Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/459

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A. D. 1740. AnnodecimotertioGEORGii II. C. 16--17. 393 CAP. XVI. An Aft to give further Powers to the Com mifli oners for building a Bridge crofs the River Thames, from the City of Weftminjler, to the oppofite Shore in the County of Surrey; and to enable them to raife a further Sum of Money towards finifhing the laid Bridge, and to perform the other Trufts repofed in them. P R. • ' T7"H E R E A S the Commiffioners for building a Bridge crofs the River Thames, from the Wool- <*(•'">■?■■ ' VV Jtap/e, or thereabouts, in the Parifh of Saint Margaret Wejlminjler, to the oppofite Shore in the °cZ'z c '

  • County of Surrey, or any nine or more of them, are by virtue of feveral Acts of Parliament made irt n Gu, i. c. 33!

' the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth Years of his prefent Majefty, fome or one of them refpeclively ' authorized to purchafe certain Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, for the Purpofes in the (aid Acts • mentioned : And whereas at certain Seafons of the Year it may be inconvenient for nine of the Com- ' miffioners to meet togeiher, and that a lei's Number may be fufficient to anfwer the Intentions of the ' faid Acts : And whereas feveral Doubts have arifen, and may arife, relating to the Conftruction, Force ' and Effect of the Powers veiled in the faid Commiffioners, whereby the executing the Purpofes and 4 Defign of the faid Acts of Parliament in the bed and mod advantageous Manner may be prevented or ' greatly obftructed ;' Therefore for the explaining and amending the faid Ails, in order to the more ealy Execution thereof, and for the more effectual conveying and alluring to the faid Commiffioners, and thofe claiming or to claim under them, fuch Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, as they have been or fliall be directed or enabled to purchafe by any Act or Acts of Parliament now made, or which may hereafter be made ; and for the more fecure and proper Difpofition of the Money to be paid for fuch Purchafes ; Be it enacted, &c. " All Difabilities to treat about felling Houfes, caV. taken away. Any Perfons refilling to treat, a Jury " to be impanelled, to affefs Damages. Commiffioners Judgment thereupon to be final. Their and the " Juries Proceedings to be kept among the Records of Middle/ex and Surrey reflectively. If the Pro- " perty of Lands, csY. cannot be reafonably afcertained, the Pu'rchafe-money to be paid into the Bank, " and the Property verted in the Commiffioners. Purchafe-money may be placed in fome of the publick " Funds, to the Uie of the Perfons who (hall make proper Conveyances. Conveyances to be inrolled at " Wejftminfter, within fix Months after making. Perfons claiming a Right to any Eftate conveyed to " Commiffioners, may enter their Claim within five Years from the Date of the Inrollment, in a Book " kept by the Regifter of Middle/ex. 325,000/. to be advanced by 5 /. Lottery Tickets. 15/. for every 1 100/. amounting in the whole to 48,750/. to be deducted. Proprietors to apply for Certificates by " 15 March 1741. The Monies deducted to be applied to the building the Bridge. Penalty on felling " Chances of Tickets for lefs than the whole Time of drawing, coo/. Penalty on felling Interefts Sa f ar ( ha ' " in Tickets not in the Perfons Poffeffion." gZ'. '<'.-£ 17 Geo. 2. c. 32, 18 Geo. 2. c. 29. 29 Geo. 2. c. 38. 30 Geo. 2. c. 34. CAP. XVII. An AcT: for the Increafe of Mariners and Seamen to navigate Merchant Ships and other trading Ships or Veffels. .' XX7 HERE A S it 5s neceffary to give all fitting Encouragement to Perfons to apply themfelves to Preamble. ' W the Sea Service, and the Practice of Navigation, and alio to foreign Mariners and Seamen teen- ^%Gee. 2. c. 4. ' gage in the BritiJJj Service ;' Be it enacted by the King's molt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advre and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That every Perfon herein after mentioned (hall be freed Perfons ex- and exempted from being impreffed into the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors (that is to eropted from fry) Every Perfon being of the Age of fifty-five Years or upwards, and every Perfon not having attained bein S" I1 P ieli " i:d : the full Age of eighteen Years, and every Foreigner, being a Mariner, Seaman or Landman, who (hall ferve in any Merchant Ship, or other Trading Ship or Veilel, or Privateer, belonging to the Sub- jects ot the Crown of Great Britain. ■ II. And, for the Encouragement of able-bodied Landmen to betake themfelves to the Sea Service ; be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon of what Age focver he be, who lhall ufe the Sea, (hall be freed and exempted from being impreffed for the full Space of two Years, to be computed from the Time of his fiift going to Sea ; and that every Perfon who, not having before ufed the Sea, (hall bind himfelf Apprentice to ferve at Sea, (hail be freed and exempted from being impreffed for the full Space of three Years, to be computed from the Time of his binding himfelf Apprentice as aforefaid. III. And, for the better fecuring to all the Perfons before mentioned the Benefit intended them by Lord High tins Ad ; be it further ena&ed by the Authority aforefaid, That the Lord High Admiral of Great Bri- 4*?i„f >*-' tain, or Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral for the time being, or any three teftions for or more of them, fha I, upon due Proof made before him or them of the refpectiye Ages and Circum- that Puipcfo* ftances (as the Cafe (hail happen) of any of the Perfons before mentioned,. grant a Protection to t very f.ich Perfon to fecure him from being impreffed, for fuch Time as by the true Intent and Meaning of Vol. VL E e e this :