Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/441

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A. D. 1739. Anno duodecimo Geohcii II. C. 32. [375] Truftees, or any ten or more of them, (hall at any general Meeting think fit and direct to be paid ; and that the Refidue of the faid Sum of (even hundred and fifty Pounds, and the faid Sum of fifty Pounds a Year, (hall from time to time be paid and applied for the Pidervation and Improvement of the Navigation of the faid River Lee, between the laid Town of Hertford and Ware-bridge, and alfo for defraying all fuch Charges and Expences as (hall be neceffary for executing the Powers in this Act con- tained, in fuch Manner as the (aid Truftees, or any ten or more of them, (hall direct or appoint ; which faid Truftees are hereby authorized and impowered to do and execute all fuch A<5ts, Powers and Trufts for the Prefervation and Improvement of the Navigation of the River Lee, from Ware-bridge to the beginning of the faid new Cut, to all Intents and Purpofes, in as full, large and ample Manner as they the faid Truftees are herein before impowered to do and execute for the Prefervation and Im- provement of the Navigation of the faid River Lee, between the faid Town of Hertford and Ware- bridge aforefaid. XIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That for the continuing of a fufneient Vacancies of Number of fit and able Perfons to be Truftees for ever for the Purpofes in this Act expreiTed, it (hall Tr " ft "f how and may be lawful to and for the faid Truftees herein before named, and the Truftees to be hereafter tobcfilled u ! r.amed, or any ten or more of them, upon the Death of any of the faid Truftees, or their Removal or Refufal to act in the faid Truft, at any publick Meeting or Meetings, whereof twenty-one Days Notice lhall at lead be given in the London Gazette, or fuch other Notice as the faid Truftees, or any ten or more, (hall from time to time order and direct, by any Writing or Writings un.ier their Hands, from 'time to time, and at all Times hereafter, to elect, nominate and appoint in the Room of fuch Truftee or Truftees fo deceafed, removed, or refufing to act, fo many more fit and able Perfon or Perfons, who at the Time of fuch Election, Nomination or Appointment, (hall have Lands, Tenements or other ! Hereditaments in Fee-fimple, Fee-tail or for Term of Life, of the clear yearly Value of one hundred i Pounds or upwards, and who (hall live and refide in the fame County where fuch Truftee or Truftees fo dying, removed or refufing to act, did at the Time of his and their being elected, nominated or appointed, live and refide, to be joined with them in the Execution of all and every theJPowers and Trufts in the faid Truftees repofed by virtue and in purfuance of this Act; and all and every Perfon and Perfons, from time to time, fo as aforefaid to be elected, nominated or chofen to join in the put- ting in Execution this Act, (hall and may, and they are hereby impowered to act and do to ail Intents and Purpofes in as full, large and ample Manner as they the faid Truftees herein before appointed are by this Act impowered to act and do. XX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful to and Truftees im- for the faid Truftees appointed or to be appointed for putting this prefent Act in Execution, or any £°7commiffi-

ten or more of them, at any of their general Meetings, to apply for and fue out any Commiffion or ons f. sewers.

Commiflions of Sewers, for the better fcouring, cleanfing and preferving the faid River Lee, from the 'faid Town of Hertford to Ware-bridge, and from thence to the faid new Cut or River made by the l faid Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of London, and to apply any Sum or Sums of Money, which

fhall from time to time be in the Hands or Power of the faid Truftees appointed or to be appointed by
this Act, for the defraying the Expences of taking out and executing fuch Commiffion or Commiffions

of Sewers, in fuch Manner as (hall be thought neceffary. XXI. And be it further enacled by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Owner or Owners, or Penalty on Steerfman of any Boat, Barge or Veffel navigating in and upon the faid River, (hall permit or fuffer Vefleis earry- any Fifhing-net, Gun, Engine or other Inftrument for taking and deftroying of Fi(h or Game, to be ' f "f deftroying carried in fuch Boat, Barge or Vefiel, being thereof convicted by the Oath of one or more credible Fifh. Witnefs or Witneffes, before two or more of the faid Truftees (which Oath they are hereby autho- rized to adminifter) (hall forfeit for every fuch Offence the Sum of five Pounds, to be levied by War- rant of the faid Truftees, or any two or more of them, by Diftrefs and Sale of the faid Offender's Goods, rendering the Overplus (the Charge of fuch Warrant, Diftrefs and Sale being thereout rirft deducted) to fuch Offender ; one Moiety of the faid Forfeiture to be paid to the Informer, and the other Moiety to the Poor of the Parifh. where fuch Offender (hall be convicted. XXII. Saving and referving at all Times hereafter unto the Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of saving to ail London, all their Rights and Privileges, which by any Law, Ufage or Cuftom, they have at any time Perfons their heretofore held, had or enjoyed, or now hold, have or enjoy, in or upon the faid River Lee, or any ^[ p 1 ^]' ve Part thereof; and alfo faving and referving, at all Times hereafter, unto all Perfons whatsoever, their ' Sla feveral juft Rights and Privileges, which by Law they have at any time heretofore had, held or en- joyed, or now hold, have or enjoy, in or upon the laid River Lee, or any Part thereof, or in, upon or relating to the faid New River, or any Part thereof; or any Lands, Grounds or Hereditaments through which the Stream of the faid New River or any Part thereof runs, or in, upon or through which any Water-courfes, Canals, Ponds, Refervatories, Mains or Pipes are or have been made or laid ; faving alfo and referving unto all Perfons whatfoever, Owners of any Lands and other Heredita- ments through which the faid New River runs, all their Rights and Privileges, which by an Act of Par- liament paffed in the third Year of the Reign of his Majefty King James the Firft, intituled, An j£f for the bringing in a frejh Stream of running Water into the North Part of the City of London, are faved and referved ; and alfo faving and referving to the feveral Owners of any Lands or other Hereditaments, through which any of the faid Company's Mains or Pipes are or (hall be laid, fuch yearly Rents, Sa- tisfaction or Recompence as the faid Company is or (hall by Agreement be liable to pay and difcharge ; any thing in this prefent Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithflanding. XXIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act (hall be deemed and p u biick A&. taken to be a publick Act; and Notice (hall be taken thereof as fuch in all Courts of Juftice and elfe- where,