Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/519

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A. D. 1742. Anno decimo quinto Grorgii II. C. 19. 453 and forty -two, are enacted or prefcribed, concerning the Exchequer Bills to be made in Purfuance of the fame Act. XVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Claufcs, Pro- i„ theatric Man- vifoes, Powers, Privileges, Advantages, Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabilities, contained in the faid n-r 11 directed in laft mentioned Act, relating to the Exchequer Bills authorized to be made by the fame Act, except fuch ll,<: Malt Act. Claufcs as do charge the fame on the Duties or Impofitions granted or continued by the fame Act, (hall be applied and extended to the Exchequer Bills to be made in Purfuance of this Act, as fully and effec- tually to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame Exchequer Bills had been originally authorized by the {aid laft mentioned Act, or as if the faid feveral Claufes or Provifoes had been particularly repeated and rc-enncted in the Body of this prefent Act. XIX. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Exchequer Bills which fb.JI be made Eicheqoer Bills in Purfuance of this Act, and the Intereft, Premium, Rate and Charges incident to or attending the t0 b = rc P ,ld out fetne, fhall be and are hereby charged and chargeable upon, and fhall be repaid and borne by and out of "J 'v e SnklD «  the growing Produce of the faid Surpluses, Excelfes, or Overplus Monies, commonly called the Sinking Fund, except fuch Monies of the faid Sinking Fund as are appropriated to tny particular Ufe or Ufes by any former or other Act or Acts of Parliament in that Behalf; and fuch Monies of the faid Sinking Fund fhall and may be ifTiied and applied a? fait as the fame can be regularly ftated and afcertained for and to- wards paying off, cancelling and difcharging fuch Exchequer Bills, Intereit, Premium, Rate or Charges, until the whole of them fhall be paid off, cancelled and difcharged, or Money fufficient for that Pur- pofe be kept and referved in the Exchequer, to be payable on Demand to the refpedtive Proprietors thereof. XX. Provided always, and it is hereby intended, That the Sum of five hundred Pounds, and alfo the feveral Sums of two hundred and fifty Pounds, and two hundred Pounds per Annum, by this Act granted as aforefaid, as an Allowance to the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers, and Accomptant General, fhall be for the Ufe and Benefit of the faid Governor and Company, and at their Difpofal only; any Thing herein con- tained to the contrary notwithftanding. XXI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That his Royal Kighnefs the Prince of Annuities W Wales, or his Royal Hignefs the Duke of Cumberland, or their Royal Higneffes the Princefs Royal, the longing to the Princefs Amelie, the Princefs Carolina, and the Princefs Lovisa, fhall not be charged with any ^°j val Fam,1 y Fees or Taxes for or in refpedt of any Annuities or yearly_ Payments granted by his Majefty to their faid ■Y i tjy~ a ° Royal Highneffes, or any of them, but that fuch Annuities or yearly Payments, and their faid R.oyal Highneffes, for the Time of the Continuance of thofe refpedtive Annuities or yearly Payments,- fhall be free and clear from all Fees, Taxes, Impofitions, or other Charges whatfoever. ' XXII. And whereas during the prefent War with Spain, a great Quantity of Quickfilver hath been

  • taken from the Enemy in the American Seas, and hath been condemned as Prize, Part whereof is al-

' ready brought into this Kingdom, and is now lying in Warehoufes, and being of the Product of Eu- .' rope, it may be a Doubt, whether the fame by the Laws now in Force may not be fubject to the Pay- ' ment of the high Duties to his Majefty, as not coming from the Place of its Growth, which will not ' only be a Difcouragement to the Captors and Importers thereof, but will put them under a Neceflity to ' fend fuch Goods for the future directly to foreign Markets, which will be a Lofs to his Majefty's Re- ' venue, and tend to the Prejudice of the Trade of this Kingdom ;' For Remedy whereof, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Quickfilver which has been already taken from the Enemy, or fhall Quickfilver at any Time or Times hereafter be taken during this prefent War, and hath been or fhall be condemned talcerl from the as Prize, and which has been brought, or fhall hereafter be brought into this Kingdom, in any Britifn ^""ticed" 7 Ships, duly navigated according to Law, and for which the Duties due to his Majefty have not been already paid, or fecured to be paid, fhall be fubject to the Payment of fuch and the like Cuftoms and Du- ties only to which the fame would be by Law liable, if imported directly from the Place or Places of its Growth ; any Law, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. XXIII. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Monies Appropriation coming into the Exchequer, either by Loans or Exchequer Bills, upon one Act of this Seffion of Par- of the , f f onlc ' liament, intituled, An Acl for continuing to his Majejly certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, in p™,^.^, that Part of Great Britain called England, and for granting to his Majefty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cy- der and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, for the Service of the Tear one thoufand feven hun- dred and forty -two ; and fo much Money (if any fuch be] of the Duties thereby granted, as fhall arife or re- main after all the Loans or Exchequer Bills made or to be made on the fame Act, and all the Intereft, Premium, Rate, and Charges thereon, and the Charges thereby allowable for raifing the faid Duties, fhall be fatisfied, or Money fufficient fhall be referved in the Exchequer to difcharge the fame; and all the Monies coming into the Exchequer, either by Loans or Exchequer Bills, upon one other Act of this Siflion of Parliament, intituled, An Act for granting an Aid to his A'lajejly by a Land Tax to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Service of the Tear one thoufand feven hundred and forty-tivo ; and fo much Money (if any fuch be) of the Tax thereby granted, as fhall arife or remain, after all the Loans or Exchequer Bills made or to be made on the fame Act, and all the Intereft, Premium, or Rate and Charges thereon, and the Charges thereby allowable for raifing the faid Land Tax, fhall be fatisfied, or Money fufficient fhall be referved in the Exchequer to difcharge the fame; and all the Monies arifing into the Exchequer, not exceeding one million upon one other Act of this Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An ASi for granting to his Majejiy a certain Sum out of the Sinking Fund, towards the Supply for the Tear one thoufand feven hun- dred and forty-two, by or from the Surpluffes, Exceffes and Overplus Monies commonly called The Sini- Jr.gFund; and all the.Monies ooming into the Exchequer upon one other Act of this Seffion of Parliament, intituled,