Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/591

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A. D. 1744. Anno decimo feptimo Georgii II. C. n. 525 moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enabled; and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Ma- jelly, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prelent Parliament aiTcmblcd, and by the Authority of the fame, That fro.n and after the twenty -fifth M 1 Day of March one thoufand ("even hundred and forty-four, every Minifter, who lhall be ordained and ad- <•• '- •■» C I- mitted to a Benefice in the Church of Scotland, and" every Perfon who {hall be admitted as Head, Princi- l,p ' s '" "*■' '" pal or Mailer, in any of the faid Univerlities of Saint Andrew's, Glqfgtm and Edinburgh, ant! who was ul "" 1 d """' not on or before the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand lieven hundre and forty-four, a Mi/li- fter having Right to a Benefice in the Church of Scotland, or a Head, Principal or M after in any of the faid Univerfities of Saint Andrew's, Glajgow or Edinburgh, lhall be fubjeel and liable to one or other of the annual Rates following, videlicet, either to the Sum of two Pounds twelve Shillin. id fix Pence, or of three Pounds eighteen Shillings and nine Pence, or of live Pounds five Shillings, or oJ . . Pounds eleven Shillings and three Pence, of lawful Money of Great Britain, and proportionally for an h . ar, pay- able at the Terms after mentioned, and in the Option of the faid Minifters, Meads, Prin her Mafters refpedtively, to be made within the Time, and in the Manner herein after directcu. II. And be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That every fuch Minifter, who fhall be erdai , ,. cn tobc **i; admitted to a Benefice in the Church of Scotland, and every Perfon who {ball be admitted to the Qffi< . erf Head, Principal or Mafter, in any of the faid three Univerfities, after the faid twenty-fifth Day of Match one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, and who was not before intitled to fuch Benefice or Uffice, (hall at the Term of Candlemas next after his Admiffion, and after he hath enjoyed and had Right to his Benefice or Salary refpe&ively for one whole Year, make Payment of one Year's Rate, and fo from thenceforth yearly, at the faid Term of Candlemas during his Life; and in cafe he, at the Term of Candle- mas next after his Admiffion, hath or fhall have enjoyed and had Right to his faid Benefice or Salary re- fpe&ively, only for one Half-year, he fliall only be liable at the faid firft Term of Candlemas to the Pay- ment of one Half of the faid yearly Rate, and to the full Year's Rate at the Term of Candlemas next thereafter ; and to the like Rate yearly at each Term of Candlemas, during his Life ; all which Rates {hall be paid to the General Collector or Receiver herein after appointed at his Office in Edinburgh, III. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if the faid Minifters of the Church of Scotland, when Half or the Heads, Principals or other Mafters in the aforefaid three Univerfities, fhall at their refpecftive Rates only are Deaths, have only Right to one Half of the Benefice or Salary of that Year in which they happen to die, to be paid, that one half of the faid yearly Rate fhall be payable for that Year, out of their Benefice or Salary, to the General Collector or Receiver herein after mentioned, at his Office in Edinburgh, at the Term of Candle- mas which fhall be firft after the Death of the faid Minifters, Heads, Principals or Mafters refpedlivdy ; and the other Half fliall be payable by thofe having Right to the Ann, or where no Ann is due, by the Heirs and Executors of the Minifter, Head, Principal or Mafter in the faid three Univerlities refpedtively, who was liable to the faid yearly Rate during his Life, in the Manner herein after diredted. IV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Minifter who fliall be ordained, or ad- Rules for the mitted to a Benefice in the Church of Scotland, and every Head, Principal or other Mafter, who fhall be Minifters m- admitted into any of the faid three Univerfities after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand ? . j re . feven hundred and forty-four, fhall make his Election of one of the four above mentioned yearly Rates, Jce of Rate*, to which he choofes to be fubjecl: during his Life, by a Writing iigned by him, addrefled to the Truftees herein after appointed, and which he fliall deliver or caufe to be delivered at the General Collector or Receiver's Office at Edinburgh, on or before the firft Term of Candlemas, that fhall be after the faid Mi- nifter of the Church of Scotland, or Head, Principal or other Mafter in the faid three Univerfities, fliall have Right to one half-year's Benefice or Salary; and in Default of giving fuch Notice within the Time aforefaid, fuch Minifter, Head, Principal or Mafter refpedtively, neglecting to give Notice as aforefaid, fliall be deemed and adjudged to have made his Election of the annual Rate of three Pounds eighteen Shil- lings and nine Pence, and fliall be liable to the aforefaid Rate accordingly during his Life. V. Provided always, That the Minifters of the Church of Scotland, whofe Benefices are fituated in the Rules for the Weftern or in the Northern Ifles of Scotland, fliall be allowed to make their Election in the Manner afore- Minifters in the faid, at any Time before the Term of Candlemas, which fliall be next after they refpedtively fliall have W' J » rNor ; had Right to the Benefice for one Year and a Half; and in Default of their making their Election within g ™ *""* that Time, they fhall be fubjedled to the aforefaid yearly Rate of three Pounds eighteen Shillings and. nine Pence. VI. Provided alfo, That the faid Minifters fhall, at the next Term of Candlemas after they fliall have Provifo. made their Election, or in Default of making fuch Election as aforefaid, make Payment of the annual Rates to which theyjare refpecliVely fubjeevted, and which fliall have become due at the faid Term.. VII. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Minifter who now is intitled Minifters and _ to a Benefice in the Church of Scotland, and every Perfon who now enjoys the Office of Head, Principal H "* d ! in zV - c L " or Mafter, in any of the faid three Univerfities of Saint Andrew's, Glafgow or Edinburgh; or who fliall be jJotke to't^i^ admitted to a Benefice in the Church of Scotland, or to any of the aforefaid Offices of Head, Principal or ft cr ' s with.ii fa Mafter, in any of the faid three Univerfities, on or before the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thou- Mentha. fand feven hundred and forty-four, fliall within fix Calendar Months after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March give Notice by a Writing figned by him, addrefied to the Truftees herein after appointed, which he fhall deliver or caufe to be delivered, at their General Collector or Receiver's Office in Edinburgh, that he will not be fubjedt to any of the yearly Rates above mentioned, or will fubjecl himfelf to one or other ef the faid yearly Rates, declaring which of them he choofes to be fubjedt to; and in Default of fuch No- tice, every fuch Minifter of the Church of Scotland, and every fuch Head, Principal or Mafter, in any of the faid three Univerfities, neglecting to give Notice as aforefaid, fliall be deemed and adj udged to have made
