Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/619

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A. D. 1744; Anno dccimo feptimo Georgii II. C. 29. 553 and Aflsflments, which {hall from Time to Time be fo rated and afTefled upon them, or any of them, or any of the laid refpective Buildings and Places, purfuant to this Act; and in cafe of Non-payment there- of, every fuch Rates and Afleflments fhall and may be recovered from him and them, in the Manner and by the Means hereafter appointed for the Recovery of the Rates and AfieiTments hereby directed to be made. VIII. Provided always, and it is hereby declared. That if the faid Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul's, The Dean and ■ (hall at their own Cofts and Charges, caufe the Fence round the faid Cathedral Church, to be duly ch3 P'"J"-> lighted with Lamps of the fame Sort, and at and for the fame Time, in a proportionable Number, and LtehtttovT 1 ' from Time to Time keep the faid Fence fo lighted, in the fame Manner as by this Act ought to be done phced round the in the other Parts of Saint Paul's Church-yard (which the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen for the Fence of St. Time being are hereby impowered to determine) that then, and fo long as they continue to light the faid Paul's Cathedra), Fence, as is hereby dire&ed, no Rate or Afleflment fhall be laid on the faid Cathedral Church by virtue f^J 3 ^"^,.^ of the Powers hereby granted; any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wife notwith- ^°™ Handing. IX. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That in cafe any Perfon or Perfons fhall think him, Perfom a? grie»- her or themfelves aggrieved by any Rate and Afleflment to be made in purfuance of this Act, it fhall and ed may appeal, may be lawful for him, her and them reflectively, within the Space of twenty Days after fuch Rate and Afleflment fhall be demanded perfonally, or by Notice in Writing, left at the Premifles which the Party alfeiled lhall occupy, to appeal to the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, who are her&by impowered Appeal to be fi- to hear and determine the fame, within the Space of ten Days next after every fuch Appeal fhall be fo na Uy determined made to them ; and their Determination fhall be final and conclufive ; and no Fees {hall be paid on the in 10 Days, making of fuch Appeal, or on the fame being heard and determined. ' X. And whereas there are feveral Pieces of void Ground and fpacious Places belonging to the faid ' City, lying within the fame, or the Liberties thereof, where no Perfons are or can be properly charge- ' able as aforefaid, and which neverthelefs, ought to be well and fufficiently lighted ;' Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Chamberlain of the City of London for the Time being, fhall from Void Ground Time to Time, out of any Money in his Hands, belonging or as fhall belong to the faid City, pay fuch and Phceswhere Rates and Affeffments as fhall be rated and afl'effed for the due Lighting of fuch void Ground and Places no inhabitants where no Inhabitants are, or can be properly charged, according to the Difcretion of the Alderman, De- " n '"/'jf"^ puty and major Part of the Common Council Men of each Ward, wherein fuch void Grounds and Places 3/5-^ ' on the * are fituate as aforefaid ; Regard being by them always had to the Number of Lamps neceflary for the due chamberlain. Lighting of the fame : And in cafe the faid Chamberlain fhall think the faid City aggrieved by fuch Rate chamberlain and Afleflment, he fhall or may, in Behalf of the faid City within the Space of twenty Days after fuch may appeal if ha Rate and Afleilment fhall be demanded, appeal to the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen as aforefaid ; <"'"!« the City whole Judgment and Determination fhall be final. aggrieved. XL And to the End that the feveral Rates and Afleflments herein before mentioned may be fully and compleatly railed and paid for the Purpofes aforefaid, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it lhall and may be lawful to and for each Alderman, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Colleaors to be Deputy and Common Council Men, or the major Part of them, at each Wardmote to be held upon or chofen on St. near Saint Thomas' s Day, for the Choice of Ward Officers, to return the Names and Places of Abode f Thomas s Day. fix or more fubftantial Inhabitants of fuch Ward, out of which two or more, at the Difcretion of the Al- derman and his Deputy and Common Council Men, or the major Part of them, fhall be chofen and ap- pointed at the faid Wardmote, to be Collectors for one whole Year of the Rates and Afleflments which lhall be made in purfuance of this Acl, from the twenty-ninth Day of September then laft to the twenty- ninth Day of September then next following; but the Rates and Afleflments which {hall be firfl: made in purfuance of this A£t, fhall commence and be made from the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand {even hundred and forty-four; and the Collectors who fhall be chofen at the feveral Wardmotes within the faid City, the firft Time after the Commencement of this Act, fhall be Collectors of all Rates and Afleflments which fhall be made in purfuance of this Act:, from the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufahd feven hundred and forty-four, to the twenty-ninth Day of September, which fhall be in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, inclufive ; which Collectors for the Time being are hereby- authorized and required, in the refpective Wards for which they fhall be fo chofen Collectors ; to collect and receive from Time to Time fuch Rates, Afleflments and Sums of Money as fhall be due and payable by virtue of this Act, of and from all Perfons liable to pay the fame ; and all Perfons who by virtue of this AtSt fhall be charged therewith, or are liable thereunto, are hereby required to pay fuch Rates or Af- feflments unto fuch refpective Collectors for the Time being accordingly; fuch Collectors from Time to Time giving Receipts for the fame gratis, if thereunto required, and which they are hereby enjoined to do ; and that every fuch Collector who fhall be chofen by virtue of this Act, fhall at the Wardmote at which he fhall be fo chofen as aforefaid, or within the Space of twenty Days then next enfuing, before Collector withia the Alderman of the Ward, for which he fhall be fo chofen Collector or his Deputy, at fuch Time and zo Oavs to take Place as fuch Alderman or his Deputy fhall appoint, take and ftibfcribe the following Oath, or fo- an Oath, &c. lemn Affirmation, being one of the People called Quakers, for the true and faithful Execution of the faid Office: A. B. do fwear, That I will, according to the belt of my Skill and Knowledge, well and truly per- Colle£WsOath, form and execute the Office of a Lamp Collector within this Ward', So help n:e Gcd. Vol. VI. 4B Which