Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/633

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A. D. 1744. Anno decimo feptimo Georgii IT. ^,31. 567 Service of the War, for any Time before and until the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven. hundred and forty-four. XXII. And be it enacted, That the faid Aids or Supplies provided as aforcfaid fhall not be ifTued or Th< foreg applied to any Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfocver, other than the Ufes and Purpofes before mentioned, AiJi n01 ,c <>«  or for the feveral Deficiencies or other Payments directed to be fatisfied thereout by any Aft or Acts, or a PP |lc<l '[• la V any particular Claufe or Claufes for that Purpofe contained in any other Act or Aiits of this prefent Sef- ot ' '"" fion of Parliament. XXIII. And as to the faid Sum of thirty-one thoufand fix hundred ninety-five Pounds and twelve Shil- R,,; " for the lings, by this A<ft appropriated on Account of Half-pay as aforcfaid ; It is hereby enacted and declared Application of by the Authority aforefaid, That the Rules herein after prescribed fhall be duly obferved in the Applica- s * Xg». z, tion thereof; that is to fay, That no Perfon fhall have or receive any Part of the fame who was a Mi- c . a*. nor, and under the Age of fixteen Years, at the Time when the Regiment, Troop or Company in which he ferved, was reduced ; that no Perfon fhall have or receive any Part of the fame, except fuch Perfons who did actual Service in fome Regiment, Troop or Company ; that no Perfon having any other Place or Employment of Profit, Civil or Military under his Majefty, fhall have or receive any Part of the faid Half-pay ; that no Chaplain of any Garrifon or Regiment, who has any Ecclefiaftical Benefice in Great Britain or Ireland, fhall have or receive any Part of the faid Half-pay ; that no Perfon fhall have or re- ceive any Part of the fame, who has refigned his Commiffion, and has had no Commiffion fince ; that no Part of the fame fhall be allowed to any Perfon by virtue of any Warrant or Appointment, except to fuch Perfons who would have been otherwife intitled to the fame as reduced Officers ; and that no Part of the fame fhall be allowed to any of the Officers of the five Regiments of Dragoons, and eight Regi- ments of Foot, lately difbanded in Ireland, except to fuch as were lately taken off the Eftablifhment of Half-pay in Great Britain. I XXIV. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the fixteenth Year of his Majefly's Reign, i6Gco,z. e.zg, ' intituled, An Ait for granting to his Majcjly the Sum of one million out of the Sinking Fund; and for ap- f plying a further Sum therein mentioned for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-three ; ' and for the further appropriating the Supplies granted in this SeJJion of Parliament ; feveral Supplies which ' had been granted to his Majefty, as is therein mentioned, were appropriated to feveral Ufes and ' Purpofes therein expreffed, amongft which, any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding twenty-fix ' thoufand one hundred thirty-feven Pounds and ten Pence, was appropriated to be paid to the reduced 1 Officers of his Majefty's Land Forces and Marines, fubject nevertheless to fuch Rules to be obferved ' in the Application of the faid Half-pay, as in and by the aforefaid Act were prefcribed in that Behalf;' Now it is hereby provided, enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That fo much of the faid 7^ e S n ^^ °/ Sum of twenty-fix thoufand one hundred thirty-feven Pounds and ten Pence, as is or fhall be more than a t( ^" e s a ^j [ufficient to fatisfy the faid reduced Officers according to the Rules by the faid Act prefcribed to be ob- to the°Comp»i"- ferved in the Application thereof, or any Part of fuch Overplus, (hall or may be difpofed of to fuch fionate Lift. Officers who are maimed or loft their Limbs in the late Wars, or fuch others as by reafon of their long Service, or otherwife, his Majefty fhall judge to be proper Objects of Charity ; or to the Widows or Children of fuch Officers, according to fuch Warrant or Warrants, under his Majefty's Royal Sign Ma- nual, as fhall be figned in that Behalf; any Thing in this Act or the faid former Act to the contrary not- withftanding. p' Provifion for Exchequer Bills and Lottery Tickets loft, burnt, tsfc. Time given to Clerks and Ap-

< prentices, isfc. to pay the Duties." EXP.

' XXVII. And whereas divers Perfons did (in purfuance and upon the Credit of an Aft of Parlia- ' ment made and pafi'ed in the fecond Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An z Ann, c. j,

AH for granting an Aid to her Majefy for carrying on the War, and other her Majefty s Occafions, by felling 

Annuities at feveral Rates, and for fuch refpeclive Terms or Eftates as are therein mentioned) purchalc feveral ' Annuities payable at the Receipt of the Exchequer for the Life and Lives of one, two, and three Per- ' fon or Perfons refpeftively : And whereas divers Perfons did (in purfuance and upon the Credit of an- other Act of Parliament made in the third Year of the Reign of her faid late Majefty Queen Anne, in- 3 Ann. e. »; tituled, An Ail for raifing Monies by Sale of feveral Annuities for carrying on the prefent War) purchafe a ' reverfionary or future Eftate or Intereft in feveral of the faid Annuities payable by virtue of the faid ' former Act, to take Effect from and after the Determination of fuch refpeclive Ertates for one,^ two, ' or three Life or Lives in being, and to continue for and during the Refidue and Remainder of a Term ' of ninety-nine Years therein mentioned, to commence and be computed from the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and four, and then to come and unexpired : And whereas fome of ' the faid Nominees for whofe Lives fome of the faid Annuities are or have been held, cannot he found or ' heard of, and the Parties that are or were intitled to fuch Annuities, do net come or fend to demand the faid Annuities, fo that it is become uncertain whether fuch Nominees be living or dead, whereby the Titles of the Purchafers of fuch Reverfions are become and will become difputabie;' For Remedy thereof, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That' in cafe any of the faid Annuities (whereupon Tfae Tjn ._ ivv he Reverfion or Reverfions were fo purchafed as aforefaid) are or fhall not be demanded at the Exche- f or Ar.nuitaiiss juer for the Space of two Years next after the fame fhall become payable ; and in cafe Certificates of the phiming. luife and Lives of any Nominee or Nominees, upon whofe Life or Lives any Annuities do depend, fhall lot be produced to the Officers of his Majefty's Exchequer, or fufficient Proof made thereof according the Rules prefcribed by the former A<ts, within two Years next after the faid Annuities fhall from ime to time become payable, then and from thenceforth, from and after the Expiration of the faid two Years,