, fhall be paid to George Hathaway, John Docwra, Anthony Fage, Humphry Ives, Thomas Fletcher, Ambrofe Proclor and Wayte Hampfon, the Survivors or Survivor of them, Inhabitants of the faid Parifh of Ware ; out of which they (hall in the firft Place pay and difcharge all fuch Sum and Sums of Money as have been borrowed and actually laid out in carrying on and executing a late Commiffion of Sewers, for preferving the Navigation of the River Lee, from Ware to the River of Thames, or for (touring, cleanfing or deepening the fame, which ftill re- mains due and unpaid, and alfp all fuch further Sum and Sums of Money, Cofts, Charges and Ex- pences as the faid Inhabitants of Ware, or any of them, have at any Time been at, or have expended or laid out, in, about, or any ways relating to the obtaining this prefent Act ; and (hall and may apply the Refidue of the faid Sum of one thoufand Pounds, in fuch manner as the faid George Hathaway y "John Docivra, Anthony Fage, Humphry Ives, Thomas Fletcher, Ambrofe Proclor and Wayte Hampfon, or the major Part of them, or of the Survivors of them, (hall think moft beneficial towards carrying on the Navigation from the faid Town of Ware ; and that the Refidue of the faid Sum of two thoufand five hundred Pounds, and alfo the faid three hundred Pounds a Year, (hall from time to time be paid and applied for the better Prefervation and Improvement of the faid Navigation of the faid River Lee from Ware-bridge to the beginning of the faid new Cut, and for purchafing, building or hiring Locks or Weirs upon the faid River, in fuch Manner as the faid Truftees, or any ten or more of them, (hall direct ; and alfo for defraying all fuch Charges and Expences. as fhall be necefiary for executing the Powers in this Act contained ; and the faid Monies (hall be ifiued and paid by the Perfon and Perfons fo to be appointed to receive the fame, according to fuch Orders as the Truftees, or any ten or more of them, at any of their general Meetings (hall make for that Purpofe ; and that out of the faid Sum of feven hundred and fifty'Pounds, (hall in the firft Place be paid all fuch Sum and Sums of Money, Cofts, Charges and Expences as the faid Mayor, Aldermen and Inhabitants of the faid Town of Hert- ford, or any of them, have at any Time been at, or have expended or laid out in the fcouring and cleanfing the River Lee, between the faid Town of Hertford and Ware-bridge, or in erecting or repair- ing the Turnpikes thereon, not exceeding in the whole the Sum of three hundred and two Pounds twelve Shillings ; and alfo all fuch further Sum and Sums as they, or any of them, have laid out, ex- pended or been at, in, about, or any ways relating to the obtaining this prefent Act, as the faid Truftees, Application thereof.