Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/522

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456 C. 20. Anno decimo quinto Ge org nil. A. D. 1742. 58,737!. us. XXXI. And it is hereby alio enacted, That out of all or any the Aids" or Supplies provided as afore-' 2d. 3 Fartliines, faid, there fhall and may be ifl'ued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding fifty-eight towards the Gc- thoufand feven hundred thirty-leven Pounds eleven Shillings and two Pence three Farthings, for making 174 1. B " ' 0r S 00 ^ the Deficiency of the General Fund for the Year ended at Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one. The faid Sums XXXII. And be it further enacted, That the faid Aids or Supplies provided as aforefaid fhall not be fhall be applied jfr- uc j or applied to any Ufe, Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever, other than the Ufes and Purpofes before to no other e. ment onc ^^ or f or t ] )e f eve ral Deficiencies or other Payment directed to be fatisfied thereout by any Act or Ads, or any particular Claufe or Claufes for that Purpofe contained in any other Act or Acts of this prefent SeiTion of Parliament. XXXIII. And as to the faid Sum of twenty-feven thoufand nine hundred and fixty-eight Pounds two Shillings and fix Pence, by this Act appropriated on Account of Half- pay as aforefaid; It is hereby Rules for the enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That the Rules herein after prefcribed fhall be duly ob- Application of ferved in the Application thereof ; that is to fay, That no Perfon fhall have or receive any Part of the Half-pay. fame, who was a Minor, and under the Age of fixteen Years, at the Time when the Regiment Troop Set 16 Geo. 2. or Company, in which he ferved, was reduced ; that no Perfon fnail have or receive any Part of the fame' '•*5- except fuch Perfons who did actual Service in fome Regiment, Troop, or Company; that no Perfon hal ving any other Place or Employment of Profit, Civil or Military, under his Majefly, fhall have or receive any Part of the faid Half-pay ; that no Chaplain of any Garrifon or Regiment, who has any Ecclefiaftical Benefice in Great Britain or Ireland, fhall have or receive any of the faid Half-pay ; that no Perfon ihail have or receive any Part of the fame, who has refigned his Commifiion, and has had r.o Commiffion fince • that no Part of the fame fhall be allowed to any Perfon by virtue of any Warrant or Appointment, ex- cept to fuch Perfons who would have been otherwife intitled to the fame as reduced Officers'; and that no Part of the fame fhall be allowed to any of the reduced Officers of the five Regiments of Dragoons, and eight Regiments of Foot, lately difbanded in Ireland, except to fuch as were lately taken of the Eftablifh- ment of H^lf-pay in Great Britain, i^Geo. z. c. 41. ' XXXIV. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the fourteenth Year of his Majefty's Reign ' intituled, An Ac! for granting to bis Majejiy one million out of the Sinking Fund, and for applyino- other ' Sums therein fnentioned for the Service of the Tear one thoufand Jeven hundred and forty-one ; and for al- ' lowing a Drazuback of the Duties upon Coals ufed in Fire Engines for draining Tin and Copper Mines in the 1 County of Cornwall ; and for appropriating the Supplies granted in this SeJJion of Parliament ; and for makint f forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills, Lottery Tickets, and Orders lof, burnt, or otherwife dejlroyed; and for 1 giving further Time for the Payment of Duties omitted to be paid for the Indentures and Contracts of Clerks and ' Apprentices ; feveral Supplies which had been granted to his Majefly, as is therein mentioned, were ap- propriated to feveral Ufes and Purpofes therein expreffed, amongft which, any Sum and Sums of Mo* Act were prefcribed in that Behalf;' Now it is hereby provided, enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That fo much of the faid Sum of twenty-nine thoufand three hundred Pounds feven Shillings and fix Pence, as is or fhall be more than fufficient to fatisfy the faid reduced Officers according to the The Overplus Rules by the faid Act prefcribed to be obferved in the Application thereof, or any Part of fuch Over- pflafl: Year's plus, fhall or may be difpofed of to fuch Officers who are maimed or loft their Limbs in the late toVappiitd."' Wars, or fuch others as by reafon of their long Service, or otherwife, his Majefly fhall judge to be pro- per Objedts of Charity, or to the Widows or Children of fuch Officers^ according to fuch Warrant or Warrants under his Majefty's Sign Manual, as fhall be .figned in that Behalf; any thing in this Act or the faid former Act to the Contrary notwithftanding. CAP. XX. An Ad to prevent the counterfeiting of Gold and Silver Lace ; and for fettling and ad- jufting the Proportions of fine Silver and Silk ; and for the better making of Gold and Silver Thread. 9 w. 3. c. 39. * "ITJ7HEREAS of late great Frauds have been committed by a Sort of Tinfel Copper, or other 1 Ann. ft. 1. . ' VV b a ie Metal, being brought into this Kingdom partly manufactured, which is fpun or wrought c ' ??• ' upon Silk, and worked up in Imitation of Gold and Silver Lace, and is fo exactly counterfeited, that 10 Aim. c. 26. ' perfons of Skill in that Manufacture are daily liable to Impofitions ; which not only tends to the Dif- 6 Geo. 1. c. 11. ' couragement of the Manufacture of Gold and Silver Lace, and the Diminution of his Majefty's Reve- .liGco.z.c.1.6. <■ nue> but is of dangerousCo: fequence to the Publick in general : And whereas feveral Abufes may be 4 committed in refining of Silver, and gilding thereof, and in the making of Gold and Silver Wire and ' Thread, efpecially in not allowing a due Proportion of fine Silver to Silk ; whereby the Silver break - ' ing, and crumbling off" from the Silk, there is not only a great Lofs to the refpedtive Buyers, but an ' irreparable Prejudice to the Nation in genera], in the wafting and confuming of the Bullion thereof; ' and the faid Silver and Gold Thread, and the Manufactures of which the fame confift, confequently have ' not that Credit, Ufe and Service that Silver and Gold Thread, and the Manufactures thereof made abroad,

  • have, to the great Difcouragemcnt of the Exportation of the faid Silver and Gold Thread, and Manu-

' failures,