Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/59

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. ij. An Act for continuing an Act of this prefent Sef- fion of Parliament, intituled, An >Atl to impower his Maie/lv to J'ecure and detain fuch Perfons as his MajcJly Jliall fufpeci are confpiring again/I his Per/on and Go- vernment. 1 8. An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Act parted in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, for repairing the Road from the City of Gloucejler to Stone, and other Roads therein mentioned ; and for making the faid Act more effectual. 19. An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Act palled in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his lafe Majefty King George the Firft, for repairing and enlarging the Road from Liverpoole to Prefcot, and other Roads therein mentioned, in the County Palatine of Lancafter ; and for amending the Road leading from Prefcot, to the Chapel of Saint Helen in the faid County. 20. An Act to indemnify fuch Perfons as have acted in Defence of his Majefty's Perfon and Government, and for the Prefervation of the publick Peace of this King- dom, during the Time of the prefent unnatural Re- bellion, and Sheiiffs and others who have fuffered Efcapes occafioned thereby, from vexatious Suits and Profecutions. zi, An Act more effectually to prevent profane Curfing and Swearing. 22. An Act for the better Prefervation of Havens, Roads, Channels, and navigable Rivers, within that Part of Great Britain called England. 23. An Act to continue two Acts of Parliament; one for encouraging the Growth of Coffee in his Majefty's Plantations in America ; and the other for the better fe- curing and encouraging the Trade of his Majefty's Su- gar Colonies in America. 24. An Act to impower Lora Pitt, Widow, to erect a Bridge or Bridges over the River Froo?ne ; and to make a Caufeway to the Eaft End of the Town of Dor- chejler, over Forthington Moor, in the County of Dorfet. 25. An Act for calling any fufpected Perfon or Perfons, whofe Eftates or principal Refidence are in Scotland, to appear at Edinburgh, or where it ftiall be judged expe- dient, to find Bail for their geod Behaviour. 26. An Act to attaint Alexander Earl of Kettle, William Vifcount of Strathallan, Alexander Lord Pitjligo, David Wemyfs Efquire, commonly called Lord Elcho, eldeft Son and Heir Apparent of James Earl of Wemyfs ; James Drummond Efquire, eldeft Son and Heir Appa- rent of William Vifcount of Strathallan; Simon Frafer Efquire, eldeft Son and Heir Apparent of Simon Lord Lovat ; George Murray Efquire, commonly called Lord George Murray, Brother to James Duke of Athol ; Lewis Gorden Efquire, commonly called Lord Lewis Gordon, Brother to Cofmo George Duke of Gordon ; James Drum- mond, taking upon himfelf the Title of Duke pf Perth ; James Graham, late of Duntroon, taking on himfelf the Title of Vifcount of Dundee ; John Nairn, taking upon himfelf the Title or Stile of Lord Nairn; David Ogilvie, taking upon himfelf the Title of Lord Ogilvie ; John Drummond, taking upon himfelf the Stile or Title of Lord John Drummond, Brother to James Drummond, taking on himfelf the Title of Duke of Perth ; Robert Mercer Efquire, otherwife Nairn, of A/die; Sir William Gordon of Park, John Murray of Broughton, Efquire; John Gorden the elder, of Glenbuckct ; Donald Cameron the younger, of Loch 1 el; Doctor Archibald Cameron, Brother to Donald Cameron the younger, of Lochiel; Ludovick Cameron of Tor Cajlle, Alexander Cameron of Dungallon ; Donald Mac Donald^ of Clanronald, junior, Son" to Rhonald Mac Donald of Clanronald, Donald Mac Donald of Lochgarie, Alexander Mac Donald of Keppoch, Archibald Mac Donold, Son of Col Mac Donald of Barifdale ; Alexander Mac Donald of Glencoc, Evan Mac Pherfon of Clunie, Lauchlan Mac Lauchlan of Cajlle. Lauchlan, John Mac Rinnan of Mac Kinnon, Charles Stewart of Ardflilcl, George Lockhart, eldeft Son and Heir Apparent cf George Lockhart of Carmvath; Lawrence Oliphant the eldc'r, of Gap;; Law- rence Oliphant the younger, of Gajk ; James Graham the younger, of Airih ; John Stewart, "commonly called John Roy Stewart ; Francis Farquharfon of Mor.alierye , Alexander Mac Gilivrae of Drumaglifl) ; Lauchlan Mac Intojh, Merchant at Invernefs ; Malcolm Rofs, Son of Alexander Rofs of Piualny ; Alexander Mac Leod, Son to Mafter John Mac Leod Advocate ; John Hay, Portioner of Reftolrig, Writer to the Signet ; Andrew Lumflale, otherwise Lumfdain, Son to William Lumfdale, other- wife Lumfdain, Writer in Edinburgh; and William Fid- /;T,"Clerk in the Auditor's Office in the Exchequer of Scotland; of High Treafon, if they fhall not render themfelves to one of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, on or before the twelfth Day of July in the Year of our Lord one thoufand' feven hundred and forty- fix, and fubmit to Juftice. 27. An Act for the more effectual fecuring the Duties now payable on Foreign made Sail Cloth imported into this Kingdom ; and for charging all Foreign made Sails with a Duty ; and for explaining a Doubt concerning Ships being obliged at their firft fetting out to Sea, to be furnifhed with one complete Set of Sails made of Britijh Sail Cloth. 28.. An Act for the better regulating of Elections of Members to ferve in Parliament, for fuch Cities and Towns in that Part of Great Britain called England, as are Counties of themfelves. 29. An Act for fettling an additional Revenue of twenty- five thoufand Pounds upon his Royal Highnefs William Duke of Cumberland, and the Heirs Male of his Body, for the fignal Services done by his Royal Highnefs to his Country. 30. An Act for the better Encouragement of the Trade of his Majefty's Sugar Colonies in America. 31. An A<ft for granting to his Majefty a certain Sum of Money out of the Sinking Fund, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix ; and^ alfo for enabling his Majefty to raife a further Sum 'of Money for the Ufes and Purpofes therein mentioned j and for the further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seffion of Parliament ; and for making forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills, Lottery Tickets, Re- ceipts, Annuity Orders, or other Orders, loft, burnt, or otherwife deftroyed. 32. An Act for amending the Laws relating to Bank- rupts. 33. An Act to indemnify Perfons who have omitted to qualify themfelves for Offices, Employments, and Pro- motions within the Time limited by Law; and for al- lowing further Time for that Purpofe. 34. An Act for the further Punifhment of Perfons going armed or difguifed, in Defiance of the Laws of Cu- ftoms or Excife ; and for indemnifying Offenders againft thole Laws, upon the Terms in this Act men- -tion.d ;