Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/66

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4 C. 8--10. Anno tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1730. the Iaft clearing, fhall be locked up and fecured in any Storehoufe, or in any other Place or Places that ihall be made ufe of by him, her or them, for the keeping of Malt for Exportation, on Pain of forfeiting and lofing the Sum of fifty Pounds. A " d M h' fu " ^^" Anc * ^ e ' l ^ urt ^ er enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth ture a crs. j^) a y f J une one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, all and every Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, that lhall become Malfters or Makers of Malt for Exportation, and (hall make ufe of any Storehoufe or Store- houfes, Place or Places, for the keeping of Malt for Exportation, lhall within nine Months after the be- ginning to make ufe of any fuch Storehoufe or Storehoufes, or fuch other Place or Places, remove and clear out of fuch Places, to be exported, all and every Part and Parcel of fuch Malt, that at any Time or Times fhall have been put into fuch Place or Places, within nine Months after he, ihe or they fhall' have begun to make ufe of fuch Place or Places, and lhall always from Time to Time remove and clear out of fuch Storehoufe or other Place, to be exported, all and every Quantity of Malt whatever, that within every nine Months after the laft clearing (nail at any Time be locked up and fecured in fuch Store- houfe or Storehoufes, or in any other Place or Places that fhall be made ufe of by him, her or them, for the keeping of Malt made for Exportation, on Pain of forfeiting and lofing the Sum of fifty Pounds, renaiues and XXI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures to fec 1 jCTfcd h0W ^ or an y Offence againft this Act, lhall be fued for, levied and recovered or mitigated, by the fame Ways, Means and Methods, as any Penalty or Forfeiture given by any of the Laws of Excife upon Beer, Ale, or other Liquors, can or may be fued for, levied, recovered or mitigated, or by any Law or Laws of Excife, or by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejimin- ffk'r; and that one Moiety of fuch Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures lhall be to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to him or them that fhall difcover, inform or fue for the fame, " Claufe of Loan at 3 /. per Cent. Money lent may be transferred. Exchequer may iflue out new Exche- " quer Bills, to bear Intereft at zd. per Cent, per Diem, and to be placed as Cafh in the Exchequer. Mo- " nies arifing by this Act applied to pay off the Loans and Exchequer Bills, i$c . Claufe for Relief of " Clerks, isc. whofe Mafters have omitted to pay the Duties,, and to have their Indentures ftamped.. EXP. CAP. VIIL An A£k for the better regulating Elections in the City of Norwich? and for preferving the Peace, good Order and Government of the faid City. P R. WHEREAS many unhappy Controverfies and Diffenfions have of late Years arifen in the City of Norwich, at the Elections of Citizens to ferve in Parliament, and alfo of Mayors, Sheriffs, Al- dermen and Common Councilmen of and for the faid City, touching the Legality and Validity of the Votes of many Perfons, who in fuch Elections have offered to vote : And whereas the Time appointed by the Charters of the faid City is not fufficient to elect fo great a Number of Common Councilmen for each great Ward, as are thereby yearly directed to be chofen, when, fuch Elections happen to be controverted : And whereas great Differences and Diffenfions have arifen between the Mayor, Sheriffs and Aldermen, and the Commons of the Common Council of the faid City, in or concerning the making or palling of A#s, Orders or Ordinances in Common Council, or Aflembly of the Reprefen- tative Body of the faid City, which have often obftructed the Publick Bufinefs and Concerns thereof:' Now to the Intent that a Stop may be put to all fuch Controverfies and Diffenfions as aforefaid, touch- ing the Legality of Voters, that the Number of Common Councilmen may be yearly elected, and that the publick Bufinefs of the faid City may not be obftructed : Be it enacted, tsV. Concerning Par- " Oaths to be tendered at Elections in Norwich. Refufing to fwear, the Vote or Poll difallowed. One of liament,%far- " the Checks, &c. may go into the Prifons to take the Votes there. The Oaths 1 Geo. 1. Stat. 2. c. 13.. tier, 6 Geo. 2. « t0 b e tz ^ en by Electors, if required. Three Common Councilmen for each great Ward, to elect the re- s' Cm. 2. c.30. " maining Number of Common Councilmen. Vacancies to be filled up in 48 Hours after Notice. None- 11 go.'%. If. 24. " but Inhabitants to be chofen Sheriffs. No Act valid without Affent of the major Part, &c. Mayors to gZ' l' 'c 11' " nominate Officers as cuftomary. Penalty on Abfence from the quarterly Affemblies.. jS Geo. 2. t. 18, 19 Geo, 2. c. 2$. 3.1 Geo. 2. (. 14. 33 Geo. 2. c. 20. C A P. IX. An Act for repairing the Road leading from a Gate called Shipjlon Toll Gate, at Bridge-Town in the ParifrY of Old Stratford in the County of Warwick, through Alderminjier and Shipjlon upon Stowcr to the top of Long Compton Hill in the faid County. P R. The Tolls are to continue from the 24th Day of July 1730, for 21 Years.. Continued by 17 Geo, z. c. 12. CAP. X. An Act for repairing the Road leading from Galley Corner adjoining to Enfield Chafe in the Parifh of South Mims in the County of Middlefex, to Lennford Mill in the County of Hertford. P R. The Tolls commenced from the firft of June 1730, and are to continue for 21 Years. Continued by 17 Geo. 2. c. 14, CAP. iffif.SfM, e. 14. 9 Geo. 1. e.g.