Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/592

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526 C. ir. Anno decimo feptimo Georgii II. A; D. 1744. his Election, and to be fubject to the annual Rate of three Pounds eighteen Shillings and nine Pence during his Life. Minifters in the VIII. Provided always, That the Minifters in the Weftern and Northern Ifles of Scotland, may give Weft and Nor- Notice as aforefaid, at any Time within eighteen Calendar Months after the faid twenty-fifth Day of 18 Months. March one thoufand (even hundred and forty-four. When theRates ^' And ^ e '* further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the prefent Minifters of the Church ere to be paid, of Scotland, and the prefent Heads, Principals and Mafters of the aforefaid three Univerfities; or who fhall be admitted Minifters of the faid Church, or Heads, Principals or Mafters in any of the faid three Uni- verfities on or before the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, and who fhall be fubjett to any of the aforefaid annual Rates, by giving or neglecting to give Notice as afore- faid, fhall pay their firft Year's Rate to the General Collector or Receiver, to be appointed in the Man- ner herein after directed, at his Office in Edinburgh, at the Term eft Candlemas one thoufand feven hun- dred and forty-four, and fo from thenceforth yearly thereafter, at each Term of Candlemas, during their Life; and if fuch Minifter, Head, Principal or Mafter, fhall have Right only to one Half of the Benefice or Salary of the Year in which he dies, the half Year's Rate, payable by fuch Minifter, Head, Principal of other A4after, fhall be paid to the General Collector or Receiver herein after mentioned, at his Office in Edinburgh, at the firft Term of Candlemas after his Death, and the other Half fhall be payable out of the Ann, or by his or their Heirs or Executors, in Manner after mentioned : And every fuch Minifter, Head, Principal or Mafter, fhall be liable for the firft Year to an additional Sum, equal to the yearly Rate to which he fhall be fubjected, which fhall be paid to the General Collector or Receiver, to be ap- pointed in Manner herein after directed, at his Office in Edinburgh, at the Term of Candlemas one thou- fand feven hundred and forty-four. Piovifo; X. Provided always, That the Minifters in the Weftern and Northern Ifles of Scotland, who now are, or who fhall be admitted to a Benefice in the faid Church, before the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, fhall pay their double Rate for the firft Year, and their annual Rate for the fecond Year, at the Tenn of Candlemas, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thou- fand feven hundred and forty-five. Afliftants, &c. XI. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Minifters of the Church of Scotland, or to be held ad- f ucn Heads, Principals or Mafters in any of the faid Univerfities, as are or fhall be ordained or admitted Marria for Affiftants and Succefibrs to the Minifter, or to the Head, Principal or Mafter, having Right to the Be- RighTroafull nefice or Salary refpectively, fhall as to all the Purpofes of this Act, be held as admitted to a Benefice Benefice. in the Church of Scotland, or to an Office in any of the faid Univerfities, only from the Time that any fuch Affiftant is or fhall be married, or when he fhall come to have Right to the full Benefice or Salary. Minifter, &c. XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Minifter of the Church of Scot- UlkWtft land, and every Head, Principal and Mafter in any of the faid three Univerfities, who fhall be admitted t"a Sum equal mt0 f be faid Benefice or Office refpectively, after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven -to his annual hundred and forty-four, and who is or fhall be married, fhall in refpect of his Marriage, be fubject and Rats. liable to a Sum equal to his annual Rate, and to the like fum for each fucceeding Marriage: Which Sums, payable in refpect of the Marriage of a Minifter of the faid Church, Head, Principal or Mafter in any of the faid three Univerfities, fhall be paid over and above the annual Rate itfelf, at the firft Term of Candlemas, which fhall be one full Year after fuch Marriage, and his Admiffion into the faid Bene- fice or Office refpeitively, to the General Collector or Receiver herein after appointed, at his Office in Edinburgh. •Minifter, &c. XIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Minifter of the Church of Scot- iabjea to feveral land, and every Head, Principal and Mafter, in any of the faid three Univerfities, that now is, or who Sums for feveral n^jj ^ e admitted on or before the faid twenty- fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty- arnages, c. f our ^ an( j w ^ £k a ]j become f u bject to one or other of the aforefaid annual Rates, and who fhall marry after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty- four, fhall refpectively be liable to a Sum equal to his yearly Rate in refpect of his Marriage, and to the like Sum for every Mar- riage after; which refpective Sums fhall be paid, over and above the refpective annual. Rates, at the firft Term of Candlemas, which fhall be one full Year after fuch refpective Marriages, to the General Collec- tor or Receiver herein after appointed, at his Office in Edinburgh. Provifo. XIV. Provided always, That if any Minifter of the faid Church, Head, Principal or Mafter in the faid Univerfities, fhall happen to marry a Widow intitled to an Annuity in purfuance of this A*it;- fuch Minifter, Head, Principal or Mafter, fhall not be fubject to the Payment of any Sum in refpect of fuch Marriage. Penalty on Neg- XV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any of the Minifters of the Church of Scot- lea of paying the land, ox any of the Heads, Principals or Mafters in the faid three Univerfities, fhall neglect to pay the an- Rates. nua ] or other R.ates due by them refpectively, at the Terms herein before appointed ; fuch Minifter of the Church, and fuch Head, Principal or Mafter in any of the faid Univerfities, neglecting to pay as aforefaid, fhall be fubject and liable to the lawful Intereft of fuch Sums remaining unpaid by him or them refpectively, from and after the refpective Terms of Payment. What fhall be XVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon the Death of any Minifter of I ^aid on the th e Church of Scotland, or of any Head, Principal or Mafter in any of the faid three Univerfities, who ^ft th &E* was f u ^J e( -^ to one of the yearly Rates above mentioned, a Sum equal to one Half of his yearly Rate fhall I be due and payable for the half Year immediately after his Death, by thofe who have a Right to the Ann, where the Ann is by Law competent; and where no Ann is competent, the fame fhall be paid by his Heirs and Executors, XVII. And