Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/518

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452 C. 19. Anno decimo quinto Georgji II. A. D. 1742^ Penalty on not XII. Provided alio, That in cafe any fuch Contributor as aforefaid, who (hall on or before the faid tHbutfoii^mone n ' '" ix . t * 1 ^ ay °^ '^"^ one tnou f an d ^ven hundred and forty-two have advanced to the faid Cafhier or Ca- oney. rh[ ers one f ourtn p art f n ; Sj j,er or t j le j r p u rchafc Money, or his, her or their Executors, Adminiftrators Succeflbrs or Affigns, do not advance and pay to the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers one other fourth Part of his her or their Consideration Money, fo to be paid for fuch refpective Annuity or Annuities as aforefaid, on or before the fixth Day of September theh next enfuing, and one other fourth Part thereof, on or before the fixth Day of November then next following, and the remaining fourth Part thereof, on or before the fixth Day of December then next following ; then and in every fuch Cafe respectively, fo much of the Con- sideration Money as fhall have been actually paid for the firft Payment to the faid Cafhier, or Cafhiers for inch refpective Annuity, fhall be forfeited for the Benefit of the Publick, and no Intereft at the Rate aforefaid fhall be payable for the faid firft Payment ; any Thing in this Act: contained to the contrary notwithitanding. aCotpo°ration"tUl XIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Governor the Annuities be and Company of the Bank of England, and their Succeflbrs (notwithstanding the Redemption of all or redeemed. any of their own Funds in purfuance of the Aces for eftabliming the fame, or any of them) mail con- tinue a Corporation, with all the Powers, Privileges and Advantages thereunto belonging for the Pur- pofes in this Act exprelfed, till all the Annuities to be purchafed on this Act fhall be redeemed by Parlia- ate 'no Difability" 'i ament J according to the Provifo herein after contained in that Behalf; and that the faid Governor and ' Company, or any Members thereof, fhall not incur any Difability for or by reafon of their doing any Matter or Thing in Purfuance of this Act. t!ken"f°ihe XIV. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Fee or Gratuity whatfoever Ihall Contributor's. or nla y ^ e demanded or taken of any of his Majefty's Subjects for receiving or paying the faid Contribu- tion-monies, or any of them, or for any Tallies or other Receipts concerning the fame, or for iffuing the faid yearly Fund, or any Part thereof, or for paying the faid Annuities, or any of them ; and that no> Fee or Gratuity fhall be demanded or taken, for any Transfer of any Sum great or fmall to be made in Purfuance of this A£t ; upon Pain that the Officer or Perfon offending, by taking or demanding any Fee or Gratuity contrary to this Act, fhall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds to the Par.ty grieved, to be re- covered with full Colts of Suit in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Weftminjler. ^""cft" t0 XV. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted. That the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three ' or more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhall have Power to allow to the Cafhier or Cafhiers, who fhall receive the faid Contribution or Advance Money, not exceeding eight hundred thoufand Pounds as aforefaid, for his or their Pains and Trouble in receiving and accounting for the fame, a Sum not exceeding five hun- dred Pounds out of the Contribution or Advance Money aforefaid ; and fhall alfo have Power out of the faid Surpluses, Exceffes, or Overplus Monies, commonly called The Sinking Fund, to allow and pay to the faid Cafhier or Calhiers for the Time being, an Allowance not exceeding two hundred and fifty Pounds per Annum for receiving the Money to pay the Annuities upon this Act, and applying the fame to that Ceneral COrnptant ^*~ e ' zn ^ ^ 0T ^ 1S P ams an< i Trouble in keeping and rendering his Accounts thereof; and an Allowance not exceeding two hundred Pounds per Annum to the faid Accomptant General for the Time being, for his Service and Trouble in performing the Duty and Truft incumbent upon him by this Act; any Thing , in this or any other Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding. deemin« of the XVI. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That at any Time upon one Annuities. Year's Notice to be printed in the London Gazette, and affixed upon the Royal Exchange in London, by Authority of Parliament, at any of the Half-yearly Feaft Days for Payment of the faid Annuities, and upon Repayment by Parliament of the Principal Sums for which the faid Annuities fhall be payable to fuch refpective Perfons or Corporations as fhall be intitled to the fame Annuities, and alfo upon full Pay- ment of all Arrearages of the fame Annuities, then, and not till then, the faid Annuties fhall ceafe and determine, and be underftocd to be redeemed ; and from and after fuch Redemption, the Monies arifing by the faid Surpluffes, Exceffes, or Overplus Monies of the Fund commonly called The Sinking Fund, fhall not be iffued or applied to any Ufe or Purpofe other than fuch Ufes and Purpofes as have been di- rected by any former Act; or Acts of Parliament in that Behalf; any Thing in this or any former Act or Whatftailbea Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithitanding. And that any Vote or Refolution of the Houfe of fuffiaent Notice. Commons fignifled by the Speaker in Writing to be inferted in the London Gazette, and affixed on the Royal Exchange in London as aforefaid, fhall be deemed and adjudged to be fufficient Notice within the Words and Meaning of this Act. b^raiferTb * l*- XVII. And to the End there may be no Want or Failure of a certain Sum, not to exceed in the eb/rmer Bills, Whole the faid Sum of eight hundred thoufand Pounds, for the Publick Service, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury,. or any three or more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhall judge it more advifeable to raife the faid Sum of eight hundred thoufand Pounds, or any Part thereof, by Exchequer Bills, inftead of fuch Loans as aforefaid, that then they reflectively are hereby authorized and impowered at any Time or Times before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and forty- two, to prepare and make, or caufe to be prepared and made at the Exchequer, any Number of Exchequer Bills, for any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the whole the faid Sum of eight hundred thoufand Pounds, in the fame or in like Manner, Form and Order, and according to the fame or like Rules and Directions, as in and by a certain Act of this prefent Sejfion of Parliament, intituled, An Act for continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called England, and for granting to his Majefy certain Duties upon Mak, Mum, Cyder and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, for the Service of the Tear one thoufand feven hundred 3 and