Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/65

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A. D. 1730. Anno tertio Georgii II. C. 7. 3 XV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth On Certificate Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, if any Perfon or Perfons who (hall export any Malt °^;'|' d bei "f>, into foreign Parts, fhall produce a Certificate or Certificates from the Officer or Officers vvitli whom the 1 Security.All Entry of the Corn or Grain intended to be made into Malt (hail have been made, of the particular Sum ar.ctuo. b-. | or Sums of Money that fuch Perfon or Perfons is intitled to receive, according to the aforcfaid Allowance of thirty Quarters of Malt for every twenty Quarters of Corn or Grain, and fo in Proportion for a greater or leiTer Quantity that (hall have been entred to be made into Malt for Exportation, which Cer- tificates the faid Officers are hereby -upon Demand required to give gratis-, and upon fuch Perfon or Per- fons giving fufficient Security before the (hipping thereof for Exportation, that the particular Quantity of Malt which (hall be intended to be exported as aforefaid, or any Part thereof, fhall not be relanded or brought again into any Part or Parts of Great. Britain, which Security the Cuftomer or Collector of the Port, where the fame is intended to be exported, is hereby directed and authorized to take in his Ma- jefty's Name, and to his Majefty's Ufe ; then the Collector or Chief Officer of the Port where fu:h Malt (hall be exported, (hall give to the Exporter thereof a Certificate or Debenture directed to the proper Per- fon or Perfons, by whom the faid Allowance by the aforefaid Act of Parliament is directed to be paid ; which Certificate or Debenture being produced to fuch Perfon or Perfons, he is hereby required to pay fuch Allowance to the Perfons or their Agents fo exporting the fame. Provided always, That if after the (hipping of any fuch Malt to be exported, and the giving fuch Security as aforefaid, in order to obtain the aforefaid Allowance, die Malt fo (hipped to be exported or any Part thereof, Ihall be relanded in any p en aityon Part of Great Britain, that then, and in every fuch Cafe, over and above the Penalty of the Bond, which relandmg. Ihall be levied and recovered to his Majefty's Ufe, all the Malt which (hall be relanded, and treble the Value thereof (hall be forfeited ; that is to fay, one Moiety thereof to the King, and the other Mciety thereof to the Perfon or Perfons that (hall feize, inform or (be for the fame. • XVI. And whereas Malftersand Makers of Malt for Exportation, do frequendy mix the Produce of

  • two or more Steepings of Corn or Grain that have been entred to be made into Malt for Exportation,

•* on or as foon as it comes off from the Kiln, by Reafon whereof the Officers for the Duties upon Malt ' cannot afcertain the real Produce thereof, by which Means great Quantities of each Steeping of fuch

  • Malt are or may be privately conveyed away, and made ufe of for home Confumption, though the fame

c has not been charged with the Duty as all Malt made for home Confumption ought to be :' Be it Male rteepins enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth-Day of June one thoufand for Exportation feven hundred and thirty, all and every Malfter or Malfters, Maker or Makers or Malt for Exportation, ° a^ e e ?fn (hall keep the whole and entire Quantity of his, her or their Corn or Grain making into Malt for Ex- rneafuied.' portation, of one Steeping or Wetting, when the fame fhall be on the Kiln, or after the fame (hall be taken off the Kiln, feparate and apart from all and every Part of any other former Steeping or Wetting of Corn or Grain, until the fame ihall have been meafured by fuch Malfters or Makers of Malt, in the Prefence of fome Officer or Officers for the Duty upon Malt, on Pain of forfeiting and lofing the Sum of fifty Pounds. XVII And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth Malfters to give Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, all fuch Malfters or Makers of Malt for -Exportation, Notice to Offi- (hall give Notice in Writing to fome Officer or Officers of the Duties upon Malt, or (hall leave Notice in cers > &c> Writing at the next Office of Excife where the Journal is kept, of the Hour when he, (he or they fhall intend to take any Malt off the Kiln or Kilns, that fuch Officer or Officers may attend the meafuring of fuch Malt ; and after fuch Malt has been meafured, the fame (hall be immediately carried on Shipboard, if Malt to be ex- intended to be then exported, or elfe (hall immediately be locked up and fecured in fome Storehoufe, or ported, or other Place belonging to fuch Malfters or Makers of Malt, in the Prefence of the faid Officer or Officers, ' ocked u p- on Pain of forfeiting the Sum of fifty Pounds. : XVIII. And be it further enacted : by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth p ena lty on Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, if any fuch Malfter or Malfters, or Maker or Makers opening the of Malt, or any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, by his Order, Privity or Directions, after anyjfteep- Locks, &c. ing or making of Malt (hall have been locked up and fecured in any Storehoufe, or other Place or Places in Manner as aforefaid, ihall open any of the Locks or Doors, or (hall make any Way or Kind of En- trance into fuch Storehoufe, or other Place or Places, or (hall remove any Part whatever of the Partition between any fuch Storehoufe or Place, or any other Place or Places whatever next thereunto adjoining, or (hall remove out of the faid Storehoufe or other Place, any Quantity whatever of the faid Malt that has been fo locked up and fecured, without the Knowledge or Content of, or without having firft given No- tice to fome Officer or Officers for the faid Duties, he, (lie or they ihall reflectively foifeit and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds. ' XIX. And the better to enable the Officers for the Duties upon Malt to difcover whether all fuch ' Malt made for Exportation, and that has been locked up and fecured in any Storehoufe, or other Place ' or Places, to be exported, has been really exported :' Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That Malfters on all and every fuch Malfter or Malfters, or Maker or Makers of Malt, that on the faid twenty-fourth Day 24 June 1730. of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, Ihall have any Quantity of Malt locked up and fecured to P 1 "^ outof in any Storehoufe, or in any other Place or Places, as is^ before directed, to be exported, fhall .within nine hoaies a^HMalt Months next after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty remove and within nine clear out of his Storehoufe, or other Place or Places, all and every Part and Parcel thereof, that at any Mon * s - Time after die faid twenty-fourth Day of Jswone thoufand feven hundred and thirty (hall be locked Up and fecured in fuch Storehoufe or other Place, in order to be exported, and ihall always from Time. to Time, in every nine Months, remove and clear out of fuch Storehoufe, or other Place or Places, in order to beexported, all and every Part and Parcel of Malt, that at any Time, within every nine Months after B 2 • the