Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/599

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A. D. 1744. Anno decimo feptimo Georgii II. C. n. 53 ■> >* id rk refpectively, and to declare him or them incapable of being rechofcn ; and if any Perfon, acting under the faid General Collector, or under the faid Cleric refpectively, (hall exact or receive any Fee or Reward upon the aforefaid Accounts, the faid General Collector or Clerk, by whom fuch Offender was appoint- ed, fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum often Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, upon Proof brought before the faid Truftecs in Manner aforefaid ; which Sums fhall be levied and applied in the fame Manner as is above directed, with refpect to the annual Rates. LXV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid,. That if any Widow, Child or Children, How Widow, entitled to an Annuity, or to Provifions refpeclively, fliall be unduly omitted, in making up the faid an- &c. are to alt if? nual Lift as aforefaid, whether fuch Omiffion fhall be occafioned through the Default of the Prefbyteries ihey are und»ly or Univerfities refpectively, in not tranfmitting proper Lifts or Certificates in the Manner before directed, ° mll '« =Bfc&- up, and (hall not be allowed at any Time thereafter. LXVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Payments herein before di- Directions for rected, fhall be made to the Widows or Children refpectively named in the Warrants, if the Perfons fo paying Widow* named are Majors; and to the Tutors or Curators of fuch of them as are Minors; and if they have no cla,ms - Tutors nor Curators, to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall be authorized for that Purpofe by an Act of the Prefbytery or Univexfity refpectively, of which the Perfon, under whom the Provifion is claimed, was Iaft a Member. * LXVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the aforefaid Annuities payahle No ArrEft °n to Widows, and the Provifions payable to Children of the aforefaid Minifters of the Church of Scotland, cbldT 5 <°r and of the Heads, Principals and Mafters in the aforefaid Univerfities, fhall not be liable to any Arreft- ' Ens ay ' orient; but fhall be paid to the Widows and Childen themfelves, or to their Tutors, and Curators or Tru- ftees as aforefaid, or to their Executors and Adminiftrators or Affigns; any Law or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. LXIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefard, That the faid Truftees, at their Meeting nifpofuiun of on the fecond Tuefday in May yearly, fliall give proper Directions to the General Collector or Receiver Sur P |u "« ^d aforefaid, for lending out the Surpluses of the preceding Year to the Minifters of the faid Church, and Attcrfur P la ^»' to the Heads, Principals and Mafters in the aforefaid three Univerfities, to the Amount of thirty Pounds as aforefaid to each; and the after Surpluffes towards railing the aforefaid Capital of thirty-five thoufand Pounds, in Manner herein before directed. LXX. Provided always, Thai no Part of the faid Capital of thirty-five thoufand Pounds fhall be lent Piovifo, out, or up-lifted, or re-employed, but with the Advice and Confent of the Lord Prefident, and the two fenior Judges of the Court of Seffion, the Lord Chief Baron, and fenior Baron of the Court of Exchequer, and of the Lord Juftice General., and Lord Juftice Clerk for the time being or any three of them. LXXI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Truftees herein named and Penalty on Tra- appointed, fhall attend the aforefaid ftated Meetings, and the Adjournments thereof, and all occafional " ee! n "^'f"" Meetings, to which they (hall be lawfully warned or fummoned, under the Penalty of twenty Shillings m"^;,,!,, of lawful Money of Great Britain, toties quoties, to be levied and applied in the fame Manner, and to the •fame Purpofes, as is herein before directed with refpect to the annual Rates; and a Certificate under the Hand of the Clerk fhall be a fufficient Evidence of fuch Abfence, and of the Penalty's being incurred, unlefs the Truftee abfent as aforefaid, fhall have a fufficient Caufe for fuch Abfence, and which fhall be 'allowed of by a Majority of the Truftees who fliall be prefent at the refpective Meetings. LXXII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Truftees fhall annually An annua) Sta;; prepare a State of the Funds under their Management, and an Account of their Proceedings, which fhall ot "the Funds to be laid annually before the General Affembly of the Church of Scotland; and a printed Copy thereof fhall be P' e E ,ar<;<J - be tranfmitted to each Prefbytery, and to each of the faid Univerfities, betwixt the firft Day of June and the firft Day of Auguji yearly. LXXIII. And it is hereby enacted, That the Expence of Printing and tranfmitting the faid annual Necefory £-. State as aforefaid, and alfo all other neceffary incidental Expences of the.faid Truftees, fhall be paid by F eDCe t0 Repaid the faid General Collector or Receiver, and fhall be allowed to him out of his annual Receipts ; pro- ^ 1 ' 1 ^ Cencia! vided the faid Expences do not in any one Year exceed the Sum of forty Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain. LXX1V. And by it further' enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid General Collector or when c Hector Receiver fliall annually, on the fecond Tuejday in November, exhibit to the faid Truftees, at their Meet- is to give his Acs ing, a particular Account of the Sums that (hall then have been paid by him out of his Receipts of the count t0 !ii «  preceding Year ; and the faid Truftees fhall and are hereby impoweredto audit and pafs his Accounts, a *"* and to acquit and difchatgeihim and his Sureties, from Time to Time, , of the Sums fo accounted for. LXXV. And