Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/578

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512 C. 32. Anno decimo fexto Geop.gii II. A.D. J 745 Aft« ;; jun: I[, And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon fhall, from and after tr. ■t 743, any Pet- fcfi twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-three, convey, or caufe to b anVDilguife, 8 conveyed into any Gaol or Prifon, any Vizor, or other Difguife, or any Inftrument or Arms proper t< Inftrument, or facilitate the Efcape of Prifoners ; and the fame fhall deliver, or caufe to be delivered to any Prifoner it Arms, to help any fuch Gaol, or to any other Perfon there, for the Ufe of any fuch Prifoner, without the Confen an Eicpe, with- or Privity of the Keeper, or Under-keeper of any fuch Gaol or Prifon ; every fu^h Perfon, although ru °", t f . n ll c ( , w ~ Efcape or Attempt to efcape be actually made, fhall be deemed to have delivered fuch Vizor, or otbej Keeper, if the Difguife, Inftrument, or Arms, with an Intent to aid and afiift fuch Prifoner to efcape or attempt tc Prifonerbeac- efcape; and in cafe fuch Prifoner then was attainted or convicted of Treafon, or any Felony, excepi tainted of Trca- Petty Larceny, or lawfully committed to, or detained in any fuch Gaol for Treafon, or any Felony, ex- ion or Felony, cept Petty Larceny, exprefled in the Warrant of Commitment or Detainer, every Perfon fo offending, or commuted a nd beiii£ thereof lawfully convicted, mall in like Manner be deemed and adjudged Guilty of Felonv' lor 1 rcalon or . n ..^, r . J - fl -. - . « - --, « . ,-,, . . . J °. . ~-/ ~ ,r y i Fe l oay . and fhall be tranfported to one of his Majelty s Colonies or Plantations 111 America, tor the I erm of feven the Offender Years ; but in cafe the Prifoner to whom, or for whofe Ufe, fuch Vizor or Difguife, Inftrument or Arms, fliall be deemed fliall be fo delivered, then was convicted, committed, or detained for Petty Larceny, or any other Crime, guilty of i-elony, not DS j n or Treafon or Felony, exprefled in the Warrant of Commitment or Detainer, or upon any Procefs ported" 2 "'" whatfoever, for any Debt, Damages, Cofts, Sum or Sums of Money, amounting in the whole to the Difeuife Inflru- ^ um °f one hundred Pounds, every fuch Perfon fo offending, and being thereof lawfully convicted, (hall ments, or Arms, be deemed and adjudged to be guilty of a Mifdemeanor, for which he or £he ihall be in like Manner li- sten to one de- able to a Fine and Imprifonment. tained for any lefs Crime, or for Debt, Damages, &c. amounting to 100 1. the Offender fliall be deemed guilty of a Mifdemeanor. Toaflift any III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon fliall, from and after the Verfon to efcape twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-three, aid or affift any Prifoner to at- £ rom a . Confta " tempt to make his or her Efcape from the Cuftody of any Conftable, Hcadborough, Tythingman, or cha'rgedwith other Officer or Perfon who fhall then have the lawful Charge of fuch Prifoner, in order to carry him Treafon or Fe- or her to Gaol, by virtue of a Warrant of Commitment for Treafon, or any Felony (except Petty Lar- lony; ceny) exprefled in fuch Warrant ; or if any Perfon fliall be aiding or affifting to any Felon to attempt or from any to make his Efcape from on Board any Boat, Ship, or Veflel, carrying Felons for Tranfportation, or Boat, & c -« r - from the Contractor for the Tranfportation of fuch Felons, his Affigns, or Agents, or any other Perfon for n Tranfporta- t0 wnom ^ ucn Felon fliall have been lawfully delivered, in order for Tranfportation ; then every Perfon tie,,. fo offending, and being lawfully convicted thereof, fliall be deemed and adjudged to be guilty of Felony, the Offender and fliall be tranfported to one of his Majefty's Colonies or Plantations in America, for the Term of ihall be deem- feven Years. ed guilty of Felony, and fliall be tranfported for feven Years. The Profecu- IV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That there fliall be no Profecution for any of the faid Offences, non to com- un lefs fuch Profecution be commenced within one Year after fuch Offence committed. mence within a Year, Perfons ordered V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon who fliall be ordered for for Tranfporta- Tranfportation, in purfuance of this Act, fhall return from Tranfportation, or be at large in any Part of tion, and found Great Britain, without fome lawful Caufe, before the Expiration of the Term for which he or fhe fliall at large before have been ordered to be tranfported, every fuch Perfon fliall be liable to the fame Punifhment, and to the of* the X Term° n ^e Methods of Profecution, Trial, and Conviction, for returning from fuch Tranfportation, or for how to be de'alt being a t l^rge in any Part of Great Britain, as other Felons tranfported, or ordered to be tranfported, with. are liable unto by Virtue of the Laws now in Force. (UiKernjng Prifoners fee farther ZJ Geo. 2. c. 3 & 17, 31 Geo. z, c, 28. CAP. XXXII. An Act for allowing further Time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papifts ; and for Relief of Proteftant Purchafers, Devifees, and Leffees. EXP. Time given to 28 Nov. 1745. Anno