Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/583

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. D. 1744. Anno decimo feptimo Georgii II. C. 5. 517 taking his Receipt for the fame; and the faid is [or are) to be thence conveyed on in like Manner to the faid Parifh (or Town) of there to be delivered to fome Churchwarden, Chapel-warden, or Overfeer of the Poor of the fame Parifh [Town or Place) to be there provided for ac- cording to Law; and you the faid Church-wardens, Chapel-wardens, and Overfi-ers of the Poor, arc hereby required to receive the faid Perfon (or Perfons) and provide for him (her or them) as aforefaid. VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Juftice or Juftices fhall make Duplicate of the ,r caufe to be made a Duplicate of fuch Pafs and Examination; and fign the fame ; and fhall afterwards •'»'« and Exami- ranfmit the Duplicate of the faid Pafs annexed to the Examination to the next General or Quarter Sef- naticn to| *filedi ions of the Peace, there to be filed and kept on Record; and fhall annex the Duplicate of the Examina- ^',J' ""]' "'" ion to the Pafs, and fend it with the fame ; and the faid Pafs, Examination, and Duplicates thereof, tcr Se'tfwn^"" hall and may be read in any Court of Record in England, Wales, or the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, ,s Evidence. IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That where any Offender againft this Act Power of j«- hall be committed, as aforefaid, to the Houfe of Correction, there to remain until the next General or " ices over v f- ^uarter Seflions ; and the Juftices at fuch Seflions fhall, on Examination of the Circumfbnces of the E ab ° nds an< * in - Jafe, adjudge fuch Perfon a Rogue or Vagabond, or an Incorrigible Rogue ; they may, if they think Rogues,' onvenient, order fuch Rogue or Vagabond to be detained and kept in the faid Houfe of Correction to lard Labour, for any further Time not exceeding fix Months, and fuch Incorrigible Rogue, for any fur- her Time, not exceeding two Years, nor lefs than fix Months from the Time of making fuch Order of ieffions ; and during the Time of fuch Perfon's Confinement, to be corrected by Whipping, in fuch vlanner, and at fuch Times and Places within their Jurifdictions, as according to the Nature of fuch, >erfon's Offence, they in their Difcretion fhall think fit ; and fuch Perfon may (if the Juftices at the "aid Seflions fhall think convenient) afterwards be fent away by fuch Pafs, mutatis mutandis, as aforefaid tnd if fuch Perfon, being a Male, is above the Age of twelve Years, the Juftices at their Seflions may md are hereby impowered, at any Time before he is difcharged from the Houfe of Correction^ to fend lim to be imployed in his Majefty's Service, either by Sea or Land, if they fhall judge proper ; and in

afe any fuch Incorrigible Rogue, fo ordered by the laid General or Quarter Seflions to be detained and

cept in the faid Houfe of Correction, fhall before the Expiration of the Time for which he or file fhall je fo ordered to be there detained and kept, break out or make his or her Efcape from the faid Houfe of Correction, or fhall offend again in the like Manner; in every fuch Cafe, every fuch Perfon fhall be leemed and taken to be guilty of Felony, and being legally convicted thereof, fhall and may be tranf- jorted for any Time not exceeding feven Years, in the fame Manner as by the Laws now in being other felons may be tranfported. i X. And to prevent unneceflary Expence in the pafling or conveying of Rogues, Vagabonds, and In- J"rti«s to rcgu-

orrigible Rogues, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Juftice or Juftices of the Peace ' a:e '. he pa(rc3

who fhall make the Pafs, fhall at the fame Time, -with the faid Pafs, caufe likewife to be delivered to the officers n certi- Conftable, or other Officer appointed to convey them, a Note or Certificate, afcertaining how they. are ficates. to be conveyed, by Horfe, Cart, or on Foot, and what Allowance fuch Conftable or other Officer is to have for conveying them (according to the Rates or Allowances appointed by the General or Quarter Seflions of the Peace, as is herein after directed) in the Form, or to the Effect following, videlicet : ■ ' m T THEREAS by a Pafs (reciting the Sub/lance or Effeil of the faid Pafs) I (or we) do hereby order £° rm of ths ' W anc * direct the faid Perlon (or Perfons) to be conveyed on Foot (or in a Cart, or by Horfe, etcetera) " tl&cite% .' to the faid Town (or Parijh) of in (or other Place, defer ibing it) in the ' Way to fuch Parifh (Town or Place, as the Cafe Jhall be) in Days Time ; for which the faid ' Conftable (et cetera) is to be allowed the Sum of -and no more. Given under my Hand (or Our Hands) this Day, etcetera. " XL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Conftable, or other Officer, who The Duty of fhall receive fuch Pafs and Certificate, fhall and is hereby required to convey, or caufe to be conveyed, ? fl J C p S /- wltl *'» the Perfon or Perfons named in fuch Pafs, in fuch Manner, and in fuch Time, as by the fame Pafs fhall cmui^e 3 " be directed, the next direct Way to the Place where he, fhe or they are ordered to be fent, if fuch Place < Amended by be in the fame County, Riding, Divifion, Corporation or Franchife, where the faid Perfon or Perfons a 6 Geo. a. c. 34." were apprehended ; but if the Place to which the Perfon or Perfons fo apprehended is or are to be fent, lies in fome other County, Riding, Divifion, Corporation or Francife, he fhall deliver the faid Perfon or Perfons to the Conftable or fuch other Officer of the firft Town, Parifh or Place, in the next County,- Riding, Divifion, Corporation or Franchife, in the direct Way to the Place to which fuch Perfon or Perfons is or are to be conveyed, together with the faid Pafs and Duplicate of Examination, taking his Receipt for the fame; and fuch Conftable or other Officer fhall, without Delay, apply to fome Juftice of the Peace in the fame County, Riding, Divifion, Corporation or Franchife, who fhall make the like Certificate as before (mutatis mutandis) and deliver it to the faid Conftable or other Officer, who fhall and is heieby required with all Speed to convey the Perfon or Perfons unto the firft Parifh-, Town of Place in the r.ext County, Riding, Divifion, Corporation or Franchife, in the direct Way to the Place to which fuch Perfon or Perfons is or are to be conveyed ; and fo in like Manner from one County, Riding, Di- vifion, Corporation or Franchife, to another, till they come to the Place to which fuch Perfon or Perfons- is or are fent ; and the Conftable or other Officer, who fhall deliver fuch Perfon or Perfons to the Church- warden 01 other Perfon ordered to receive them by fuch Pais, fhall at the fame Time deliver the faid Pafs 3 -, ■with-