Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/618

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552 C. 29. Anno decimo feptimo Georgii II. A. D. 1744. tors of the Land Tax in each Ward, and to infpecft the Books of AfTefiment of the Land Tax within their refpective Wards in the faid City of London and the Liberties thereof, and to take Copies thereof, if they fhall think fit. Comt of Lord IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if the Alderman, Deputy, and Com - d'ermenTo^ 1 " mon Council Men of any Ward in the City of London, fhall at any Time or Times hereafter, in any tcrmine Com- *" uc ^ R ates or AflefTrnents fo as aforefaid to be made by them, neglect or omit to rate or aiiefs any Lands, plaints relating Tenements or Hereditaments, or the Inhabitants or Occupiers thereof, within their refpective Ward*, to Affcffments. in Proportion to the yearly Rent of any fuch Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, as the fame ( be afcertained and rated in the Land Tax Rate or AfTefTment, fo as the fame do not exceed the faid Sum of fix Pence in the Pound, and fo as by any fuch Rates or AflefTrnents no Perfon or Perfons be rated or aflefled in the whole, in any one Year, in refpect of the fame, above the faid Sum of fifty Shillings : that then and fo any fuch Cafe ihall happen, and Complaint fhall be made thereof by any Inha- bitant of the faid City of London, to the Court of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the faid City, who are hereby impowered and required to receive fuch Complaint, and from time to time to fummon before them and examine Witnefles thereon on Oath, and with all convenient Speed to hear and determine every fuch Complaint; and the Matter of any fuch Complaint {hall, on hearing thereof, be adjudged by the faid Court to be true, the faid Court fhall thereupon from time to time order the Deficiency which fhall be occafioned in every fuch Ward, by fuch Neglect or Omiffion as aforefaid, to be rated and affefTed in the next Year's Rate or AfTefTment, as fhall be made in every fuch Ward, over and befides the ordi- nary Rate or AfTefTment to be made for or in refpect of fuch Ward for fuch the faid next Year in purfu- ance of this Aft. ' V. And whereas many Houfes in feveral of the Wards of the faid City are, by the feveral Landlords.

  • or Owners thereof, let out in Lodgings or Tenements to divers Tenants, whereby it will be difficult to

c rate and affefs fuch Houfes, or to recover fuch Rates and AflefTrnents when made ;' For Remedy where - Houfes let into of, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June which Tenements (hall ma ]] be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, it fhall and may be lawful pay to the -to and for the Alderman of each refpective Ward, by and with the Confent of his Deputy and Common Council Men, or the major Part of them, from time to time and at all Times when they are directed to make a Rate in purfuance of this Act, to rate and aflefs the Owner or Owners of all fuch Houfes or Tenements as fhall be let to, or occupied by three or more Tenants ; which Rate and Afleflment fhall AiTefrments to be paid by one or more of the Occupiers of any Part or Parts of fuch Houfes : And in cafe any Occupier be levied by Di- or Occupiers of any Part of fuch Houfes or Tenements fhall refufe to pay the fame, then the faid Rate (trefe and Sale, an( j Afleflment {hall be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods of him, her or them fo refufing to pay ■ the fame ; which Diftrefs and Sale fhall be made in fuch Manner as other Diftrefles and Sales are in this A£t directed; and fuch Occupier or Occupiers of fuch Tenements are hereby required and authorized to pay fuch Sum and Sums of Money as fhall be fo rated or aflefled on the Owner or Owners thereof, in purfuance- of this Act, and to' deduct the fame out of the Rent thereof; and the Landlord or Owner or Owners thereof are hereby required to allow fuch Deductions and Payments upon the Receipt of the AfTefl'ment to be Refidue of their Rents ; and every Tenant, paying fuch ■AfTefiment or AfTefTrnents fhall be acquitted and allowed the Te- difcharged for fo much Money as the faid AfTefiment or AiTeiTments fhall amount unto, as if the fame B8nt sReilt 'had been actually paid to fuch Perfon or Perfons to whom his, her or their Rent fhould have been due' and payable. VI. And forafmuch as it is reafonable that all publick Buildings (Hofpitals excepted) fhould be rated ' and aflefled in a due Proportion, towards the better lighting the faid City and Liberties thereof;' Be it Publick Build- further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be la,vful to and for the Alderman of jngs to be af- the Ward of Cajlle Baynard, with the Advice and Confent of his Deputy and Common Council Men, or foled, the major Part of them, at his and their Difcretions, and they are hereby required, when and at fuch Time and Times as the Rates and AflefTrnents hereby directed to be made, fhall from time to time be made, to rate and aflefs the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul; and alfo for the Alderman of each refpec- tive Ward where fuch other publick Buildings refpectively do ftand and are fituate, by and with the Ad- vice and Confent of his Deputy and Common Council Men, or the major Part of them, at his and their Difcretions, and they are hereby required in like Manner to rate and aflefs all Parifh Churches, Church- yards, Chapels, Meeting-houfes, (fo as fuch Rate or AfTefiment on the faid Meeting-houfes do not ex- ceed the Sum of fix Pence in the Pound on the annual Value, or on the Rack-rent thereof, where the fame are held at fuch Rent) Schools, Inns of Court, Halls, Societies, Markets, Warehoufes, Vaults and Cellars, and all other publick Buildings whatfoeyer, fituate, ftanding, lying and being within their refpective Wards, towards the erecting, lighting, maintaining and repairing the faid Lamps; Regard being by them always had to the Number of Lamps which fhall be found neceflary for the lighting the fame, Peso- of Saint VII. And it ' is hereby further enacted, That the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Sah:t Paul s, Sec. Paul for the Time being, and all and every the refpective Churchwardens and Chapelwardens of the fe- uT'AffdWs. veral Paii(h Churches and Chapels, and the refpective Head Officers, Mafter, Wardens, Prefident, 'Principal, Treafurer, and Governors of all Meeting-houfes, publick Halls, Inns of Court, Societies, Schools, and the Occupiers or Propiietors of all other publick Buildings and Places, and the Owners or Occupiers of Vaults and Cellars, within the faid City and Liberties thereof refpectively, fronting or ets, Lanes, publick Places and Paflages of the faid City and Liber-

upiers of all and every the Markets within the City and Liberties

or adjoining to any of the publick Street ties thereof; and the Farmers or Occi, _ thereof, fhall, and they refpectively are hereby charged with, and required to pay their refpective Rates 3 and