Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/598

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532 C. ii. Anno decimo feptimo Georgji II. A.D. 1744. Coilfftordif- LVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fliall and may be lawful for the placed, mjy ap- f.ijd Truftees, for reafonable Caufes, to fufpcnd or remove the faid General Collector or Receiver; and pral to Gtntial thereupon, or upon the Death or Refignation of the General Collector or Receiver appointed by the Ge- Aifcm y. jieral AfTembly, to name a General Cullcctor or Receiver in the Interim, who fhall have full Powers to ■aQl until the next Meeting of the General Aflembly; which faid next Meeting is hereby impowered finally to determine upon the Caufes of Sufpenfion or Deprivation of the former General Collector or Receiver; and to give Orders either for reftoring the former Collector, or for continuing the Collector named by the Truftees; or for appointing a new General Collector or Receiver in his Place. Provifo. LVIII. Provided always, That the General Collector or Receiver fo named, fliall be allowed a propor- tionable Part of the Salary, during the Time that he fhall difcharge the Truft. Prefbyterics, &c. LIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Prefbytery in Scotland, and to ™keout Lifts eac }, f t h e faid Univerfities of Saint Andrew's, Glafgoiv, and Edinburgh, fliall, from and after the faid o^ reerments, twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, from time to time, make up Lifts of all Minifters admitted to Benefices, and of all Heads, Principals, or other Mafters, admitted into Of- fices within their refpective Prefbyteries and Univerfities, with the particular Dates of their refpective Admiffions; and with a particular Account, if l'uch Minifter, or fuch Member of the Univerfity, be married, and with the Date of his Marriage, if the fame fhall happen afterwards; and alfo a particular Lift of the Minifters and Members of the Univerfities refpectively that fliall have died within the Year, and whether they have left a Widow and Children, with the Names of the Widows, and the Names and Ages of the Children, and alfo a Lift of the Widows that have died or been married within the Year, with the Dates of their Death or Marriage, and what Children of the Minifters or Members of the Uni- verfities refpectively were alive at the faid Widows Death or Time of Marriage; as alfo Lifts of all Va- cancies happening within their faid Prefbyteries or Univerfities refpectively, with the Dates and Caufe of the Vacancy; which Lifts, as alfo all other Lifts that fliall be found neceffary by the Truftees, and by them appointed to be made up for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, fliall be attefted by the Moderator and Clerk of the Prefbytery, and by the Head or Principal, and the Clerk of the faid Univerfities refpectively; and fhall, betwixt the Term of Martinmas and the Term of Candlemas in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, be tranfmitted by the Moderator of the Prefbytery, and by the Heads or Principals of the faid Univerfities refpectively, to the Truftees Clerk refiding at Edinburgh; and fo from thenceforth annually, in all Time to come, the Lifts of each Year, computed from Martinmas to Martinmas, fliall be made up and tranfmitted as before mentioned, betwixt the Term of Martinmas and the Term of Candlemas following; and the Moderator of the Prefbytery, and the Head or Principal of the Univerfities, neglecting to fign or tranfmit fuch Lifts as aforefaid, fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum often Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, to be paid in to the General Collector or Receiver, and to be levied in fuch Manner, and to be applied to the fame Purpofes, as the annual Rates are herein before appointed to be levied and applied. Provifo, LX. Provided always, That the Moderators of the Prefbyteries in the Weftern and Northern Ifles of Scotland, fhall not be fubject to the faid Penalty of ten Pounds, in cafe they tranfmit fuch Lifts as afore- faid within fix Months after the faid Term of Martinmas. Moderators, fcc. LXI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Moderators of the faid Pref- to give Ccrcifi- byteries, and their Clerk, and the Heads or Principals of the faid three Univerfities, and their Clerk "Ms to Widows refpectively, fliall, at the Requeft of each Widow or Child, claiming Right to an Annuity or Pro- en. vifion, deliver to them a Certificate figned as aforefaid, certifying the Death of the Minifter, or the Death or Marriage of his Widow, with the refpective Dates thereof,, and the Names and Ages of his Children. Truftees (hail LXII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Truftees fhall, at their make Lifts of Meeting on the faid fecond Tuefday in March yearly, make up proper Lifts of all the Widows and Chil- dren entitled to receive Annuities or Provifions out of the funds of the preceding Year, mentioning the particular Sums to which they are refpectively entitled; which Lifts fliall remain in the Hands of the Truftees Clerk, and fhall be open to the Infpection of all Parties interefted; and it fliall be lawful for the faid Parties interefted, to give in their Objections in Writing to the faid Clerk, to be by him laid before the faid Truftees for their Determination at their faid Meeting, upon the fecond Tuefday in May next following. Truftees to fettle LXIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Truftees fhall, at their their Accounts, Meeting appointed to be held on the fecond Tuefday in May yearly, fettle and adjuft the Difpofal of their Funds of the preceding Year, and particularly what Sum fliall be paid to each Widow and Child; and the Prefes fhall fign two fair Copies thereof, and alfo a Warrant upon the General Collector or Receiver and lodge their for Payment accordingly, in Favour of each Widow and Child interefted; and fliall lodge all the faid Hand^f the Warrants ' n the Hands of their Clerk, to be by him delivered to the feveral Parties forthwith, as they call cicrk. *° r the , f ame; * n d the Clerk fhall alfo forthwith deliver to the General Collector or Receiver, one of the fubferibed Duplicates or Copies of the total Lift and State. Coileaor to LXIV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the aforefaid General Collector or Receiver make Payment, fliall immediately, upon the faid Warrants being prefented to him, at his Office upon any of the Days, and at the Hours above fpecified, make Payment of the refpective Sums therein contained, without Fee Penalty if the or Reward, upon a Receipt iidorfed upon the faid Warrants; and if either the General Collector or C « Fee" re ° C1 " e ^ ece ' ver » or the Clerk to the Truftees aforefaid, fhall, on any Pretence whatever, exact or receive any Money or Reward whatfoever, for or in refpect of delivering the aforefaid Warrants, or for making Pay- ment purfuant to the faid Warrants, the faid General Collector and Clerk refpectively (o offending, fhall 1 '/>>